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Group of Boston first responders planning to jam up city HR next month to push for their God-given right to avoid shots

A small but boisterous group of Boston first responders has come up with a way to protest Boston's impending vaccination requirement: Everybody files for exemptions the night before the mandate goes into effect, then when the city moves to terminate them, claim their vacation time so the city still has to pay them while adjudicating their claims - and forcing the city to hire expensive replacements.

The group, Boston First Responders United, sent out details of its plan for mass religious exemptions last night to the roughly 350 people on its mailing list. By contrast, Boston has roughly 2,100 police officers, 1,600 firefighters and 400 EMTs and paramedics.

Leaders of the two main unions who represent first-responder rank and file have been battling the city over the imposition of a vaccine mandate as a collective-bargaining issue: If the city wants to require vaccinations, they have to bargain with the unions to give up something in return.

But this new group says screw that, they don't want shots, period, because they claim vaccines violate their God-given rights to preserve their holy immune systems and, they claim, to protect pregnant first responders and others with what they say are legitimate health reasons not to get shots that can reduce the spread of a deadly virus. They vow to fight what they call tyrannical plans by politicians to deprive them of their freedom, their jobs and even their cars.

Think of the children, group says

Some members have also used the city 311 system to attack union leaders, in particular Ed Kelly, formerly head of the Boston firefighters union, but now president of the International Association of Fire Fighters.

In their plans, leaders of Boston First Responders United provide a sample statement first responders can use to demand a religious exemption at 10:45 p.m. on Jan. 14 - which is when the group says everybody should file their demands for exemptions, just before the start of the new city shot requirement on Jan. 15:

I am notifying you that I am exempt from this activity based on my sincerely held religious beliefs. God created me with an immune system and I will not alter his design. It is a sin against my God-given conscience to allow unwanted intrusions into my body which is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

That statement was written by Peggy Hall, an Orange County, CA anti-mask activist who now fights vaccines, in part by selling cards that claim bearers have a right under federal law to ignore local mask mandates, which they do not.

Under the vaccination mandate announced by Mayor Wu, city workers will have to show proof they have gotten at least one shot by Jan. 15, and a second by Feb. 15, if they don't get the one-shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Failure to do so can mean being placed on unpaid leave. Wu said today that roughly 90% of city workers have already gotten their shots.

When the state announced a similar mandate earlier this year, the union representing state troopers claimed many would fight rather than get a shot. To date, after the union lost in court, one state trooper has been terminated, although several dozen more are awaiting disciplinary action.

The first-responder group says they are ready to grind out the system through delay:

Use vacation time to still get paid


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"Expensive replacements" It is worth every penny. Slow the review process so they use up all their vacation time.

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I'm tired. This shit is just exhausting at this point.

2 years into this, almost a million deaths and we still have people doing this crap.

I hope everyone loses their fuckin jobs over this. First responders who meet with the PUBLIC as apart of their jobs do not want to be vaccinated? that is fucking insane. You have no business being a first responder then if you won't take precautions to aid the people you may be in contact with.

Seriously go fuck yourself people. So sick of this crap.

I wonder why I spend less and less time on here and online. Just so over people's attitudes, its depressing and why we're gonna be mega fucked for years to come.

(my apologies for my language but I am just so fucking done with these people)

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Adam - between this and Swirly’s posts, you seriously need to get a handle on the foul language being used here. The lack of respectful discourse is really bringing this place down. It’s not fair to the people that can deal with their frustrations and have a dialogue without resorting to this kind of thing.

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Can we get rid off anon posts at the same time?

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Go fuck yourself or get a log-in.

Have a blessed day.

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We share a sentiment. Happy holidays!

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I don't agree with almost anything you think but you're probably good people.

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Your pearl clutching over some strong words is pathetic. You need to get a handle on why a few swear words send you into a tizzy and make it impossible for you to hear to the message.
This is YOUR problem- not Adam's Swirly's or Cybah's.

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I rarely if ever curse in print. I try not to do it around people I don't know well.

With friends, I curse like a sailor.

I'd prefer it if folks cursed less in mixed company, but here's the thing: at the end of the day, it's Adam's rules of his road. And the cursing -- it's easy enough to read past.

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lmao @ tone policing from an anon

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LANGUAGE is your concern. Not that a paramedic or firemen who may come to save your life is not vaccinated and may have covid to give to you or your loved ones.

Get off the cross. We need the wood.

And not for nothing, I'm using such language because I am so tired of it. I'm worn out on these people to the point that I just don't fucking care anymore about my decorum online.

I think others can agree.

PS - I've been a poster here for 11 years. Would you like a side of bacon with those grits you're gonna kiss?

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One of the best parts of UHUB are the comments. You have readers with a vast array of knowledge, and experiences presenting views that I would not have otherwise considered. Intelligent people, presenting their insights do not need to use foul language.

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There is a little X in the upper right corner.

Feel free to use it.

Some of us who have had to work at quelling this pandemic have little patience for tone policing, let alone plague rat stupidity tantrums.

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As I have said before, you have no patients, especially for those of differing perspectives

Why continue to pretend?

Did you ever take any logic or philosophy courses? Or did you avoid them as a means of preserving your ego?

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Not a strawman. It WAS tone policing.

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I clutched my pearls so hard after reading this that my monocle fell out.

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Is non-english foul language ok in your book?

Just want to be sure where the line is for your personal sensibilities.

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Because I just sprained my wrist making the wanking motion at you.

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that the "first responders" doing this are going to handle it politely?

do you think that their plan of action is a healthy contribution to our society?

