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Man was climbing up a Roxbury fire escape with a loaded gun, police say

Boston Police report BPD and Northeastern University Police officers arrested a man spotted climbing up a fire escape at the three-story 39 Cunard St. Friday evening.

After getting him down, they discovered he was carrying "a loaded Taurus 9mm with one round in the chamber and eight rounds in the magazine" in his coat pocket, police say.

Isaac Almendarez, 26, of Roxbury, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition, police say.

Innocent, etc.

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Maybe he was just locked out and trying to get into his apartment...

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If gun laws had any meaning, he would not be free right now. Plenty of google on this aspiring murderer. Good thing he's probably already walking free, locked and loaded.

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So thanks to the police, the guy on the fire escape neither fired nor escaped.

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Gun laws don't work here. I lost count of the gun incidents that UHub informs us about. Adam, thanks for being my news of choice .

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First, no law is perfect. Should we rescind laws against murder since people keep getting murdered?

Second, the problem is not the law itself, but the fact that it's so easy to evade by buying guns in other states, like, say, New Hampshire. Again, should we rescind our gun laws because other states suck in this regard?

Third, Massachusetts, which has some of the toughest gun laws in the country, has the second lowest rate of gun deaths in the country (behind only Hawaii). That's not just because our hospitals are so good.

States with the most gun violence share one trait

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54% of all gun deaths are suicide. In Massachusetts we commit suicide by overdose instead.

Most gun violence has nothing to do with people buying legal guns in another state. Nearly all gun violence we read about in UHub is from illegal street purchases of black market handguns with obliterated serial numbers. It is tough to conceal a long gun on the street.

We have no idea how many guns there are in Massachusetts. We have fewer legal guns than many states with high numbers of legal guns. So we have a higher percentage of illegally possessed guns than many states.

Gun laws are not our problem, nor are the gun laws of our neighboring states. Sentencing for violations of our gun laws are our problem.

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Most gun violence has nothing to do with people buying legal guns in another state. Nearly all gun violence we read about in UHub is from illegal street purchases of black market handguns with obliterated serial numbers.

Just where do you think those guns came from? They didn't grow on the street, they were mostly purchased - usually legally - in other states, then stolen or just brought here.

We have no idea how many guns there are in Massachusetts.

Yes, we do. The report Adam linked to says that we also have the second-lowest percentage of homes with guns in them. Second-lowest gun deaths, second-lowest homes with guns. Not a coincidence. Also not a coincidence that our gun laws are among the strictest in the country. They do work.

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The article Adam cited only uses legally registered owned guns. FBI statistics show that most urban areas have gun possession rates well above legal ownership rates in the states the article cites at high ownership. They are just illegal, and we don't know who has them. FACT.

Neither of us will ever know how many former NH guns are possessed in the homes of my Roxbury/JP/Dorchester neighbors' homes. Most of the ones used in crimes in Boston are found after shootings to be very old guns, likely stolen years ago and passed around until used in a crime. Not newly purchased guns.

There is a limited number of scumbags who will commit gun crimes. When they identify themselves by committing gun crimes, let's incarcerate them. The reduced supply of would be murderers will limit the demand for illegal guns. Problem solved. Can't hurt for trying anyway. No great loss anyway, and not to be confused with leniency for low level criminals we may try to counsel.

There are more than 400 Million guns in the US today. If we make gun ownership illegal who do you think will possess those guns? I'm hoping you never personally find out.

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Where did those goalposts go? You're just throwing a bunch of arguments at the wall, and you don't even care if any of them stick.

You're a troll.Goodbye.

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Don't go away angry, just go away.

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Just where do you think those guns came from? They didn't grow on the street, they were mostly purchased - usually legally - in other states, then stolen or just brought here.

Um, yes some do grow on the street.


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Phone somebody... like the police.
This time it worked.

Dude could have waited a little longer... you know, the cover of darkness.
Oh, well... he can up his game next time.
No charge of trespassing... WAS it his building?

Yeah... the police got him down. What a downer, Dude!

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Do a great job keeping the campus safe along with Ruggles MBTA station.

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