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Fired doctor's body found in hospital closet

The Globe reports the body of Dr. Brent Cambron was found today in an operating-room storage closet at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Officials suspect suicide by Cambron, who battled drug addiction and who was dismissed by the hospital in June, 2007; they are investigating how he gained access to what is supposed to be a secure part of the hospital.

In 2005, Cambron was one of three recipients of the chief resident's award at the hospital.

Cambron's LinkedIn page.



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A sad tale of someone who had achieved much in their life.

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If that were really true then why did he commit suicide? Happy, ambitious people generally do not kill themselves.

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I'd say it doesn't always. The deceased was Valedictorian at his high school, won numerous academic and professional awards, and was an MD. That sounds like a lifetime of ambition and achievement to me. Wouldn't you be happy if your son achieved that much?

I think it's true that happy, ambitious people generally do not kill themselves. But what about sad, ambitious people? And what about people whose ambition accidentally takes them somewhere they cannot survive? I think some people might be better off failing to get the keys to the med closet.

If you're an anesthesiologist with a speciality in pain management, and you have a drug problem, what's the likelihood of a good outcome? The man was obviously at the end of his rope. It's a pity he couldn't find a new life.

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There is no such thing as a "sad, ambitious" person.

Ambition doesn't "accidentally" take people anywhere.

He was determined to kill himself. I wish he had done it in a less public place so as to not be so selfish as to hurt my friends who found him. Again, I know the anesthesiologists at BIDMC.

"If you're an anesthesiologist with a speciality in pain management, and you have a drug problem, what's the likelihood of a good outcome?" Very good IF YOU WANT IT TO BE!!

"The man was obviously at the end of his rope." If he had come to me I would have said, "Tie a not and hang on." I do not support suicide.

"It's a pity he couldn't find a new life." No, it's a pity you decided to pick a fight with me about this that you have no idea about. Again, YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME AND I DO KNOW HIS CO-WORKERS!!! My heart goes out to THEM, not YOU or anyone else who "supports" suicide.

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It should be obvious that nobody here "supports suicide," and that everybody here would much rather the poor man hadn't done it, in front of your friends or any other people. It should also be obvious that he had the wrong kind of help from some people in that facility.

It's also obvious that you are too traumatized to think or reason coherently. I encourage you to seek counseling.

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Again, you do not know me nor the people I know at BIDMC and are really in NO POSITION to suggestion I "get counseling". Maybe you ought for thinking you can get inside my head when you really can not...??

OF COURSE I am, well was, traumatized by it, as anyone would be in my position as a friend of theirs. I'd worry about my level of apathy if I didn't care about my friends. My FRIENDS are STILL ALIVE!!

Perhaps YOU need counseling for continuing this argument with me when YOU know it has no beneficial, constructive purpose. YOU will never change my mind about this so please don't even bother to try. It won't do any good.

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But I feel for you. Here you are screaming at some anonymous guy on the internet. It's probably not going to help you. Would you like to talk about your trauma, or is this screaming therapeutic for you in its own right?

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You called someone who comitted suicide "selfish". Its clear you have no idea what this poor guy was going through.

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Oh please. Just because you don't know me does not meant I don't know the people who work at BIDMC. That kind of logic makes no sense. You and I don't have to know the same people. That does not mean we don't anyone. And I am not the only one who thinks suicide is selfish, so I am not alone there. Just because we don't share YOUR opinion doesn't make it "wrong."

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And I don't care about you. And unless you've ever committed suicide, you can't really comment on what they were thinking can you?

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If someone says they're traumatized, that alone is reason to talk with a counselor, if they have not already. Insurance should cover it. If you can't afford insurance, Mass. will subsidize insurance for you.

If nothing else, you can think of a counselor as someone to complain to, rather than being too much of a drain on your friends. You don't have to tell anyone you've ever talked to a counselor. There's no real stigma. Unless you're one of those people who goes around saying "my therapist", which I contend is a different and somewhat annoying thing. :)

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You have a lot of gall "assessing" (unprofessionally) the kind of "help" this person did or didn't get at BIDMC. For all you know, he may NEVER have sought psychiatric treatment. That is NOT an employer's responsibility. It's the responsibility of the person who WANTS THE HELP, which apparently he didn't.

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This really isn't the right forum for your tirades.

I agree with the recommendations by others here, if you are feeling traumatized, you need to seek professional counseling.

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This is not the place for offering UNSOLICITED OPINIONS or lying either. The fact that you call factual statements "tirades" shows that it is on YOUR mind, not mind. You are the one who started with me. I didn't start with you.

Take your own "recommendations." I didn't ask you for any nor did I have the temerity or presumptuousness to offer my own UNTIL NOW!! You need help to deal with your issue that prevents you from leaving me alone.

Obviously you just like picking on people who are hurting or else you WOULD leave me alone.

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This is the wrong kind of help, to which I refer:

Wrote security officer Jean Marc in his report. "He was very confused and unaware.'' Cambron told the security officer "he was hanging out with some buddies that worked here, and they must of left,'' Marc wrote.

The "buddies" who were hanging out with him as he stole drugs from the hospital, shot himself up, and killed himself, were giving him the wrong kind of help.

Beth Israel spokesman Jerry Berger said the hospital is investigating how Cambron was able to enter secure areas of the hospital undetected twice in the past six months, including yesterday's apparent suicide.

Help. That's how. The wrong kind of help.

Now are you going to go get the right kind of help, or are you going to keep screaming at anonymous people on the internet?

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According to what is written here no one is "screaming at anonymous people on the internet."

Obviously, you're the one who needs the "right kind of help" and hope you get it.

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There IS such a thing as a sad, ambitious person.

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Here. He's to be buried on Tuesday in Owasso, OK.

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It's quite disgusting about what happened.But I guess everything that passes has a benefit.There is a lesson to be learned.Let's thank the policemen and doctors and also thorton radiation oncologist who help a lot in making our life safe.

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he was a great doctor to me and im upset hes gone -he had so much going for him -he was one of the doctors that really listened to you -and that matter to me alot -im sad to of heard of this years later

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