I think we should fire all of them, every single one that's involved in this action

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Actually, anon, language used here is mostly pretty good, and enough room to facilitate actual conversation and allow for occasional frustrated outbursts. Most of us registered users (including Cybah) restrain ourselves when tempted - out of respect for each other (or at least for civilized discourse) and for all the work Adam puts in.
Sure, there are one or two trolls among the registered users who noticeably resort to crude language when they're tired or don't have anything to bring to the table. It's annoying, but helps mark their level.

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Well, kids, if you're reading this, you're either very sophisticated or very bored ...

Yes, there are ways to express anger or amazement that don't involve swearing. We should perhaps all strive for that, or at least count to the new CDC number of five first before pounding out those four letters.

But at the same time, damn it, sometimes you just need to really let it out about something. A topic like Covid-19, one that's assaulted us for nearly two years now, and which has exposed some of the worst of humanity (along with some of the best, granted) certainly qualifies.

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Love your use of "damn it". You really let it all out!

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Don't wait for them to actually do it. Anyone who is a member of that group or shows up at one of their "demonstrations".

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demand a religious exemption at 10:45 p.m. on Jan. 14 - which is when the group says everybody should file their demands for exemptions, just before the start of the new city shot requirement on Jan. 15

We know what happens when you submit something to a swamped website, right? Your submission disappears into the ether. So, the first X-number of these clowns will get their religious exemption demands into the system, whatever good that may do them, but all the ones after that will just not exist. The moron lawyer they're taking advice from should stick to printing fake exemption cards.

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Personally, I think IT should send an email alert that day at noon that there will be crucial system maintenance that night starting at 2100 hours and some system functions will be unavailable until Tuesday morning.
Petty, I know, and would just give the litigious sorts something to file a grievance about - but fun to think of.

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They could simply add a reCaptcha to the login and make these losers pick out fire hydrants and buses and traffic lights until the deadline passes.

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You took 3 doses of an untested product in less than a year.... the shots do nothing to stop transmission.... and you’re mad at people for not taking shots which do not stop transmission.

Lots of logic here, per usual. Some nice virtue signaling though.... congrats! Sending you hugs <3

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I hope you are one of the losers soon to be kicked off the public tit. Because those words describe your reasoning skills more than the vaccine.

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9 months total, 3 of which were the FDA reviewing the documents for “safety and efficacy”... documentation which, by the way, they said you can review in 75 years...

6 months to identify all attributes of the virus, test the different formulas, etc.... seems reasonable.

You seem to be a science lover... the FDA is required by law to answer FOIA requests... they first said 50, then 75 years to release the documentation they “reviewed” for the EUA.

How come?

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1. "untested product"
False. The vaccines went through extensive research trials. For example, the Pfizer vaccine was tested on more than 46K people in the trials.
Following the authorization of the vaccines, more than 9 billion shots have now been given. This is the biggest vaccination campaign ever performed in history. No medical product has been given to more people in history. Untested? Insanely nonsensical.

2. "nothing to stop transmission"
False. The main purpose of the vaccines is to stop people from getting sick from COVID, and they're very effective at preventing severe illness, but they also reduce the rate at which people contract COVID and the rate at which they transmit COVID.

As for the FOIA hysteria, the problem is that a bunch of folks asked FDA to send them around 239,000 pages of information. This information, per the rules of the FDA, must be reviewed. There are ten employees in the branch that will do the review, and they will review 500 pages a month in addition to their preexisting duties.

If you and your buddies want the 239,000 pages faster, help push through a federal budget that will radically increase the staff in the review department.

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Pfizer released results from a 6 month trial, the results were garbage, then they vaccinated the control group... like anyone would do in a serious study... right?

How did they manufacture the doses so quickly? They’re good.

You’re using the revised “main goal” and you know it. As of June, the head of the CDC said “the science is settled” and said vaccinated couldn’t transmit it, until she retracted that 3 months later. Your president still says vaxxed folks won’t get it. “Breakthrough cases” (aka vaccine failure) is common, aka you were lied to again.

The FDA managed to thoroughly review all those pages for safety and efficacy in like 110 days but in order for us to see it, it’ll take 75 years. Nothing says trust the science like 75 years.

All of it makes sense if you don’t think about it whatsoever.

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...if you're an antivax trollboy.

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Pfizer released shit data after 6 whole months and then vaccinated the control group. That’s good science, right?

The regulatory agency said you have to wait 75 years to see what they “reviewed” to grant an EUA. That’s good science too, right?


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What results were garbage? every thing I can find says 91% effective. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.28.21261159v1

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They vaccinated the control group after only 6 months, the FDA still refuses to comply with their regulatory/legal obligations and is using excuses equivalent to “the dog ate my homework”, and you’ve taken 3 doses in less than a year for a disease that 99+% people survive.

Honest question - does anything I’ve written generate even a mild suspicion that maybe these multi-billion dollar entities could be lacking transparency and integrity?

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The vaccine was 91% effective. the control group is unprotected people willing to take the vaccine. It would be immoral to not let them take the vaccine that they clearly wanted. opinions are not evidence. What about your integrity? Vaccines reduce transmission to the insignificant people that do die.

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Many of my clients had FDA obligations and none of their testing protocols ended at 6 months. 0 of them. What kind of science is this? You’re kidding, right?

Below is an article written by the lawyer who is being stonewalled by the FDA and CDC - they are billion dollar organizations with legal requirements. The public is legally allowed to review certain data these entities reference in making comments like “safe and effective”

Put your sword down for 5 minutes, read this, and please explain how this makes any sense (newsflash - it doesn’t)


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Listen to science or a lawyers opinion about science?

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The FDA and CDC are skirting their legal obligations. They are entrusted to deliver safe products, the public is entitled to review data they reviewed while making their determination that granting an EUA is appropriate.

They have not done any of this - they are willfully ignoring their legal obligations.

If any of my clients did this, they’d be fined, have products removed from the market, and possibly face jail time.

