By adamg on Mon., 11/15/2021 - 7:51 pm

City Hall is lit up in purple tonight in honor of Michelle Wu's swearing in as mayor at noon tomorrow. Matt Conti captured the bird's eye view.
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By Wiffleball
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 7:55pm
it doesn't look hideous!
Looks darn good!
By Don't Panic
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 11:24pm
I've got to agree.
New day.
By Thomas Sullivan
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 8:31pm
A much needed breath of fresh air for Boston & it’s people. Amen!
Swearing in
By markk
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 8:57pm
Livestream tomorrow at noon.
From above, at night , draped
By Matt Frank
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 9:29pm
From above, at night , draped in purple Boston City Hall actually looks quite nice.
Congrats to the incoming Mayor !
What does purple symbolize?
By Notfromboston
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 10:15pm
What does purple symbolize?
It's one of the main colors
By anon
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 10:22pm
It's one of the main colors in Michelle Wu campaign paraphernalia
I see, so a bit of
By Notfromboston
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 7:09am
I see, so a bit of personality cult here.
You see what you want.
By J.R. Dobbs
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:19am
I just see a building with some purple lights.
And imo it's a nice change from the usual played out colors like green or red white and blue or rainbows.
Who hurt you?
By lbb
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:35am
Leave yourself alone for once. Having a favorite or signature color is hardly a sign of a "personality cult".
In this case
By Will LaTulippe
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 10:43pm
Four more years of obnoxious centrist dominion, and the picking of those who are already winners as bigger winners, which is precisely the result one should expect from two elections which both drew less than half of the electorate.
I hope she uses her powers to end zoning laws, end the Boston Licensing Board, take a hatchet to our police spending and staffing, and put Boston Latin on Zoom.
Then again, I'm sure none of that even crossed the minds of her or her supporters, which is why I voted for myself.
Since when is Michelle Wu a
By anon
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 10:40pm
Since when is Michelle Wu a centrist?
Also, if you have some great idea to increase voter turnout, share it!
In fact, I do
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:42am
1) Lift left foot
2) Place on ground in front of you
3) Lift right foot
4) Place on ground in front of left foot
By lbb
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:35am admit to not voting?
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:41am
I never miss an election.
uhub is not
By emac
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 11:14pm
your therapist’s office
At least it keeps him off the street and out of traffic.
By J.R. Dobbs
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:21am
He'd have to yell all this stuff in public and/or at inanimate objects if not for this website.
I liked that better
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:41am
When it was "Sir, this is a Wendy's."
And as always
By fungwah
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 7:57am
I'll point out that you had several years to identify a candidate who's politics you agreed with and then work to support that candidate. But as always, that's a lot more work and less fun than just spending your time complaining about the people who actually bothered to put in any effort.
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:45am
I work for a living and I don't have the same plurality of time for elbow-rubbing grabass with people who already have the free time, and then use it to get abusive dominionist politicians elected to advance their interests.
I'm sure you've heard the expression "The rich get richer." There's a reason why.
that’s fine
By berkleealum
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:22am
setting aside your characterization of Wu as a centrist – you consistently chastise establishment voters for not sharing your enlightened point of view, presumably because they have the time to engage in grassroots politics that you do not?
That's precisely it
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:31am
Newton has two rail lines and no 20-story towers near them, because Newtonians use their free time to go to meetings to stop you and me from having nice things for the sake of enriching themselves.
To be fair to Wu, she's as hamstrung as anyone else in her position. But it's on her to consider what the opposite of anything is, and maybe advocate for giving that a try, because what we've been doing is leading us increasingly in the wrong direction.
Then you're lazy
By lbb
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 9:39am
"already have the free time" lol. If you knew anything about campaigns, as in been within a mile of a campaign organization, you'd know that those people knocking doors and making phonecalls are overwhelmingly ordinary working people who are giving some of their "free time" to work to elect the candidate of their choice, while you use your "free time" to whine about it on UHub.
Oh -- and you don't have the first clue what the word "dominionist" means. I suggest you stop using it; you're just embarrassing yourself.
No one's asking you to run and organize a campaign yourself
By fungwah
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 10:34am
But sitting back and doing nothing, and then complaining that nothing is going the way you want, isn't going to get you anywhere. At the least, finding the candidate who represents your views as closely as possible, even if they're not perfect, and then helping to get them elected would do more to push the city in the direction you'd like it to go.
(also: it's pretty hilarious that a self-professed libertarian is complaining about the "rich getting richer". Shouldn't you respect the great job these people are doing of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps to succeed despite the horrible governmental interference they have to overcome?)
Point of order
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 11:07am
I vote Libertarian when I can. My affiliation is, and always has been, unenrolled.
As for horrible government interference, it's government handing them the money through tax codes and corporate welfare. The winners like government, because they bend it to their will.
That's not a point of order, Robert.
By brianjdamico
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 12:13pm
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 1:13pm
I'm only saying that because I saw a member of the Stringer Bell gang holding a copy in an episode of The Wire.
Prince has risen from the
By Don't Panic
Mon, 11/15/2021 - 11:25pm
Prince has risen from the grave.
Microsoft Teams.
By Refugee
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 12:24am
Microsoft Teams.
Which is ironic because the
By anon
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 7:35am
Which is ironic because the city runs everything on G-Suite.
G-Suite Now G-Workspace
By TheSuiteIsNeat
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 8:31am
Yes, they do use Google's Workspace extensively now. is Gmail with a fancy private label. Unfortunately, not all city staff are well-versed in it, and it seems that it is not a part of their job description to learn how to use it effectively.
That said their web offerings across various departments is not all the same contracted software vendor and there remain some inter-operability issues. Some data that you could find on the "old" city web site of a few years ago, has yet to be transferred over, and there is still stuff operating on the old platform.
Funny you mention it
By eeka
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 3:33pm
I'm currently dealing with a city employee who doesn't realize which order the G suite messaging goes, despite each reply being timestamped. The person sent me a screenshot and is claiming the first message from a colleague (an initial misunderstanding) is "the most recent reply" and "the final answer."
This person is the supervisor of a city employee who didn't know how to open a .pdf and said I would need to print and drop off hundreds of pages of documentation.
You know how I said above that government picks winners?
By Will LaTulippe
Tue, 11/16/2021 - 4:43pm
It's the opposite of that in their hiring.
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