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Dedham Square bar worker attacked by young teens

WBZ reports a worker at the Horse Thieves Tavern went outside around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday to ask some girls to stop banging on the window - and promptly got jumped by the group.

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As in, the ones who've been beating up people around Downtown Crossing and attacking a Mickey D's in Mission Hill (IIRC)? Mostly teen/tween girls with an 11-year-old girl for a ringleader? Damn kids today...why can't they do something normal, like setting hairspray on fire with a Bic lighter to create a flamethrower, or making dresses for clubbing out of Hefty bags and getting infections by piercing their noses with huge safety pins? I miss the '80s, damn it...

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These punks know there are little to no consequences as they are juveniles. Simple solution, charge as adults and let them deal with inmates who will beat THEM senseless. There is no rehabilitation for these useless bottom feeders of society, so just get them off the streets, make the City a little more safe, and call it a day. This will deter other punks. But Wu wants to "provide them all the resources they need." Thats hysterical. The "resource" shld be prison

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This falls under the Norfolk County DA's jurisdiction.

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B, I hope you don’t have kids. Beating ppl doesn’t beat sense into them. In my experience, it just teaches them to be the biggest person or in the largest group doing the beating.

Kids are easily influenced, good or bad. If separated from the bad influence and introduced to a better one, such as in alternatives to adult criminal justice, they’ll probably turn out better than with your method.

But what do I know. I only had one rotation in youth development/alternatives to traditional juvenile justice. Alternatives to juvie that are no better than prisons for small people work better, at least from my POV.

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Some people respond well to counseling.

Some people respond well to a smack upside the head.

It all depends on the person.

Let's not think in absolutes.

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White kids should get counseling and brown kids should get jail from your perspective I assume?

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Like I said you racist twit, one size doesn't fit all.

Seek help for your prejudices please. You come off as so, so angry. WTF is is your problem?

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You show your whole racist ass every week on here. I'm not prejudiced against Irish Americans, just thin skinned dummies like you. Have a blessed* day.

* any variety of blessing - no biases please.

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Sure thing, You are not prejudiced. Sure you're not.

You have so many racist thoughts the Covid Wastewater data from Deer Island picks it up.

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did the story mention the race of the attackers?

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Alludes to it. ‘What did you say white woman?’

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No, but if it had been a Boston restaurant with Dedham-based attackers, you-know-who would have worked "suburbanites" into the post.

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By the attackers.

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Your comment disays the "everythings a nail" attitude thats been hailed as the cure-all for societies ills.

A certain someone swaggered in with a sledgehammer promising to cure it all with machismo, strength, and a complete disregard for anything else.

That bozo failed spectacularly and led a coup attempt.

So now we begin again; the right will demand HARD and UNBENDING consequences for petty crimes as the only cure for rising crime. While at the same time raiding the nation's coffers and safety net so the obscenely wealth can get a little bit more.

It'll be sold as the NEW YUGE Trickle Down Theory and 30% of the country will eat it up like a fresh vat of mac-n-cheese at the Golden Corral.

"Moderates" will agree to another crime bill to save their seats, corporate prisons will swell, tide goes in, tide goes out.

Except this time the demographic in charge is facing very real, very unavoidable changes in birth rates and attitudes toward medieval era religions and their practices.

They cannot stop it. And as a result they're going to get very, VERY violent.

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Everything about this post is wrong.

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This didn't even happen in Boston, so Wu has nothing to do with this.

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Consequences for their vile actions.

There were more attacks in DTX on Monday. Some punk smacked a women in the face with a shoe.

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and probably doesn't know anything about neighborhood or town boundaries.

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The mayor of the state's largest city serves a leadership role that can have influence on policies outside of the city's borders. In this case, just a mile outside.

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Dedham isn’t part of Boston high-o

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B, this happened in a suburb. Obviously it’s not just a city or a Wu problem, but please continue with the weird hysterics.

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The Dedham police department is right across the street from the Tavern. They are going to have to explain why they didn't arrest the group or try to stop the MBTA bus the kids made their get away on.

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‘What did you say white woman?’ And I turned to walk in, and something or someone knocked me out.”

The victim woke up with people stomping (shod foot, ABDW) on her head.

The attacker, by their own words, declared that they were acting from a place of racial hatred and proceeded to assault a woman to the point where they were told to stop because they were “killing her.”

The girls then dragged the person who told them to stop by their hair and beat them up as well.

