One guess who's announced he's running for governor now that there aren't any Senate races to lose for the next few years?
Yes, it's conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer Shiva Ayyadurai, who has pivoted away from the far-right white-supremacist beliefs he's championed over the past few years to pick up the cause of working people.
Working people, he says, are the victims of a global conspiracy of elites on both the right and left to squeeze and destroy them.
Don't worry, Ayyardurai fans, in his announcement video, he still hits some of his past causes: The 2020 elections were stolen, vaccine and mask mandates are evil and the global infrastructure to keep people like him from winning was perfected right here in Massachusetts.
But this time he's added a new cause: Fighting off the British empire, which he said fomented the American Civil War, started World War I and, well, let's not forget World War II, although he didn't get into that, saying he'd save that for a later date. The British, he charges, now effectively rule Massachusetts, via Harvard.
"Massachusetts is a sewer that feeds the global swamp," and the center of that sewer is Harvard, he says.
He alleges that "when the British lost in 1776, they didn't simply leave," (it was 1783, but whatever), but instead moved over to Harvard, which has been colluding with its sister college in the UK, Oxford, to keep working people down ever since (note: Harvard is in Cambridge, which was named for the English city that is home to another famous British university, one that is not Oxford).
That ties back to the global elite war on working people, he says. During the Revolution, the elites leading the war realized they could only win with the support of the working class, and so declared the First and Second Amendments to get workers on their side (he did not discuss how that would even be possible, given that the two amendments to the US Constitution were not enacted until 1791, years after the Revolution had ended and after the failure of the Articles of Confederation, which were the new nation's first attempt at self rule).
There's more, so much more, in his announcement video. If you do watch, save yourself some time and skip the first minute: It's just a 60-second count-down clock with jaunty trade-show pre-keynote music playing as you stare at a photo of the serial candidate.
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I get heavy Lyndon LaRouche
By ZachAndTired
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:01am
I get heavy Lyndon LaRouche vibes from this guy.
to be honest ...
By Somebody Else.
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:21am
... it seems like there's been some mainstreaming of LL's messaging (I'm thinking of the insistent but baseless claims that were coming from his quarters back in the Kosovo days, well before he went entirely off the rails upon facing the arrival of Obama's administration).
I mean, he had his followers
By ZachAndTired
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:37am
I mean, he had his followers try to murder members of a different political group that he broke off from back in the early 70s. LaRouche was off the rails way before the Obama admin.
I can vouch for that
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:52am
I sort of owe my journalism career to him - back in, oh, 1979 or thereabouts, I got my first big story at the student paper when a LaRouche obersturmbannfuhrer brought some of his LaRouchejugend to Brandeis University to give a talk about how the Queen of England and B'nai B'rith were conspiring to sell drugs, and they were scheduled right after another talk on the Holocaust and, well, the two groups did not mix well.
I wonder if he'll take credit cards like LL did?
By MrZip
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:28am
And by "take" I mean take, as in charge over and over without permission.
And I gave Trump credit for being the first to do that....
By merlinmurph
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:13pm
years ago
By scollaysq
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:33am
I had two "ladies" chase me from the old State House to Faneuil Hall shouting I had better vote for Lyndon "or else!"
I think the "or else" turned out to be Bush the Younger.
Let's launch him 2 miles into the Atlantic Ocean
By Deezak
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:03am
and if he can swim back to the mainland, he can rejoin society
By BostonDog
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:07am
He's onto to us. I thought for sure no one would ever figure it out. Still, 250 years is a good run.
Guess it's time to finally head home. Someone call ahead and tell the Queen to put the kettle on. I'll tell the Lizard People they can have anything left behind.
Isn’t the Queen
By SamWack
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:44am
one of the lizard people?
By BostonDog
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 12:01pm
WTF, can't you keep your mouth shut?!
By SamWack
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:18pm
It just slipped out. That happens sometimes, when you’re licking your lips with your forked tongue.
She ain't no human being
By Hardy Har Har
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 3:07pm
There is no future in England's dreaming
Did you know
By SamWack
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 4:19pm
that David Icke was one of the Sex Pistols? Fact. Well, actually, not a fact, but who cares.