Again, put your sword down and read it for 5 minutes... then please explain to me the logic you see in this.

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skirting or shirking? Have they violated the law or some internet lawyers interpretation of the law?

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How come? It’s not spam... there are court briefings you can peruse also, if you’re feeling extra brave.

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Truth : FDA Did NOT Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer Vaccine Data!
This is really just some “creative hyperbole” by Aaron Siri, the lawyer working on this FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request.

And here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : FDA Did Not Ask For 75 Years To Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data

First, let me be clear – the US FDA did not ask US District Judge Mark Pittman for 75 years to release the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data.

That is merely the “interpretation” of Aaron Siri, the lawyer working for PHMPT (Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency) – the group requesting the data that the FDA used to licence the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

As you will see below, it’s based on ignoring facts and basic math…

Fact #2 : FDA Has To Redact Files Before They Are Released

It is not simply a matter of handing over the documents to PHMPT.

The FDA has to go through every document and redact information that are exempt from disclosure under FOIA, before it can release them.

That process is not only time-consuming, it is resource-intensive because it requires government information specialists to review each page line-by-line.

The FDA estimates that it takes 8 minutes per page to read and review records for FOIA production.
Fact #3 : FDA Has 400 Other Pending FOIA Requests

The FOIA request by PHMPT is being handled by the Access Litigation and Freedom of Information Branch at the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER).

This is a small department with just ten employees, including the director and two trainees. So they really have just seven people who are trained well enough to process FOIA requests.

This small team is currently processing “approximately 400 currently pending FOIA requests“, while being embroiled in “6 active FOIA litigation matters“.

Needless to say, the heavy workload greatly limits how many pages this office can go through and redact every month.

Fact #4 : PHMPT Demanded “Everything” In 108 Days

The FDA asked PHMPT to narrow their request by specifying records they don’t require, so they can focus on processing the important documents they need.

The PHMPT, however, insisted that the FDA process and deliver ALL documents related to the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine – some 329,000 pages!

On top of that, the PHMPT demanded that the FDA accomplish that within 108 days. That would require a processing rate of over 80,000 pages per month – far in excess of what the FDA FOIA office is capable of handling.

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These agencies have 20,000 employees, and annual budgets of over $7 billion....it’s a small team by choice, so they have an excuse to break the law. Stop covering for them.

I’ll say it ONCE AGAIN since you have extremely weak reading comprehension skills...pay attention this time: all companies that have regulatory/legal requirements with the FDA/CDC are NOT allowed to use any excuses and not allowed to ignore their legal obligations, period. There are no exceptions. The FDA/CDC are NOT exempt from following the law.

You seem extremely unclear on that topic, so go slow, and read it several times if you need it.

With regards to the release of the documents in question (in redacted form), they asked to release docs at a rate of 500 pages per month, which comes out to 75+ years. Aaron Siri’s law firm asked a professional medical documentation service for a quote to complete this review with redactions, etc: $132k with 20 reviewers over a 6-8 week period.

You’d know all of this if you clicked on the link I sent and weren’t consumed with this copy and paste hatchet job.

And you ignored this important fact (not surprising)

The CDC is refusing to release the deidentified post-licensure safety data. They gave this data to Oracle already and their own documents explaining the process already say it’s deidentified. They lied and said it’s not deidentified. This data could’ve been released the second Oracle got it; but they’re hiding.

What’s the excuse for hiding data already in deidentified form?

Now they’re not only ignoring legal requirements, they’re lying about publicly released information too.

Lastly, Ivermectin works, but it has NOTHING to do with the FDA/CDC discussion at hand

Your copy/paste hatchet job is embarrassing... do better

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They aren't refusing to comply with anything. Your attorney doesn't want them to comply because then his gravy train will end. So Ivermectin works how? Doesn't it kill the person along with the virus? Any studies on that?

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How much more authentic would you like to get? Copies of all briefings that the court has are on those blogs, or you could look them up as a matter of public record. The FOIA records are there too.

Why are you ignoring briefings submitted to the court? Are those riddled with lies too? If they were, they’d have to be thrown out.

It’s important to note that if the FDA and CDC weren’t hiding and held themselves to the same standards they require other companies to uphold, we wouldn’t even be discussing this.

-The FDA wants to release 500 pages per month
-They have a budget over $7B annually
-Revenues from vaccines are in the billions and pubic knowledge
-If Pfizer is worried about trade secrets, their budget with or without vaccine revenue is more than enough to cover the $132k estimate provided by a documentation service team of experts to redact their trade secrets in their pre-licensure safety documentation
-Oracle has deidentified safety data in their possession at this very moment (that means it is all anonymous)
-The cdc will not release this anonymous safety information and contradicted their own documentation about the form this data is in.

I’ll end with this again - the FDA and CDC are not exempt from following the law.

Try again....

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you try again. The FDA is releasing more than 500 pages per month. Again where is the scientific evidence on the ivermectin Att Siri is selling?

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500 pages per month of over 400k pages comes out to 75+ years. Your cut and paste hatchet job said they’re not asking for 75+ years... you just contradicted yourself.

The FDA has over 20,000 employees and a budget of over $7B. Their legal requirements do not say to purposely understaff your FOIA group in order to generate sympathy.

We aren’t talking about treatments - this whole thing is about the lack of transparency by the federal agencies entrusted with making sure the American people consume safe products. Stay on topic. We can discuss that separately some other time.

Also, see my post titled “challenge for you” assuming you’d like to back up your claims.

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Your attorney doesn't want any pages. In November he turned down the first 12,000.

You said that Ivermectin works, based on what?

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They submitted 400k+. The expert/credentialed team said they could complete the work needed to redact personal and trade secret information for $132k over 6-8 weeks. If you think that’s excessive, you have never looked at the kind of money Pfizer and the FDA make..

