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MBTA union latest to lose bid to block vaccine requirement


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Now that the case has been settled get the jab or get fired. That being said passengers have a responsibility to get the jab also. Watching the video of the Celtics fans brawling on the red line all unmasked while inside a steel tube was disturbing to say the least.

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I expect the union to use some more of its members' funds to appeal the decision, because there is a tiny possibility that some higher court will rule their way.

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Interesting the lack of comments on this article vs the Police and Fire article linked where everyone was calling for them all to be fired.

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Like one whole person on the police/fire unions story?

Or the one before that, which did not involve unions but rather a group of individuals, that one had 3 distinct people making such calls?

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There was more than one commenter calling for them to be fired. And that first comment had 98 thumbs up, but keep splitting those hairs.

Do you not find it odd that there were 38 comments on that article and 2(!) on this one? Maybe I’m just reading too much into it, but I don’t think so.

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You said nothing about thumbs up before, so now you're moving goal posts.

This is definitely not a productive use of my time but I'm looking back at those 38 comments over there, and certainly some of that discussion could have happened there, but it already happened over there, so why would it happen again, a week later on this story? It would get kinda boring if we all had the same exact discussions over and over...

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Outrage fatigue has set in. Those of us inclined to say 'good riddance' to vaccine deniers have all probably said it at least once. When it starts to feel like repeating ourselves, we stop.

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You can only hit your head against a wall so many times before it begins to feel like you are repeating yourself. If your employer mandates a vaccine jab in the interest of public health and you don't get it please don't act surprised when your Union Rep cannot help you. You'll be fired for cause.

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If this was a bike vs car post you’d be all over it……

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What I’m sensing here is that someone is butt-hurt because people seem to be less upset about bus drivers acting contrary to the public interest than they are about police officers doing the same thing.

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Not only do you have a great name, you’re smart too!

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...your butt is hurt over what you imagine other people to be thinking?

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I don't know why the cop and transit unions are lagging so badly on this.

Did they really think the rules were not going to apply to them?

Other public unions settled this months ago. Sheesh.

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The unions aren't really opposed to vaccinations; they're just pretending that it's an issue to try and get some kind of benefit-enhancement out of it. I guess they figure it's worth the effort, even though it's a long shot.

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While the Carmen's Union is undoubtedly the largest union at the MBTA, they are not the only one. I don't know if any others have filed similar suit.

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