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By adamg - 7/14/13 - 5:21 pm

Rob Consalvo says he just wants to "prevent shadowy groups funded by anonymous donors from dominating and meddling in the race" for mayor and today called on his opponents to either reject money from these wraith-like groups or donate half the amount to the One Fund.

"In principle, sounds like a good idea," the Conley campaign tweeted in reply.

Meanwhile, WBUR reports a group called Democrats for Education Reform (also see) is backing John Connolly, who, like them, wants more charter schools (Consalvo is against lifting the ban on charter schools). It's hired several field coordinators and round up 150 volunteers to promote Connolly.

At-large Councilor Ayanna Pressley went on Greater Boston recently to discuss her push for more liquor licenses for Boston:

By adamg - 9/1/11 - 9:06 am

Wal-Mart hasn't even said yet it's moving to Dudley Square, but the fight has already started, Chris Faraone reports:

On one side of the battle are residents who are anxious for both work and bargains. In the opposition, there's Mayor Tom Menino, along with a number of lawmakers and a small army of activists. They claim that Dudley is already en route to recovery, and that the area's fragile economic ecosystem would crumble in the shadow of the world's biggest retailer.

By adamg - 7/22/11 - 9:17 am

In what used to be the Circuit City on Mystic Avenue, the Globe reports.

By adamg - 7/11/11 - 8:52 am

The ginormous chain is eying Roxbury for its first Boston store. The mayor is against; some residents are for.

Ed. question: Does a Wal-Mart in Roxbury cancel out a Whole Foods in JP? Also, why is the Target at South Bay so much cooler than Wal-Mart in, say, Crosstown?

By adamg - 2/9/11 - 6:34 am

The Herald reports on Menino's opening public salvo in negotiations with Wal-Mart over opening stores within city limits.

Compare to New York, where the megachain has launched a marketing campaign against the city council, which opposes it.

By adamg - 2/23/08 - 9:49 pm

John escapes from the Rte. 1 Wal-Mart in one piece:

... It is literally the place where humanity goes. TO DIE.

Never in my life have I seen such a motley collection of trash-a-licious people in one place.

The woman in the checkout line in front of us was in her late 50s. But was still rocking bleached blond hair, giant "gold" and "diamond" rings on every single finger. And 3-inch fake nails done up in multi-colors with little rhinestones on each nail.

She was buying 4 large bags of beef jerky. Seriously. ...

By adamg - 12/5/06 - 10:35 am

Lance made the mistake of bringing Christmas photos of his son to Wal-Mart for printing:

... When I get to the photo counter Sunday evening, I give the kid with the floppy blond hair and the conspicuous tongue piercing my name, he searches for my photos, then he tells me that the manager has instructed that they not fulfill my order because the photos look too professional.

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