This is a separate discussion, as I’ve said, but based on the number of people who used it successfully... 2 of which you might have heard of (Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan).

This is the most important point on IVM:


Who are the people mentioned here? Why haven’t any of them come forward to tell the public about it? Don’t they want to save lives? Does that kind of secrecy bother you? Ever hear of “right to try?”

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how much money does the FDA make? And why doesn't he want to start reading the pages they offered? So an immunization study gives the control group immunizations after 6 months of success at protecting the non-placebo group from death is invalid but ivermectin don't need no studies? just celebrities? What about the people that poisoned themselves with ivermectin?

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He doesn’t want to read what they offered because it’s a cop-out. Every time he submits a FOIA request or goes to court to request what they’re legally obligated to provide, they come back with some half assed effort to appease the court and pray that the lawyers find it acceptable. It’s not acceptable, and if we owned a medical device company and tried to pull this kind of shit with the FDA, we would face real consequences.

What kind of conclusions can one draw from 6 months of data? I haven’t read Pfizer’s study protocols, but I honestly don’t think vaccine clinical studies allow for the control group to be vaccinated after 6 months. That’s way too soon.

IVM is on the WHO list of safest meds. Under the “introduction” heading (link below), it gives some background on IVM. It’s been around forever, for starters. The Covid vaccines are brand new and the technology has never been used in humans before (the non J&J ones). People say they’ve been studying it for 20+ years - to that, I say the animal trials didn’t fare very well as they allegedly all died. People say (as they do with vaccines) that the animals did not die from the shots - fair enough, I think it’s too risky for me and I don’t believe those claims as I don’t think you can prove either claim.

I saw an HCQ trial that went horribly, but the dosage was excessive and way more was administered than would be provided under normal circumstances. If you take 40 Advil in one sitting, you might be severely ill or die also. My guess is the same excessive/unnecessary dosage was given and caused bad outcomes in the IVM trial you reference... I’m not sure though as I never read about it.

Check out the “introduction” section here for some IVM info - looks safe to me.

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Your attorney doesn't want any pages from the FDA, this lawsuit is Fake PR. Real attorneys negotiate.

So 2011? how does that show invermectin treats covid? It seems like you weird conflicting standards when it comes to studies. What animals died?

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The CDC and FDA would make your life a living hell if your company ever played the games they did. What they’re doing is disgraceful.

They’re trying to mandate everybody take their product, you are not allowed to sue them for any reason and now they’re ignoring their legal/regulatory requirements and lying about their own publicly released statements. They’re also ignoring natural immunity, which studies have shown yield way better antibodies than any vax.

Can you read that again and explain why you are so trusting of these folks? Separately, ask Alexa “who paid the largest criminal fine in history, and why.”

It shows that IVM is very safe to take and it shouldn’t be demonized. It is not “horse de-wormer” it’s a safe medication administered billions of times. The NIH referred to it as a “wonder drug” in that link. If people prefer to try it as opposed to taking an untested series of shots, that’s their right and it isn’t hurting anybody.

The only thing that IVM is bad for is the profits of Big Pharma companies.

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You really don't know much do you? I haven't demonized ivermectin, just false statements about vaccine research. You are welcome to trust your local pet store guy, just stop lying about covid vaccines.

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I issued you a challenge you ignored (shocker). You lied about the CDC - you said they’re hiding nothing yet can’t produce simple data I’ve asked for. If what you say is true, it should be an easy find for you and I’ll Venmo you a reward.

Nothing I’ve said is false. You are defending billion dollar entities who are breaking the law and laughing in your face.... there is no science to trust because the gatekeepers won’t allow us in.

What a world we live in... these people hate you. Shut up and take our products and we aren’t going to show you the pre/post licensure data at all.

I got Covid last Monday, the worst of it was done in 2 days, and the only thing that remains is fatigue.

Horse dewormer and vitamins for the win! Anyway, enjoy your 4th upcoming booster. The need for 4 shots in less than a year just means it’s working.

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The CDC isn't hiding anything. You haven't proved that the CDC is hiding anything. You don't seem to understand that the ivermectin patent is owned by big pharma company Merck. You don't understand much about parasite medications either. These meds are like radiation for cancer, they can treat it but there are lot of side effects. Merck is not recommending that ivermectin be taken for covid. Merck says its not safe.


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I did prove it - there is a pending federal lawsuit against the CDC and the HHS on behalf of ICAN regarding the data in question. It’s public record.

I’m aware of IVM’s history... the only issue is that it’s been decades and now it cannot generate revenue for Big Pharma anymore, so they want to ridicule it so you’ll be a good little gal and take the vaccines they tell you to take.....they killed people by not administering IVM as an early treatment.... they’re laughing all the way to the bank... and you’re STILL battling on their behalf. It’s awesome.

The NIH (Lord Fauci’s outfit) called it a wonder drug.

IVM is a generic drug and inexpensive. Plus, Merck is forced to say it doesn’t work and isn’t safe. If they said anything to the contrary, your government wouldn’t be able to issue Emergency Use Authorizations for Covid shots.... as there would be other, documented safe treatments available.

Follow the money. Surprising I have to explain any of this, yet here we are.

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Ivermectin use would not prevent authorization of vaccines. There are a number of treatments for covid infection that have been authorized ( at least emergency authorized). These treatments have not changed the authorization of vaccines. Who forced Merck to say it doesn't work? This is the statement from Merck that you are afraid to read.
No scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies;
No meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and;
A concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.
We do not believe that the data available support the safety and efficacy of ivermectin beyond the doses and populations indicated in the regulatory agency-approved prescribing information.