Kids who are not upheld to face any consequences for their actions and are educated in today’s climate of dividing people, are being raised as borderline racist terrorists. They end up hating other races while simultaneously inflicting harm upon their own, all because of a system of education that is in place to tribalize the individual, not for the good of the community, but for the aid of those in power.

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They learned this because they were indoctrinated in public school. Okay, right. Was it the critical race theory at a tender young age that did it?

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You brought up public schools and critical race theory, not me. It obviously hit a nerve.

If you don’t think education in America over the last few decades has been operating from the standpoint of those who support critical race theory, then you haven’t been paying attention.

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Don't play dumb, when you mention education, everyone infers public schools. Have the courage of your "CRT" convictions. Also look up what CRT actually is, because you clearly don't know.

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Yes public schools make up a majority, but I’m not singling them out and private schools are included. All I did was use the word education and it encompasses both public and private.

I am well aware of what critical race theory is, it’s emphasis on intersectionality, and how it divides learners by their race, sex, gender, or class and puts them into boxes of victims or oppressors, something that used to happen in middle school but now happens in elementary school.

I would love to hear exactly what words you put together to describe what you think is the real definition.

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Is the bogus language white conspiracy bros apply to CRT, so I know you're probably not arguing in good faith, but... How about instead of spouting a garbling of wikipedia and OANN, you read a pretty simple explanation here of the graduate school theory here from "Education Week": https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-and-why-i...

Critical Race Theory acknowledges and examines systemic racism that exists in society, it does not call white people "oppressors" and people of color "victims." I don't know how anyone can argue with the idea that systemic racism exists. I mean, the average net worth of a white household in Boston is a quarter million dollars and for a Black household, it's $8. Are you going to argue that kind of thing just happens naturally? https://www.bostonfed.org/publications/one-time-pubs/color-of-wealth.aspx

Arrest rates, conviction rates, and conviction sentences for people of color are more severe than white people for the same crimes. Police officers in schools penalize Black kids more severely than white kids in schools for the same "infractions." It's harder for a Black person to buy or sell house, live in a "good neighborhood," get an equitable education, etc, etc, etc...

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I never said systemic racism doesn’t exist. I said making it the basis for all of education will only create further division and a new type of racial animosity amongst young people and future generations.

It isn’t about educating kids, it’s about indoctrination, to the point where they’d rather strike about equity than actually teach the children anything at all.



Ask any kid what they are doing in school and you will see and hear that schools now care more about activism indoctrination than actual education. Telling every kid to go out and save the world is also making many of them overwhelmed and depressed and these numbers are growing year by year.


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Weird, I've been tutoring kids in middle and high school for over five years and never once was asked to cover "activism," just algebra, ELA, and history. AND I do it in the very heart of the People's Republik, so if it was happening anywhere, it would be here, right?

In short, I have seen no evidence that systemic racism is "the basis for all of education," so I must conclude that once again you don't have a damn clue what you're talking about and are just parroting your dangerous conspiracy bro right-wing talking points.

But thanks for posting a bunch of links that have nothing to do with what you're saying, conspiracy bro. OF COURSE teachers are pissed after 3 years without a contract. And it you read that Atlantic article you obviously blind posted, you would see it listed 4 reasons that kids are increasingly depressed, none of which are CRT.

You know who does think CRT is a real dangerous problem? The Buffalo shooter. You may want to start thinking about the company you keep: Qanon zealots and racist right-wingers. Are you happy with those allies?

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F off with that garbage. Allies? Seriously? You realize people like you are destroying the Democratic Party? But sure, keep calling everyone racist or linked to Q anon or conspiracies and see how that works out in the end.

Should I list black nationalist terrorists and link you to them? I can if you want.

I have spoken to many families and children in many greater Boston area towns, including Boston, and have heard plenty. If you’re a tutor, that is a different situation because you are doing specifically needed things with the students. They also aren’t telling you everything. Trust me. Dig in a little more with your questions and you’ll see what is happening. Simply saying you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

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I'm calling you Qanon because you call anyone who disagrees with you pro-pedophile. Here's a link that's actual proof of what I'm saying, not like your mindless google vomit that you don't read. https://www.universalhub.com/comment/888162#comment-888162
You did the same thing earlier in your smear of Justice KCB and Vox, but I think you get the point.

That's straight Qanon, bro.

