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Woman with braids beaten in Downtown Crossing

NBC Boston reports police arrested a number of teenagers who beat a white woman with braids as they cursed her for being white with braids, right at Winter and Washington streets around 7 p.m. on Monday. It's the latest of a series of violent incidents in Downtown Crossing.


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I go through the downtown crossing and Park Street areas a couple of times a week. I never see any Boston cops in the area. Once in a while I see Transit cops.

I am a senior citizen and I have felt unsafe at times.

I wonder why there can't be an officer walking the beat there.

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Cops don't walk beats anymore. I can't remember the last time I saw a cop 'walk a beat' that wasn't on a rerun of 60s cop tv show.

They just do not do this anymore. Please its a struggle to get some of these cops out of their cars.

Argument is always the same 1) we have better things to do 2) My union contract...

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Argument is always the same 1) we have better things to do 2) My union contract...

3) study after study shows that the traditional "cops walking a beat" model does not reduce the incidence of crime.

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But I would argue that community officers do reduce crime. The community officer in one of the neighborhoods I lived in previously was generally to be found out of his cruiser walking the neighborhood, getting to know business owners and residents. He also grew up in the neighborhood. He is a gem.

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… that he hates having to carry a gun. That if it was his choice, he would not have one.

My kind of copper.

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I agree that a beat cop "might" reduce some of the violence - the problem is nowadays these kids have no respect for themselves, property, other people, elders you name it so you would need the whole force walking the streets, half of them are thugs, punks and wanna bees and no one holds them accountable - a little tap on the wrist - oh their a juvenile and send them on their way - if they had to spend time in some facility their asses might not be so smug - do you think they care about the people they are harassing or stealing or whatever else they are doing from isn't afraid....give them a taste of their own medicine see how they like it - one on one - not in a group when they can't "think" they are tough guys and girls - and I don't want to hear they are venting from covid, or are bored and have nothing to do its called being responsible and respecting people and things.

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I can find a study that says the moon is made out of cheese.

I'll just disagree here.

I've been battling gangs and drug dealers on my street for over a decade, and nothing ever seems to change.

Yet I can watch my video surveillance camera all night long and count the drug deals. And that's two cameras on my front walk with specific angles. I can only see so much from those. Imagine what 2 cops walking the beat, or even sitting in a parked car could see in an hour!

So don't tell me 'walking a beat' wouldn't help. Might help get some of these people off the street quicker! Cuz whatever the police are doing currently isn't doing enough.

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because someone will record the tail end of the interaction and portray the story out of context to make it look as though I'm racist, and try to end my career. I'll sit here thank you.

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Wishing the victim a full and speedy recovery. Women getting beaten up for a hairstyle… smdh. Fwiw, Adam, there is more than one style of braids. There’s a French braid, Canadian braid, pigtail braids, just for starters.

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From today's Herald:

Shortly thereafter, the same alleged assailants showed up at Silvertone Bar and Grill, 69 Bromfield St., where they allegedly requested alcohol but the owner noticed they were clearly underage.

The owner asked them to leave when they apparently started shouting “Black Lives Matter” and demanding the staff also say it, according to the police report.

After they were escorted out, all the while allegedly screaming a variety of “racial slurs” and spitting at employees and the 15 or so patrons, they allegedly threw a 20-ounce Sprite bottle at the glass door, along with other things, breaking it. The police estimate the damage at more than $2,000.

The incident was reported as a hate crime and the Civil Rights Unit of the police was alerted.

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for the number of times they use the word alleged in a single story.

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what a sick world we live in. Who cares and what is your hair like a mop to each his own and live and let live you idiots it is their head and nothing to do with you it is what we want and like and not your business. I am older and wiser now and it doesn't matter. Blue hair, hair to your butt, mohawk, bald, or braided. Get a life, a job and mind your own business, mind if you have one and body. I am 77 your hair has nothing to do with who you are, what you do, how you dress, what you look like nor your business. I always had long hair and when I cut their were places you could take it for people who had no hair due to chemo. Retired Nurse seen it all medically. it could be you one day. Have a great day.