A pending federal lawsuit exists, and proves nothing. The CDC is releasing the pages and you lied about it taking 75 year to do so.

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Monoclonal antibodies were working so well, Biden had to “step in” and make them unavailable. In NYC, certain races aren’t allowed to have them. You’ll tell me it’s for the greater good or some shit tho.

Most importantly, I don’t give a shit whether our overlords authorize treatments. It’s not up to them to keep me healthy - I don’t want or need their advice. If I do, I’ll ask. You clearly don’t know about “off label use” either.

I don’t listen to Merck - I listen to people. You ripped Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers the other day. They’re elite athletes that choose to emphasize a healthy lifestyle: eating right, sunlight, exercise, etc. A Hawaii board of health propaganda piece showed a woman making her New Years resolutions..., she crossed off healthy eating and exercise and got all hot and bothered about the vaccine.

You do not inject health, period. The best part is you still won’t see propaganda here.

The FDA is releasing pages each month at a rate which will take them 75 years to complete. I asked you for deidentified post EUA safety data that the CDC and Oracle have at this moment in time. I said I’d pay you to send it to me - why don’t you want free money? I’ll meet you in a public place and give you cash in an envelope if you don’t want to use Venmo.

Oh noes - right from Pfizer’s 6 month data. Did Pfizer lie or is this wrong? https://rumble.com/vqx3kb-the-pfizer-inoculations-do-more-harm-than-good...

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rumble.com is another Youtube, all of that crap has been debunked months ago.

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They debunked their own data?

Here’s that video from the Hawaii department of health. It’s right up your alley. This might be you for all I know.


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you are liar and a hypocrite. Having a tantrum that Pfizer hasn't released all their proprietary data immediately, but ivermectin is safe without any supporting data? A lot of medications are safe to take for a prescribed condition but will hurt and kill you otherwise.
Drugs are only approved for specific uses after analysing the relationship between how the body treats the drug (pharmacokinetics) and how the drug treats the body (pharmacodynamics). Experts call this PK-PD.

The same drug can give very different PK-PD profiles depending on the dose, how often it is given, and whether the drug is administered by mouth, intravenously, or under the skin.

Drug concentrations safe and effective for one disease may not immediately translate to another. Higher, more frequent doses may be required, with increased risk of unintended toxicity or even death.

So drugs intended for repurposing still need to be thoroughly studied in animals and clinical trials to make sure a new dosing regime is

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Pfizer released their data to the FDA, the FDA hasn’t released it to us and its legally obligated to. IVM is being used successfully “off label” and people (including myself) have reported good outcomes. It’s none of your business how people treat themselves, period. Pfizer’s own data (which you claim is “debunked”) shows its product isn’t what you say it is.

It’s obvious every drug can affect every person differently. It’s also true for vaccines, yet they’re trying to mandate them and ignoring religious exemptions. I’m not mandating that you take IVM. How you treat yourself and look out for your health isn’t my business.

They ruined one of the IVM studies by purposely administering a dosage that is unreasonable. Pierre Kory, MD on Twitter has linked to many IVM studies over the last year - go hunt around.

Even if he hadn’t, my health decisions concern nobody but me. It’s insane that people want to pry into what others put into their bodies. You want my bank statements too? Browser history? Tv watching history? Mind your business... people can think for themselves and do what they want - it’s not hurting anyone.

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Your standards are inconsistent and it clear that you are just a troll that doesn't care about anything but getting attention.

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I don’t seek attention. I don’t trust the narrative and there are a million reasons why, all of which I’ve outlined here and you ignore.

It’s much easier to call me a liar and troll than to effectively defend your positions. I encounter this all the time here. Uhub loves their predetermined narrative... anyone who questions it or doesn’t agree must be a troll and a liar.

It’s kind of funny but i also feel bad for you.

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Listen to science or a lawyers opinion about science?

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Oracle has deidentified post-licensure safety data in their possession at this moment that I say has never been released publicly. As of 12/30, Aaron Siri says it has not been released and sued the federal government to force the CDC to release this data as part of its legal requirements.

You say the CDC isn’t hiding anything and allege these accusations are fake and it’s all a money grab.

Where can I find this data then? The CDC said VAERS isn’t good enough and created its own system of monitoring the same things called “v-safe”

I want to see this v-safe data as soon as possible. If you can send it to me, I’ll Venmo you a reward.

Point of clarification - this assumes the data is already out there, today. If it’s released as a result of the lawsuit, no reward because I’ll be able to find it easily then.

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is in the words, "your president."

If you get sick from Covid I hope you survive. Better that than the fanatical radio talkers and religious power addicts who preach stay away from vaccines, damn inoculations and then contract Covid and die.

Better people who choose to be foolish, suffer, live and hopefully then repent by being a power of example of what happens to folks who choose to be foolish.

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Mild fever, mild body aches, mild/infrequent cough...it’s gone now. I didn’t need an ICU bed or hospitalization or ventilator like the dumb as shit rhetoric being spewed all over this page.

I couldn’t care less who takes the vax - I’m not even anti vax... I’m pro choice and anti-mandate.

I have something in common with all the vax cultists here - we’ve all done nothing to control the spread.

By the way, what diseases in history have people needed 3 doses in less than a year for? Even that isn’t enough for the cultists to simply ask a question.

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The Hepatitis B vaccine requires 3 doses in less than a year. The HPV vaccine can require 3 doses in less than a year, depending on a person's age and immunocompromised status.

And I shouldn't need to say this, but just because -you- had a mild case doesn't mean everyone who gets it will. Most people who contracted polio didn't die or become paralyzed either, but hardly anybody's refusing the polio vaccine on that basis.

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What’s the survival rate for Hep B?

You didn’t seriously reference the HPV vax did you? Are you referring to Gardasil? If you are, please never reference that again before reviewing the catastrophic outcomes and outright lies that took place.

