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Faneuil Hall Marketplace gets its Christmas tree
By adamg on Tue, 11/08/2022 - 3:30pm

Lisa Green got a gander at the Faneuil Hall Marketplace Christmas tree being delivered today.
The official "Thanks, Boston!" tree from Nova Scotia , which will go up on the Common, is still rooted in Nova Scotia, more specifically on Christmas Island (for real). It's due to be carefully chopped down to get ready for transport here, on Nov. 16.
Free tagging:
Thanksgiving comes first!
Where's Suldog when you need him?
It's a Thanxmas tree!
Two bloated holidays gradually merging into each other as if they were swollen, sprawling urban areas. As what were once individual cities become neighborhoods of the megalopolis, so will Christmas and Thanksgiving become featured events of the Thanxmas megaholiday.
That's Labor Thanksmasween, man!
All holidays are the same holiday.
Here I Am
Thanks for the shout-out. I'm still saying "Thanksgiving Comes First!", but mostly I'm just being a grumpy old guy and yelling it at my TV during Old Navy commercials.
Christmas decorations were
Christmas decorations were put up on the shelves the day after Halloween at my local Walgreens. I didn't see any Thanksgiving stuff.
Thanksgiving is a food holiday
Unless you're a grocery store, I don't think there's much holiday-specific merchandise to display.
I was thinking maybe a
I was thinking maybe a cardboard turkey with a paper fold out tail, Thanksgiving themed napkins or at least a kid pilgrim type poster for the door. Halloween is a candy holiday in the US and my Walgreens had tons of decorations for that.
Magoo sez
Magoo ‘members a time many moons ago when Magoo was a Druid and did Magoo-dance moves around an evergreen tree on the winter solstice. Magoo left Druidism and is contemplating Magoo’s spiritual journey. Magoo thinks that Druidism is a fantastically fantastic faith but during one Druid ceremony a voice from the spirit realm cried out to Magoo and Magoo became very frightened. Magoo looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back at Magoo. Magoo admittedly has not been quite the same since. Magoo warns those that seek untold knowledge. Magoo.