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Must not be enjoying her first visit to Boston from Green Gables.

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Almost ludicrous were it not for the violence.

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I wonder if this trend goes away in...say...3 days.

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But it didn’t matter because the assailants had a racist agenda and they felt even the cops couldn’t stop them. They punched an officer, spit on another, and tried to break free those who were already detained all because the police were trying to create order and protect an innocent victim from a hate crime.

After the attack by teens against a college student in January on the Green Line, assault of an 81 year old on March 21st and the property damage from March 23rd, knife threats on the Orange Line, and the recent shooting at Ruggles, this should have never been allowed to happen.

Supporting movements like “defund the police” only puts the most vulnerable in society at greater risk. People and neighborhoods deserve the right to safety when walking, driving, or using public transit.

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and it's just going to get worse.

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Please elaborate

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That's what I thought. You have nothing, just another walking punisher decal.

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You're right...leftist policies are doing wonders for Boston. Downtown crossing has never been safer. Keep demonizing police. Keep reducing the standards of our young people.

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Violent crime rates were up nationwide in 2021, but Boston's rates decreased 30%
Are you going to thank leftist policies for that? https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2021/10/01/violent-crime-drops-in-b...

As for demonizing police, Boston cops do a great job of that themselves: from covering up for the pedophilia of the head of the patrolmen's union, to systemic abuse of overtime, to the relentless whining about vaccines.

And leftist policies? Which ones do you think are to blame for this terrible incident? the "defund the police" movement that hasn't taken a dime out of police budgets? The fact that Rachel Rollins codified a policy of not prosecuting low-level crimes, which studies show actually DECREASES crime rates? https://www.wbur.org/news/2021/03/29/non-prosecution-low-level-crime-rol...

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citations needed

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Throw in some 1980s-style crack cocaine drug wars and I might be able to finally afford a condo!!!

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any crime happens anywhere it seems like there’s always some Bernie Goetz out there who’s listened to too much Michael Savage, half ready to shoot up a subway car.

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Lots of shootings in Boston; virtually 0% by LTC holders.

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We have strict gun laws in MA so there is a “Dixie Pipeline” of guns brought from southern states into northern states. You are making an argument for all states to adopt the same strict guidelines that we have here in MA.

Cow Hampshire too.

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Have any of these radical leftist policies been implemented? Or are you saying people talking about it is the reason for violent crime? Do you think police should follow the law like everyone else and be held accountable, including being held accountable for gaming the system to collect wages they did not earn or taking very early retirement for dubious reasons? If you agree do you get as worked up about those issues as you do when people suggest some reform is in order?

I'm a progressive and I cringe when people shout ABOLISH THE POLICE. I also think there's always room for improvement when it comes to our public institutions.

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Do you actually know what it means when they say "defund the police?"

Or do you tote the blue line no matter what they do?

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People still believe this crap about braids.
I think they have been brainwashed

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These were teenagers, though, so both I guess.

There have always been problem teenagers giving the rest of the teenagers a bad name.

I feel very badly for their victim and a bit for them as well.

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They literally said it was about race as they assaulted this poor woman. How are you overlooking that, Lee?

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Sorry, I forgot you need things carefully spelled out for you.

It’s “and” not “or”.

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That’s an excuse for their racist behavior. Maybe you should reread what you wrote because all I took from it were excuses for their race motivated actions.

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What attraction does DTX even offer anymore? Sure, it's always attracted a sketchy crowd and has always had a "rough around the edges" vibe to it for as long as I can remember. However, up until maybe the 90s, it was a prime shopping destination. You had a number of retailers such as Filene's, Jordan Marsh, Woolworth's, etc. Not to mention at one point you had up to five record stores and two large book sellers. Now, it's just a shell of it's former self and really no reason to go there. Incidents like this and other recent ones are just going to keep the shoppers, tourists, etc away even more.

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That's never been a particularly savory area, but having a visible police presence will definitely help.

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That cop kiosk lasted about 10 minutes. It's a flower shop now.

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I remember when we used to get on white ppl for dreadlocks, never really braids, but it seems this group was on one. Was the victim OK?

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