Of course my case is not what happened to everyone - my unvaxxed college buddy got it (actually before me) and got walloped. Regardless, the survival rate is in the 99% neighborhood.

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They manufactured quickly because there's a pandemic and put everything else on hold.

If you're out doing errands and get a call a loved one is in the hospital, do you drop everything to see them OR finish your less important things to do? Maybe then you'll understand how a business can pivot based on priority...

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If I get a call from a loved one, I’d drop everything, of course... but I can’t do 100 things at once and be several places at the same time... it’s not possible.

Capacity is what it is - it cannot be expanded over night.... I don’t think they have the manpower or facilities to do what they did. The media fawns all over every vaccine related thing... if these companies built a 100,000 foot manufacturing facility, we all would’ve known.

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The lawyer who made the FOIA request to the FDA wrote this.... if you read this and still defend these criminals, I’d love to know why.

These people do not deserve your trust... stop giving it to them.


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"untested" and "nothing to stop transmission" are not factual statements.

How much time do you have to do some thoughtful reading? You can start here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html

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They said it does not stop transmission...when did they say otherwise? I like fairy tales too.

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They say it still prevents infections in a significant percentage of the population. You can’t transmit a virus if the virus doesn’t infect you in the first place. That’s not “nothing”


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Fauci said the vaxxed and unvaxxed carry identical viral loads and called the vaxxed “super spreaders”

Rochelle Walensky said (3 months after saying “the science is settled”) that the shots don’t stop transmission.

These were both on CNN and MSNBC - how did you miss them?

You probably believe the recent ABC headline that says “the flu is back as scheduled after taking a year off” too.

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Fauci said that the amount of virus in the nasopharynx was almost identical. He did not say that the viral load in the body was identical. The takaway there is that we should all wear masks.

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I can’t remember whether he specified body or not....

They also said this week that cloth masks aren’t appropriate for this virus and we all need N95s.

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I remember because I looked it up instead making up stuff.

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I can’t remember if he specified nose or not - I just said it.... awkward...

Did you read that link for 5 minutes or you still nervous?

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You're spreading disinformation regarding lifesaving practices. Stop it. Correct and publicly-available information is widely available, and you're welcome to avail yourself of it.

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Get the shots if you want, or don’t if you don’t want to. It changes the lives of those around you by a factor of 0%....

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you clearly do not understand the concept of public health. That's a real shame, especially for those closest to you, but also, for all of us.

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If you’re lucky, the shots will reduce your own symptoms. If you’re unlucky, they won’t. If you’re unlucky, you’ll be harmed by them.

I know plenty of vaxxed who have gotten it and had bad symptoms, plenty who had mild ones, plenty of unvaxxed with bad symptoms, plenty with mild ones (I’m in that group).

But we all need to take the shots as an act of love and to protect each other.

Makes sense.

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Reduced symptoms means reduced transmission. Less coughing, less virus in the air.

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Nobody ever gave a shit who got a flu shot, because it doesn’t affect other people in any way. These shots behave the same way... note, I am not comparing the viruses themselves. I am comparing the characteristics of the shots.

Mandates do not help society in any measurable way....

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or stop lying.

Getting vaccinated yourself may also protect people around you, including those who are more vulnerable to serious flu illness, like babies and young children, older people, and people with certain chronic health conditions.


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You need help - I told you this 5 years ago in the midst of another of your unhinged outbursts.

You haven’t gotten better - make time for your mental health.

Since you won’t, and you accuse me of being a liar, read this for 5 minutes and provide your thoughts afterwards.. these regulatory agencies that make you all hot and bothered are laughing in your face...

Also, please use an online dictionary and determine what the word “may” means.... as that word is used to describe the vax in the quote you referenced


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I have enough problems without worrying about your denialism.

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They’ve been testing mRNA for +20 years. GTFO.

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They went well right?

In those 20 years of testing mRNA, were they testing for Covid too?


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Says the guy who stated "Shots which do not stop transmission" as if anyone was arguing that they did.

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Your president and the head of the CDC told us numerous times that the shots stop the spread. At least the head of the CDC stopped lying after 3 months or so.

Mandates accomplish nothing....

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Okay there...

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Like, right out the gate.

Notice how all these "your president" types never walk their talk and just leave?

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We were both here for the “nOt My PrEsIdEnT” mania...you and the others here probably said this (roughly) 3,442,101 times... now I can’t even joke about it......

I haven’t left - responded to every reply I’ve noticed.

You’re doing well so far though...proud of you.

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you and the others here probably said this (roughly) 3,442,101 times...

More Made-up Shit. I don't recall anyone here writing that. You claim it was written thousands of times. Go ahead and show us two.

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What was written about Trump here during his era? People accepted the election outcome and declared him president? Riiiiiight.

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So you can't find even two people saying 'not my president.' Which means you made it up. Take your trolling to some other pond, why don't you?

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I’m busy pointing out the lack of transparency from the CDC/FDA to cinnamon girl here and addressing her stupid copy and paste hatchet job. Bigger fish to fry...

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You're full of it. You claim people here said 'not my president' thousands of times, but can't show us even two. Just take your idiot lawyer wallpaper and go away. That fish you're frying started to rot weeks ago, and you're stinking the place up.

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Never tried it... if you know a shortcut, I’ll look.

What do I win if I find two instances? Can you help get the CDC to release the data they’re hiding?

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If you don't know how to search a website for a specific phrase, you should figure it out. It's not my job to teach you. And if there are anything like the thousands of instances of that phrase that you claim, the search should take seconds.

What would you win? Maybe an iota of credibility. Maybe.