I thought he invented the Sex Pistols
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 4:40pm
But Malcolm MacLaren keeps on stealing his credit.
By SamWack
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 5:40pm
Shiva Ayyadurai invented the Sex Pistols, while he was taking a break from inventing EMAIL. He also invented Gatorade, ice dancing, the quantum cheese-grater, and disco.
By Cranky
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:35am
And there goes my job at Harvard's Office of British Collusion.
Bad show, old chap!
As someone who actually took a history class
By anonx3
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:10am
Honestly, after all the bad takes on the Civil War, it's a refreshing change to listen to someone get the Revolutionary War completely wrong for a change. I look forward to his next video where he blames the Korean War on AOC.
What a fucking knucklehead
By brianjdamico
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:16am
Why don't we just skip him getting ~1% of the vote and just start screaming about the fraud that stole this next election from him now.
The only other politician
By Wiffleball
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:21am
I recall, who made a point of constantly reminding people where they received their PhD, was that John Hagelin moron (PhD Harvard) who was the Natural Law Party presidential candidate in 1992. Looks like EMAIL boy is in good wackjob company.
I'm almost starting to feel sorry for him
By smac
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:25am
He sounds deeply disturbed. But he probably thinks modern psychiatry is part of the global conspiracy, too, so good luck getting him help.
Brits out! He's going for the
By StMac
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:36am
Brits out! He's going for the South Boston vote...back in 1980.
Tiocfaidh ar la Shiva, someday soon I'm sure.
Does uHub have a Ridiculous Braying
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:41am
Asshole of the Year award? I'd put Ayyardurai as a lock for it, and he has so much competition these days.
It's like he enjoys getting brutally thumped in elections and looking like tap-dancing clown in DayGlo orange lederhosen while doing it. Not kink-shaming, but this looks like a new flavor of masochism.
Maybe he has a grudge against MIT, and this is his self-owning revenge: constantly reminding people of his connection to it? You want to make a bunch of MIT alums cringe and stare at the ground in embarrassment, mention Shiva.
I wonder if he could scam more money if instead of running, he promised MIT alums that if they donate, he *won't* run. Something to think about, Herr Doctor Professor Putz! Text me, Fake Email Man: I have an MIT pal who'd glad to run that campaign!
This sounds like the plot
By anon
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:47am
This sounds like the plot line from an episode of South Park.
Working people, he says, are
By xyz
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:49am
With you so far, Dr. Email...
Aaaaaaaand, you lost me.
Just to be clear
By ChrisInEastie
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 10:59am
Thanks for the clarification man, I wasn't too sure for a second.
Four legs goooood
By lbb
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 1:47pm
He gets his cult followers to bleat "Truth, Freedom, Health" at his "rallies". As chants go it's pretty weak, just like the whole pack of them.
The British Empire is to blame... for Shiva...
By Friartuck
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:00am
Had they never ruled over India, he and his family might never have landed on American shores. So there's that...
One little critique, Adam
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:21am
The British left Boston, and effectively Massachusetts, on March 17, 1776. You are remembering the history you grew up with, wherein the troops did not evacuate until after the peace treaty was signed.
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 12:03pm
I'm well aware of the history of Evacuation Day, thanks. From the context, that's not what he was talking about - he was talking about the entire Revolution.
I don't know
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 1:27pm
I guess I could read what he wrote, but is that really worth my time and effort? Nah. That's what we've got you for. I hope you get hazard pay when he publishes something vaguely newsworthy.
I wish he had written that down
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:37pm
Would have taken a lot less time to read than listening to a 32-minute campaign video (well, or the 15 minutes I managed to get through ...).
Good Lord, man
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 4:38pm
I hate to criticize your editorial choices out in print, but that's 15 minutes you'll never get back for a guy who won't get more than 5% even if he runs in the Republican primary.
white supremicist?
By JonT
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 12:28pm
He's espoused a lot of crazy views, but are you sure about the white supremicist business? In at least one interview I saw he accused the interviewer of racism on the basis of Ayyardurai being a dark-skinned Indian.
Shiva certainly pals round with neo-Nazis. And
By MC Slim JB
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 12:52pm
the white supremacist movement has plenty of useful saps who happen to be people of color.
