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Burning man extinguished in Downtown Crossing, rushed to local hospital for care

Live Boston reports a homeless man who apparently fell asleep with a lit cigarette on Washington Street across from Macy's downtown, set himself on fire around 9:15 p.m. on Thursday. First responders found the man running down the street engulfed in flames. They put out the fire and rushed him to a nearby hospital for burn treatment.



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… should be smoke free.

This guy’s suffering must be terrible.

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Wait…what? You legitimately think a smoke-free-zone law will keep a HOMELESS person from procuring a butt? WTF is going on with your intellectual tribe? Holy cannoli, you have ZERO idea how the world works. This region is truly retarding itself with “education”.

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You mean well, but do you honestly think the homeless population would heed a no-smoking mandate in DTX? I am witness to the homeless and/or addicted smoking in T stations, which are clearly no-smoking zones, all the time. I also never saw the homeless and/or addicted ever wear masks on the T and in the stations during the pandemic. I mean EVER. I'm sorry, but sometimes people are their own worst enemies.

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I’ve made people put out their cigarettes in the T, at sidewalk cafes, at bus stops, outside my building. I’m not even a cop. Just an ordinary person. Anyone who claims this is not possible has probably not even tried it. There is plenty of defeatism and apathy among those who don’t want to breathe other people’s toxic smoke.

It’s not just the unhoused who ignore No Smoking signs.

The unfortunate thing is that signs like this and enforcement are needed. It’s just common sense and decency not to smoke around other people or animals.

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Please, please seek help you sick, sick twit.

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Heartbreaking. I can't even imagine how horribly painful that is, that poor man.

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Glad he was saved, glad he didn't do this if he was housed in a place where others could have been displaced, injured, or killed, and confident this red flag (one of many in his life I'm sure) won't make him get woke. Let's hope I'm wrong.

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I mean how likely a fate is this, for a person? who do we get there?

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Johnny Most set himself on fire by smoking while using oxygen!

Smoking causes 1 in 5 house fires in the US and is the leading cause of death, in part, because of people falling asleep while smoking.

I can recall several horrible fires in this area that killed entire families when someone fell asleep with a cigarette. It used to be far more common when more people smoked.

Cigarettes contain additives to keep them burning when not being actively smoked.

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and no not blaming

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He wasn't smoking. The cigarette was lit and he wasn't conscious.

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That can happen without alcohol or drug use.

The real problem is that cigarettes stay lit when not being actively smoked.

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Might as well take this opportunity to remind people not to run around if they catch fire -- that just feeds oxygen to the flames and makes them bigger. Roll around on the ground, roll up in a blanket, or get doused with water if you want to put them out. (All of these starve the flame of oxygen and/or heat.)

(Similarly: If your hand is on fire, don't wave it around. It's not like a bug you can shake off, despite your instincts telling you this.)

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and this story is just tragic and horrific. I hope the man recovers.

When I hear about accidents like this, I can't help but think about what happened to Fanny Longfellow, which circumstances were also just heartbreaking:


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Just don't.

My grandfather did that, with his pipe.

He was okay, but his house was totaled.

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… despite the no smoking clause in her lease, the neighbor’s complaints and threats of eviction from the landlord, smoked regularly on her back porch. One afternoon an unattended lit cigarette was blown out of her ashtray onto the porch and within an hour the entire building was uninhabitable. 6 homes destroyed. My building was damaged and all the buildings nearby were evacuated for varying periods of time.

Candles are also a big fire risk.

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Whqt is with all these @anon's lately. What are they scared of. I believe Incredible Hulk is still open if any of you anons need a username. There's a whole universe of marvel characters you could be. If that runs out try DC. If that runs out there's always Archie comics, lots of character names there,

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