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Police, who could only fill 65% of road-work flagging jobs over the past year, don't want to give up their monopoly

The Bay State Banner reports on a contentious City Council hearing on the idea of letting civilians get part of the construction detail game, in which the police union president went over his allotted five-minute talk time and so city councilors Kenzie Bok, Kendra Lara and Ruthzee Louijeune walked out until he was done.



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Only thing they’re interested in protecting and serving are their own wallets.

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Our country would be far better if cops only cared for getting as much money for as little work as possible. We’d all love to make $100/hr+ to sit in a car scrolling on our phones.

Sadly, I fear they care more about protecting qualified immunity and thus avoiding any accountability than money. The worst cops aren’t in it for the money, they’re in it for the power and the ability to abuse it.

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The police union president thinks that rules are for other people. Well, almost.

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Murphy suggested that the high rate of pay for flaggers might actually deter Boston school children from attending college.

“My kids went to college,” she said. “I don’t know that they would have taken the path they took if they knew they could get a $70,000-a-year job out of high school.”

This is so dumb I can't even make a coherent comment. Just let it stand on its own in stupidity.

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Wait until her kids find out how much they can make as a Boston firefighter.

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Their other mouth will be spewing about "elites" and "overeducated people" in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

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by that. It’s a marvel. They should raise monuments to it. There should be an Erin Murphy Stupidity Prize, to memorialize attempts by other morons to rise to its standard.

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Then, when BPPA Pres. Larry Calderone was given a chance to respond, they turned his mic off after 2 minutes.


Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association President Larry Calderone refused to surrender the microphone after exceeding the five-minute limit for testimony, prompting councilors to walk out of the hearing, held at the Bolling Building in Roxbury.

Curious, I wonder which retelling of the story is a lie.

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Funny, @BostonPatrolmen have me blocked on Twitter. If I recall correctly, it’s because I was among the many who criticized BPD’s response to the protests in June of 2020. Thin skins on those guys, considering they’ve got bulletproof vests & loaded guns!

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Turning his mic off doesn't mean he stopped speaking.

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Tell me again just how different MA is?

I'll take someone with an unambiguous STOP/SLOW sign over goofy non-standard hand gestures that are both difficult to see and even more difficult to interpret any time.

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The citizens of New Jersey need specialists at service stations to pump their gas. In Massachusetts you need a badge and a gun to be qualified to read your phone, I mean direct traffic.

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As a civilian in VA and safety was assured

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...is that the full time job should be satisfied first.

Id like to hear some statistics on how much extra detail hours adds above the primary job functions of police work.

If it impacts worker (police officer) "productivity" of the primary job title, things should change where it is feasible for cities (and states) to do so. It should at least be minimized as reasonable and focused on essential functions that only police trained positions are able to do.

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Legal graft gives Massachusetts local police good reason to not seek out bribes and other forms of illegal income. We run the risk that local police will start accepting bribes if they can't boost their incomes with detail graft.

What about the children who are not abused by local police parents because the parents spend so much time hanging around construction sites and what not. We need to protect those kids from abusive police parents.

On the other hand, among local police who do not abuse their children, this could actually result in the same parents spending more time with their kids. What an amazing concept! Parents spending time with their kids.

The bit about creating opportunities for non-cops is a nice plus.

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a book deal writing the next Freakonomics bestseller!

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Transit and BPD had a huge fight in the past about whether Transit officers could work details at Transit stations and Bridges. Despite the fact that BPD couldn't fill the shifts. Boston is actually full of sworn officers that work for colleges, hospitals and even DMH. They could set a system where they allow non-bpd sworn officers to cover details that haven't been filled within 24 hours of start, then there would not be 45% gap. There are businesses that are supposed have a detail, but purposely don't reserve one in time for anyone to take it.

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How blatant they are about not doing anything, theyll look at the phone or look into a hole as tralffic backs up

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