I have a former friend, an Asian-American dude, who has fallen in with some Proud Boy types. I tried to warn him: "They'll use you for your social media skills and following, but eventually they will turn on you." He has since cut off our friendship, another tragic victim of the right-wing propaganda vortex. (There are almost certainly brain chemistry issues at work there, too.)
It's shame: he used to be a really good guy before he became a slavering conspiracy-theory whacko with scary neo-Nazi friends.
And I can personally attest
By Friartuck
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 5:03pm
How he feels about certain Indian castes
Nazis for Shiva ...
By jmeltzer
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 5:09pm
the real Aryan.
Underrated comment
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 5:25pm
Underrated comment
Kind of like a certain Harvard alum
By SwirlyGrrl
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 5:24pm
Zuckerfucker seems to think that all his money and Roman Specialboy haircuts will somehow keep those nazis and white power whackjobs that he coddles and nurtures from wanting to deport and/or murder his wife and child.
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 1:43pm
Remember back in 2017, when some white supremacists held a rally on the Common the week after Charlottesville - where maybe 20 of them were surrounded by thousands of protesters?
Among the people on the bandstand? Shiva Ayyadurai with his little bullhorn (he sued the city over the way it handled the rally - and lost).
He announced his 2018 Senate run (one of the ones he lost) at a white-supremacist/Gamergate conclave in Washington.
After awhile, it starts to sound like the punchline to the question what do you call ten people having dinner with a Nazi?
Ayyadurai basically accuses anybody who questions him of being a racist, as he did earlier this year when a Nantucket high-school student challenged his claim that he invented e-mail. It's an easy out.
Nazi =? white supremecist
By JonT
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:29pm
Sure, Nazis tend to be white supremicists, and vice versa, but are they the same thing?
Let me know...
By lbb
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:35pm
Let me know when you see daylight between them.
In the present moment, they are fellow travelers to such a degree that the distinction is purely academic, and much of practical import may be lost if you devote more than trivial energy to it.
Champagne vs Sparkling Wine
By tblade
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 3:10pm
“If fascisim doesn’t come from a specific region in Germany…â€
By Charles Bahne
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 12:32pm
Harvard was modeled after the other big English university, because that's where many of the Puritans had attended college. And they liked that other English university so much that they even named the local college town after it.
Y'know ...
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 3:01pm
After I read your comment, I braced myself, then called up his video again to make sure he really did say "Oxford" instead of "Cambridge" and I didn't just type "Oxford" for the hell of it. But, yes, he really said "Oxford."
I wonder who MIT is colluding with?
The Cambridge–MIT Institute
By Charles Bahne
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 4:43pm
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Cambridge–MIT Institute, or CMI, was a partnership between the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2008 CMI issued a "final report" describing its activities from late 2000 to 2006, stating that it had "evolved into the CMI Partnership Programme." The CMI website hosted by the University of Cambridge later noted that "CMI activities are now fully embedded within the two institutions."
Current website, still uses the present tense:
Look at the good side
By merlinmurph
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:17pm
The entertainment value is worth it. On a slow news day, Adam will always have Shiva to to fall back on.
If a tree falls in the forest.....
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:30pm
....and nobody was around to hear it, would it still make a noise? If Shiva A does something silly and it is not posted on UHub, did it really happen? Seriously, why give this eccentric local gadfly the oxygen? I totally would have forgotten about ol' Shiva had I abruptly stopped looking at UHub every time I get bored at work. Stop publishing his antics, and he likely becomes just another kook spotted on the T ranting about whatever or howling at his dead relatives every now and then.
Good question
By adamg
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 2:43pm
And one I ask myself every time I start to write about him.
I won't get into the whole "If we ignore them now, that just lets them grow in the shadows" thing, even though there is that (I mean, odd sounding people saying odd things have done some major damage in the world over the past 100 years), but OK, it's more I find the issue of how people are attracted to somebody like him interesting.
This isn't oxygen for him
By lbb
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 4:38pm
This isn't oxygen for him. Do you really think that discussions of Shiva here somehow amplify his message or give life to his highly erratic candidacies?
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