Then, you try to blame kids' depression and misbehavior on...not societal issues and overarching systemic racism and class disparities (which you just admitted exists!)... but the fact that kids are being taught about that systemic racism you agree they face!

According to your third hand research inside your right wing echo-chamber, kids beat up a service worker in Dedham because of "CRT"! and those dastardly schools. That's laughably straight conspiracy bro behavior, just like your white supremacist bros Tucker Carlson, the Daily Caller (who you proudly link to),...and in it's worst form, the Buffalo shooter.

If the shoe fits.

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In some circles that means people are supporting the problem at hand.

Kids are absolutely being taught that the world is full of hate, fear, and destruction every single day. If you don’t see this, then you aren’t asking the right questions.

So you think those girls learned that hate from their parents alone then? Not years of a world telling them they are victims and that everyone they encounter is racist?

I can label you as well but I won’t. I read news from as many sources as I can find. You should understand that it is people like yourself hurting the Democratic Party.

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"I can label you as well but I won't" Who do you think you're fooling, clown? You should retract your baseless, slanderous accusation and apologize immediately.

Further, you are without the wits to carry a logical argument, ignoring facts and making dangerously wrong declarations about what "kids are being taught" without a shred of life experience or proof to back it up.

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You compared me to a mentally insane person who cared out a racially motivated terrorist attack.

I said I can label you but won’t and that was too much? Wow.

Your position is not anti pedophile, just as someone not actively fighting racism isn’t anti racist. If these are the new definitions of how to operate in society, then you can’t have it both ways. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Kids absolutely are being taught through racially dividing methods. Do you have kids? Do you know any that speak to you honestly and truthfully? There is plenty of documented and anecdotal evidence of what is going on today in school.

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As opposed to Yesterday's climate of, you know, mandatory segregation and much more poorly funded schools for Black kids. Tell me, what's your favorite "undivided" climate of public schooling...the 1950's? The 1930's? The 1880's? The 70's were super-fun in Boston, right?

But no, for you it must be today's climate where a kid in Boston might maybe, accidentally be taught something about the civil rights movement and racial inequality that's causing "tribalization" and violence. NOT the actual giant racial and class disparities in this country and our society's general indifference to the underprivileged.

You deluded conspiracy bro, will you listen to yourself?

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You are talking about physically separating people in decades (centuries) of the past and comparing that to today. Segregation is obviously a terrible thing and the country is better off not adhering to these horrid principles. Unfortunately that does not mean people aren’t still being divided. The difference between now and then is a more subtle division through the control of thought.

This does not mean students shouldn’t learn thoroughly about the civil rights movement, racial inequalities, and America’s violent history. They should know history through and through. However, it also does not mean teaching generation after generation that they are perpetual victims or oppressors because of their race. This does create divisions from all sides involved and saying otherwise is being willfully ignorant.

Education should be encouraging self-empowerment, not victimhood.

Also, saying we are doing better than 1930 is not a good argument to support the current state of schooling. I did not single out public schools. You did.

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You consipracy bros, you think (or pretend to think) the reason people are divided is "subtle control of thought," and not, to repeat, the actual giant racial and class disparities in this country and our society's general indifference to the underprivileged. People have eyes, they can see what's going on in this country, even if your types keep trying to ban teaching about it in school.

Occam's razor.

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If you don’t think Americans are being divided by class and race, then I don’t know what else to tell you but to follow your own advice and use your eyes.

I also never said ban anything. Someone else brought up critical race theory and I said it’s been in play for a while and we are seeing the results come to fruition in new generations. The results are not great and it continues racial divisions, rather than heal them, by putting people into boxes of victims or oppressors.

How does training people to see everyone else by their race first not create a new generation of subtle racists? I understand “not seeing race” is also a problem, but teaching people to operate from this small-minded and always inside the box point of view is not healthy for individuals or communities.

Please don’t compare America in 2022 to decades or centuries ago because it is disingenuous and hurts actual progress.

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The Globe Politburo has apparently given the go ahead to underlings to start reporting this story.

A day late and missing many key details.

Journalism standards?

At the Globe?


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Didn't report it till....the next day.

When did the Herald report it? They haven't yet? OMG, they're in on the conspiracy too?!!

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WBZ and others reported this a day earlier than the Globe and had many more details.

No conspiracy. Just a lack of journalism on the part of a fading local news source.

Your welcome.

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You’re the one who brought up the politburo, friend. You’re welcome

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Probably happen again in 12 hours.

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