So what are these 'in-district charter schools' Menino wants to create?
Alison Lobron explains:
They wouldn't be new schools. Instead BPS would take existing, under-performing schools and turn them into "charter" schools - at which existing union agreements on seniority and the length of school days would no longer apply.
... "In-district charters," then, sounds like code for a school department takeover of the lowest-performing schools. After all, the mayor essentially will be asking the Legislature's permission to ignore the contract rules he negotiated with the teachers' union -- not in all schools, but in some of them. ...
Hmm, which union fought the mayor on salary freezes? And does anybody know if there are charter firehouses?
End busing now--or whatever
End busing now--or whatever name they call it today. Every stupid experiment that happens with Boston's schools stems from that despicable ruling in in 1974.
Speech therapy and the Mayor.
The Mayor should get speech therapy and represent those of us needing this important type of clinical consultation and treatment.
The mayor should only pay attention to actual Boston voters
Most of whom have proven repeatedly they're tired of outsiders complaining about what the mayor sounds like.
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology:
Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate, Other Advanced Degree
Programs in speech pathology and audiology prepare students to work with patients who have speech and hearing problems.
Students learn how hearing and speech work. They learn to identify and treat problems.
They also learn how to teach patients ways to improve their language and hearing abilities.
compare with pilot schools?
So how do in-district charter schools compare with pilot schools?
Who cares what Menino proposes? He never carries through. Menino has failed to improve the schools in 16 years - he won't do it in another four.