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Man who picked up and helped kill a Combat Zone prostitute in the 1990s is still picking up prostitutes, allegedly

Live Boston 617 surveys the life of Shawn Kane, arrested recently for soliciting a woman for sex along Methadone Mile.

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I won’t forget it.

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Let's get all the details before you find him guilty he was accused of rape a year ago and charges were dropped

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People like this add an air of legitimacy to the actions of Kyle Rittenhouses.

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Just say no to extra-judicial killings. (In related news, this is why boondock saints is such a piece of shit movie.)

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Kyle should have made it a Blockbuster night.

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So...people protesting police brutality and unnecessary police shootings are on par with sex offenders?

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Rittenhouse killed one.

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Or do we just hope white supremacist vigilantes get "lucky" in who they assassinate?

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That’s just sick.

We still hand out capital punishment for murderers. Some wrongly convicted.

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We can appreciate the result, but like I've said for the last day and a half, Rittenhouse is a lottery winner, not a hero.

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Fuck everything about Kyle Rittenhouse.

And anyone that appreciates him.

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Anyone who*

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But the Monopoly money bit from the Cosby Show pilot was genius.

R. Kelly is a scumbag, but he's the best R&B singer who had hits in my lifetime.

Kyle Rittenhouse (and the Wisconsonian who helped a minor to shop state gun laws and to acquire a rifle) are scumbags, and I don't like that society has devolved to a place where a teenager is the one meting out justice (intentional or not), but I'm not upset with the outcome of a violent convicted pedo being dead.

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Rottenhouse did not create art.

Get it?

You don’t have to be upset. That’s not the point.

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I appreciate Kyle Rittenhouse. He created an incident and news story that is hard-to-morally-parse and raises a lot of questions that make you think.

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unlike the two dead people.

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But that's Monday morning quarterbacking.

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Deep thoughts from the alleged “sanctity of human life” crowd.

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I'd say that neither side was concerned with protecting any lives other than themselves and those with them. Again, perhaps attacking a guy with a rifle is not the best of choices to be made. You are supportive of people making good choices, and I'm supportive of people preserving lives. At the end of the day, it would appear a jury was convinced that an action was taken by someone to preserve their own life. You should be supportive of that, no?

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Deadly force was not required for Rittenhouse to preserve his own life. The only people that died that night were at the hands of Rittenhouse. And after he murdered the first person, he was an active shooter and everyone in the crowd had their own justification for self-defense. Rittenhouse provoked it all and will face 0 accountability.

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Perhaps we could even gather a dozen or so citizens together, let them hear the evidence given by the state, which charged Rittenhouse with the crimes, along with Rittenhouse being offered the chance to challenge the evidence and present a defense against the charges.

If only such a system existed.

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But it gets ruined by stupid-ass jurors and judges.

Watch Just Mercy. I've never seen the fundamental fallibility of the justice system illustrated so clearly. The movie literally comes down to one judge saying no, and another one with greater hierarchy saying yes.

The evidence was the same, the facts were the same, the courtrooms even looked almost exactly alike, in a brilliant bit of set design. The variable was the judge.

Now, what do we have to do to get bad judges disbarred?

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Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam, anyone?

Ah yes, the infallible court system. Yep, every single verdict is 100% accurate and is the final truth.

Also, even if something is found not to be illegal by a court doesn’t change the fact that it is morally repugnant and just because Rittenhouse isn’t a convicted criminal doesn’t absolve him, his mom, and his fascist cheerleading section from being a pieces of shit.

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Ghouls who sneer about how “stupid” he was, or who snark about Darwin awards / etc, are just plain terrible people.

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Anyone who "appreciates Kyle Rittenhouse" is not thinking very well. People who think do not appreciate murderous thugs.

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The only actual "murderous thug" involved in the incident was the man who set a dumpster on fire and pushed it towards the pumps at a gas station. Besides that fellow, the incident was mostly vigilantes who thought they were defending against vigilantes, but even that oversimplifies things by a lot.

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Good thing that state-sanctioned cops took care of that.

Oh, wait. Anyone who isn't on the defund train at this point is an irrationally fearful schmuck.

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The dumpster guy murdered no one. Only Rittenhouse did that. Your hero, a murderous thug.

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I am very tired of coming here and seeing our host treat yet another "criminals have too many rights" blog post from blatant fascists as a straight news article. Usually when a topic is politically volatile - Nazi marches, anti-vaccine protests - Adam doesn't mind telling us how he feels. Yet when it comes to Live 617 writing that the MA government doesn't care about public safety because they're pro-criminal radicals, he is totally silent.

I mean look at this:

This is just another story in the long line of failures by our justice system. Who knows what Shawn Kane had been doing between his last contact with Police in 2018 and his arrest earlier this month. How many young sex workers have gone missing in our city? Does Shawn Kane know the location of their bodies? The fact that after spending nearly two decades behind bars this monster is not only allowed to roam the streets, but that the court system is less than concerned that he is revisiting his old patterns is terrifying.

Predators, such as Kane, do not stop. We believe it is just a matter of time before this man kills again, if he has not already. Due to the State’s lack of concern for public safety, a violent rapist and murderer walks among us.

This "argument" was racist and authoritarian in 1988 when George H.W. Bush used Willie Horton to attack Dukakis. It's no better in 2021 - and at least Willie Horton actually committed the crimes! The insinuation that Kane murdered multiple sex workers isn't even a stretch - it's completely fictional. But when UHub repeatedly links to blog posts like this, without a shred of criticism or commentary, it really seems it's Adam's own position.

And along with the "Westie Whites" coverage, I am suspecting that Adam has become increasingly right-wing over the last four years (criticism of Nazis and anti-vaxxers notwithstanding). How disappointing.

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You lost me with your last paragraph, but I agree that LB617 leans hard into bootlicker territory. I wish Violence in Boston had more reach or just more people like them.

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This guy has all of the hallmarks of a serial killer and the judicial system needs to consider that in how they handle his case.

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… but contrary to popular belief, most murderers, rapists, etc do not go on to commit the same violent act again.

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There are many darkly serious criminal profilers with troubled pasts who would disagree with you!

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… troubled paths and screenwriters of the same ilk are definitely on the rise!!! Especially in Scandinavia!!!! And in IKEA!!
We can’t be too careful.

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Big Dig officials rejected the pleas of Karen Hammond's father to go back and check to see if that was his daughter after the first marker has been placed.

They were too busy to get dirt away from Boston to care about her.

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The linked article insists on referring to the victims as prostitutes - it dehumanizes them.

I don't care what they were doing when they got victimized/murdered - they were someone's sister, daughter or friend.

To this day, many reporters and police can't resist shaming victims... We live in a society that will still refer to a teen girl trafficked for sex as an underage prostitute... not ok.

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