Take good photos? Stay away from Wal-Mart
Lance made the mistake of bringing Christmas photos of his son to Wal-Mart for printing:
... When I get to the photo counter Sunday evening, I give the kid with the floppy blond hair and the conspicuous tongue piercing my name, he searches for my photos, then he tells me that the manager has instructed that they not fulfill my order because the photos look too professional.
I told Slacker McSkaterdude that I was flattered that he thought my pictures looked that good, but the I'd just taken them in my living room the day before. The young man, who despite his appearance took his job very seriously, told me that if I could prove that I took the pictures, he'd let me have them. ...
It gets even better (and yes, the kid makes one cute photo).
Sorry, but...
When you shop at Wal-Mart, you get what you deserve! ;D