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Police hunt four who stomped a man outside South Station last night

Three of the four attackers

Three attackers about to get in an SUV with the fourth and a driver.

Live Boston reports Boston Police are "close to arrests" of four young men who beat a man to the ground and then just kept punching and kicking him as he lay there unconscious while fending off his girlfriend before jumping into an SUV stopped on Atlantic Avenue and speeding off early Friday.

The attack, shortly after midnight, was captured on video by at least two motorists, both of whom also made a point of capturing the vehicle's rear license plate.

One of the four attackers wore a blue Boston Fire Department T-shirt, of the sort you can buy outside Faneuil Hall; another wore a gray hoodie and what appeared to be a bloody bandage around his left knee.

One of the videos shows that one of the attackers broke off from the attack and jumped into the waiting silver Toyota SUV while the other three kept punching and kicking the prostrate man for a few more seconds. Then, with huge grins on their faces, they, too, ran into the SUV, whose driver took off.



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“ captured on video by at least two motorists, both of whom also made a point of capturing the vehicle's rear license plate.”
So they should be pretty easy to find, I’m hoping.

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MA plate 3SZF 14. Clear as day.
Why has there been no more additional information about the perpetrators of this attack?
What privilege/ connections do they have? This stinks to high hell.

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Mama will say these lads were just turning their lives around. I hope the victim will be okay physically and emotionally. I seriously hope they are not in any way associated with the Boston Fire Department.

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Because a good lawyer knows the law. They need a great lawyer one who knows the judge.

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They are either libtards from the burbs or trumpkins from the burbs.

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They are violent assholes regardless.

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…they’re high school-aged assholes with no credible political affiliation because they’re like 16-years-old.

Someone who was kinda a POS in high school.

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When I was 16 (or now for that matter). Hanging up on a guy whose unconscious is a little more than being a POS. They’re sociopaths. Hope they’re old enough to be tried as adults. They know what they did.

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I didn’t mean to appear to defend the kids, but it is dumb to say “I bet these kids are either liberal or Trump fans” for many reasons.

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I guess you covered all bases with your brilliant "libtard or Trumper" comment. Wow.... glad you were here captain obvious. They were punks, that beat a man for joy. Obviously they need 4 of them to beat up one musican walking with his girlfriend. Its suspicious that 2 ppl have video of this incident and its been very tight lipped and stresses no charges have been filed yet. This means its more than likely someone who daddy has a job with the city and they are trying to figure out a way to save their a**es.

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They are either libtards from the burbs or trumpkins from the burbs.

Because city kids are always well-behaved. Ya, right.

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Teens (15-16) from Allston and South Boston. Quick to judge, eh?

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Whatever system produced these thugs is clearly rotten to its core. Hope this worthless scum goes away for a long time.

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Except without the fashion sense, I'm betting none of them is into Beethoven either. They're about to learn the meaning of ultra-violence.

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In the film the droogs eventually ended up becoming police officers. Let’s hope life doesn’t imitate art in this instance.

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Home of the unrepentant hockey hazing and cover-up.

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As a part time property manager, I occasionally review weird incidents recording. I’ve learned the hard way that even clear surveillance footage can lead to conclusions that are totally off the mark. I am not defending the act or the actors, but without knowing what preceded this (relatively soft) beating and the connection between these three guys and the victim I wouldn’t jump to any conclusion.

Thanks to the internet, footage like this can spread like wildfire and never completely disappear. To some people who barely know them this 20-second recording is going to define these kids for many years to come; this may be their greatest punishment.

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They beat someone who was already unconscious. Not overly interested in what happened before that.

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A courtesy only ever offered to white men who are 'good kids' and 'made a mistake' of course in reality though. Threats of punishment get met with concerns that any would 'ruin their future'.

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There is no justified violent behavior, it doesn’t matter what someone does to “provoke” no has the right to harm anyone else. It’s clear from the video these 4 were not defending themselves against one guy getting his ass kicked. How can you think violence is ever justified over something other than defending your own life.

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Monkey boys

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typically a bad indicator. it's the white version of the hoodie. for anyone seeking to justify or downplay this incident, 3 on 1 with the man on the ground is never justifiable, unless the man down has shown a weapon.

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The punishment should be strong and swift for these punks. It should be even more severe when ganging up on someone, not to mention hitting them while they are down and defenseless.

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This happened on Thursday night? License plate, pictures of suspects, mmmm... if they were people of color or homeless, we would already have the follow up story on their arrest. Don't hold your breath for justice in this case.

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Are these the kids of state troopers or regular cops?

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Two from Allston and two from Southie. I recall someone wondering what preceded the attack? This is in the latest Globe update:

“The attackers had earlier shouted derogatory remarks from their SUV about his son’s long hair, he said. His son flipped his hair backward in response, made remarks about their haircuts, and said they were driving a parent’s vehicle, he said.

At that point, “they just piled out” of the SUV, he said, while his son began backing away to avoid a confrontation.”

Hoping for a swift and complete recovery by the victim.

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