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You’re much smarter than me, as evidenced by you taking 3 vaccine doses in less than a year and me relying on horse dewormer and vitamins to cure Covid. What an asshole I am huh? I drank water from a trough today too.

I’ll try to figure it out, but if you could help a single digit IQ conspiracy theorist like myself, it would shorten the process.

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No more. I'm not taking your bait anymore. Take your trolling somewhere else.

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Wait, are you implying my citizenship, or are you implying my voting record? I'll clarify both:

Citizenship: United States of America, Medical Center Hospital of Vermont, Burlington, VT, November 9, 1983, which would make my president Joe Biden.

Voting record:

2016 primary (Note that I am an unenrolled Massachusetts voter, and that I am free to select a ballot in the primary) - Democrat ballot, Bernie Sanders

2016 general - Gary Johnson

2020 primary - Democrat ballot, Bernie Sanders

2020 general - Jo Jorgensen

So, with your use of "Your president", you:

1) Aren't yourself a U.S. citizen (That's okay, I'm not a moron who thinks that borders are unmalleable, nor do I like that they exist)


2) Guessed incorrectly about my voting record.

If #2 is correct, it's usually helpful in trying to win debates to be, you know, correct.

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I explained elsewhere - thanks for the thorough reply to a misinterpretation though... no harm done... it happens.

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Well, on that we agree. We'd rather you not be raising children in this country, either.

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What kind of deranged parent wants to raise their child in a country where preventable diseases cause millions of unnecessary deaths?

Someone needs to have an elderly person who experienced the horrible fear of losing a child to an epidemic tell these people what exactly they're asking for.

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I grew up with friends in leg braces due to polio. One girl whose mother fainted in the hospital when confronted with the iron lung being wheeled into her room. One of my aunts was post polio.
I caught measles in my mid 20s - just before the measles vaccines came out. It was a horrible experience. I'm lucky I didn't have permanent eye damage.
Vaccines are WONDERFUL.

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is a great comparison actually.

Most people who contract it have flu-like symptoms, and it's usually limited to the gastrointestinal system and doesn't involve nerve damage.

We've made massive efforts to largely eradicate it because of the small percentage of people who went on to have lifelong severe breathing problems.

Those of us who are responsible need to do the same thing for COVID. Sure, I would most likely be fine if I contracted it, but it isn't my right to risk killing someone's grandma or someone's kid with cancer.

(And yes, of course there are a number of additional factors with polio that get discussed in disability studies, like how the outbreaks coincided with time periods in which we were focused on competition with certain other nations and needing able-bodied men for inevitable wars and war-stuff factories, and also time periods in which needing leg braces or a cane meant you were a complete invalid who was unwelcome in school and unemployable and unmarriageable. The comparison still mostly works though, and it's also interesting/infuriating because so many of those refusing the vaccine and transmission-reduction efforts for this pandemic are the ones who claim to be extremely patriotic.)

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The same parents who bring their kid to a school board meeting and make him say "I'm cute why would you want to cover up my cute face"

way to go.. throw your kid under the school bus to further your agenda. I feel sorry for that kid.. a lifetime of therapy is in store for him

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Vaccines and vaccine mandates are so Old Hat these chicken little clowns are n00bs

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First city and state actions during an epidemic were in the 1790s

First challenge to a quarantine that went to the Supreme Court (and went down in flames): 1820s.

There is a reason that nearly every challenge to a mandate has been quickly shoved aside: 200 years of case law. This ain't our first epidemic or pandemic and it won't be the last. Pandemics aren't new and their control measures aren't either - and the laws and rights people assume they have (and don't) aren't magically materializing out of thin air just because this is happening to them right now.

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Ed was a fearless, often tactless, bare-knuckle brawler when it came to defending Boston firefighters' rights and benefits. He went up against the mayor and the city over and over again but he fought a) to keep firefighters as safe as they could be from smoke, fire, and cancer and b) to provide some kind of safety net for union members' families if and when they fell.

This is the opposite. These guys should be ashamed of themselves.

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aren't dumb enough to waste their vacation time on this crap.

For those who are dumb enough, watch that screen door on the way out.

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Mr Blutarsky….

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Blutarsky was neither pre-law nor pre-med... though he did go on to be a United States Senator.
Otter was pre-law... well... pre-med.

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- If they all file the same form letter should make it easy to reject en masse.
- Their medical records probably have history of other vaccinations since people didn’t used to treat basic medical science as a political issue, so this statement in particular is very easy to disprove as a “sincerely held” medical belief. If I were in charge I might even go after them for perjury but I’m happy enough to see them fired.

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Nuf said.

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OB/GYNs are pleading with their patients to get vaccinated. Those who catch covid during pregnancy are more likely to have miscarriages or stillbirths, and possibly other complications.

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Read something on the Facebook that vaccines cause infertility or something.

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That's one for every 268 Bostonians between the ages of 5 and 65 (because I can't imagine a scenario where I need to be protected from someone outside of that age range).

Can you name 268 Bostonians with whom you're on a name basis? If so, how many of them do you fear? This is what I mean when I say that police departments are overstaffed.

Source: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/bostoncitymassachusetts

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I've known some pretty fearsome four-year-olds. Still, a few five-year-old cops could probably handle them.

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All those suburbanites who work (well, worked) here. And tourists. Oh, and college students.

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And the police are a 24/7/365 kinda group

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If each cop worked 168 hours per week. But they don't. Ignoring overtime, there's going to be an average of roughly 500 on duty at any given time; more during the day/evening, fewer overnight. That's more like one for every 1,000 in your target age range.

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2100 cops.
At a minimum, you'd divide those into at least 5 groups.
You need at least four groups (if not more) to cover 21 active shifts over a 7-day week - plus one group that consists of everybody on vacation or sick leave at the moment.
Weekday day shift might be higher-staffing than any other time - officers on court duty, officers on training time - but special units might be busier at night. Anyway, let's pretend that at most, 1/5th the force is on-duty at any given time.

420 divided by staffing how many area stations? Staffing HQ? On actual patrol? With some standard/goal of maintaining enough on while somebody gets a meal break? With some standard/goal of being able to have enough flexibility/reserve on duty to respond immediately to an emergency of some size and still have capacity to respond to another emergency.
It adds up quickly.

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They don't need to enforce that anymore though.

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"We'll all put in our papers together, to jam them up, then we will all use all of the paid time off so they can't deal with our individual cases right away."

I'd guess that most people voluntarily leaving a job, public or private, are going to burn their earned time off before they leave that job, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over paying them their time off. But if your plan was to jam up the process, artificially forcing it to take weeks longer to even start will allow HR to work through it while you are no longer showing up to work, meaning that everyone working is now vaccinated, which was the ultimate goal of the mandate.

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Why would somebody who can ever take a government job?

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I could sit here and come up with some really good reasons why good people would take a government job, and why I'm glad that so many of them do it, but I know that my effort would be entirely wasted on you.

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that Abe Lincoln, sucking at the government teat half his life. Never a thought in his head. What a loser.

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And getting organized to do this is probably well beyond the scope of their small minds.

Also, if you want people to do something, you write a bulleted list they can follow, not a WORD SALAD with random ... ellipses and no paragraphing.

Anyway, I hope Mayor Wu makes sure that anyone's religious exemption filed on Jan 1 is fast-tracked to rejection.

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And getting organized to do this is probably well beyond the scope of their small minds.

That's the best part: watching entitled dorks who have always had all the rules and all the system on their side, and then suddenly they're on the outs, and they have to try to find a way to get what they want when they're not in charge of everything. It's hilarious watching them fall around and shoot their toes off.

Anyway, I hope Mayor Wu makes sure that anyone's religious exemption filed on Jan 1 is fast-tracked to rejection.

I'd also REALLY like it if faith leaders took it upon themselves to make public statements to the effect of "Yeah, this is a load of malarkey, and here's why." I can't imagine being a sincere follower of a religion and not absolutely hating the way people use it as a fig leaf for every toxic thing they want to do.

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The most obscene thing here has nothing to do with COVID vaccine mandates. It's the City's practice of doling out a full year's worth of vacation and sick time at the beginning of the year.

Pretty much every other employer grants leave on a monthly or weekly basis. You work for a month, and you earn one day off. Handing it out to everyone in a lump is nonsensical. All it does it make a donation from taxpayers to retiring employees.

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are not a terrible thing. Why should I resent someone for having a better contract than I do? I may be a little jealous at times, but if I assume they are good at their job, like I'd hope they assume of me and my job, then I can't fault them for their job giving them a better deal than mine gives me. Especially considering at least some of their jobs are ones I would not want to do myself.

I don't know how your time off works, but in my job, I do accrue my days off on a monthly basis, but they carry over into the next fiscal year before they expire at the start of the following FY. By balancing how I use my time off each year, I rarely leave any days on the table when they expire but I also start the next FY with a full year's worth of earned vacation time.

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Pretty much every other employer is committed to exploiting their workers to the maximum extent they can get away with. Not having unions allows that extent to be much greater, which is why they always fight so hard to prevent their workers from organizing. There's a spectrum, of course, from Amazon to Aaron Feuerstein's Malden Mills, but the vast majority of corporate employers will happily sacrifice workers for profits.

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I work for the government and I am unionized. My time is paid out by hours worked. I actually earn almost a full day every 2 weeks (26 years). Earning time over the course of the year is hardly an onerous requirement. My biggest problem is carrying too much time and burning it.

I don't see how this plan will work. I cannot take 3 sick days in a row without documentation. they will also be suspended, so it would be normal to use time if the union is disputing it. You get the days back if you win the dispute. However even if they get permission to not vaccinate, they will lose the days. If you choose to file an exemption without enough time to determine it, you have to use time ( or go off the books, which is bad). I can easily see a judge or arbiter saying ok exemption but no time reimbursement.

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Maybe the PTO system in the US is generally a trash fire across the board and other employers should more like the city so small-minded people aren’t bitter about people who have better work conditions then they do. Instead of griping about it, demand better PTO from your employer.

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Government employment policies like this are stupid all around. Besides the gift to retirees (assuming they're able to retire just after the lump sum date), there are all kinds of gotchas with lump sum vacation policies, like when people who were hired late in the year earn vacation on their hire anniversary and have very little time to use it before it expires on December 31, or people getting switched to a role on a different vacation plan just before the lump sum date and losing a year of accrual.

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Either we have to come up with a better vaccine or I'm starting to wonder if the people who haven't got infected by these radical viruses by now are superhumans. I'm fully vaxed, got flu shot, wear mask and have just been diagnosed by my doctor at MGH with Covid. I am a healthy person in my early 50s. Symptoms are extremely sore throat, headache and cough. I ltake the Orange Line to work every day to work. Out for 5 days.

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What your symptoms might have been without the vaccine's protection - and whether there would be a bed in an ICU for you.

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Yes Adam I do realize that. But I still think we must need a new vaccine. This monster alien species is winning and laughing at our current vaccine . It too is trying to survive just like we are. But it's like the flea and th cockroach. It survives all.

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and I hope they get no worse than they are. But those are your symptoms as a fully vaccinated person. Aren’t your symptoms at this point, having been fully vaccinated with our current vaccines, now similar to other mild respiratory infections for which we we don’t have a vaccine to fight?

If the need for a new vaccine becomes apparent, surely the great scientists and medical researchers that brought us safe and effective vaccines in record time already can and will bring us more effective and equally or even safer new vaccines.

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