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BPD fires pair of anti-vax cops


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OMG, the heinous offense to your first-amendment and religious freedoms!

Good riddance, you ridiculous ignoramuses and threats to public safety. Go bang your buckets in some hick town where police and political leadership don't understand science, either.

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of that incident, Cottone treated the officers who arrived to deal with her bullshit like they were the criminals.

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She never should have been fired. How the hell could the city force anyone to get that vaccine. Now that we know that it did not prevent transmission whatsoever and numerous health complications resulted from it

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She wasn't fired for avoiding the vaccine mandate. The city did not "force" anyone to get vaccinated. And the risks of the authorized COVID vaccines in the US far outweighs the risks from getting infected without prior immunity.

From the Globe, link posted by Adam below

Cottone, who was placed on leave last year just days before the city’s vaccine requirement went into effect, committed “multiple violations of several Department rules and procedures,” Cox said.

“Cottone’s conduct in these cases reflects a pattern and inability to adhere to the rules and procedures of this Department,” Cox said in the statement. “These violations along with Cottone’s disciplinary history render her unsuitable to continue her employment with the Boston Police Department and thus her employment has been terminated.”

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Must be tough being so perpetually aggrieved.

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If someone actually has a medical need to quickly access food, and isn't making it up to bolster a stupid lawsuit, they should carry some granola bars in their pocket.

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Last Thursday in a Wrentham court room, Cottone tried to have a harassment protective order filed against a Black Twitter user who has been critical of her nonsense.I was there and it was embarrassing as her only evidence for the HPO was the man's Tweets.Thankfully the Judge laughed her out of court.

She just can't help losing, can she? Well, as my Grandma would say, good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Lisa Kashinsky (Politico-Boston reporter)

Wu on @BosPublicRadio says a third BPD officer has been fired. This is the second one related to Jan. 6.

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. Abasciano, who was on medical leave, now lives in New Hampshire.

Of course "medical leave" gotta make sure you continue to get those taxpayer funded paychecks.

Sorry folks, these are crooked cops, they know how to work the system. That dude knows that he would never be able to face some of his coworkers again, so magically they go on "medical leave"

Can't wait for the lawsuit from him going "you can't fire me while I am out on medical leave"

Good riddens.

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Serve the public trust
Protect the Innocent
Uphold the law

You know what amuses me, I'm going to guess many of folks who resisted taking the vaccine and wanted to cry about it were Trump supporters, yet Trump himself takes credit for it and has taken it himself, so...what are these people arguing about, exactly? What are they trying to provde?

My general assumption was in some areas that the more crooked leadership of Police and Firefighter unions were trying to get more concessions / days off etc to comply with getting the vaccine, vs any actual real misgivings. Maybe I am stupid, but if your job involves running into a burning building, being shot at, or crawling through the dessert in a foreign country, being told as part of your job you need something to help keep you healthy, the only reason to deny it is some sort of mental illness or doing it to protest some fake enemy.

These people should be barred from ever working for state, local or federal government as well, and all pensions and benefits revoked. Its all BS political posturing that appeals to the more mentally ill in society.

Toss them out,, and salt the earth.

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Guess not.

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They've gotten paid for the past year without having to work. Sounds like they had no interest in being Boston cops anyway.

There are plenty of departments that would be glad to hire them if they wanted a police job. Florida had been advertising they'd fast-track hire any officer fired for COVID policies in another state.

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Wonders of the Irrational World

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Well I'm sure they feel pretty darn good today about standing their stomping ground to the point of forfeiting their $160K yearly salary.

Scroll down to see complaints. Note that Shana got the worst possible rating.

By comparison, Joseph is just a misled Cub Scout.

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But, alas, is no longer being updated.

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Good riddance to her, but especially to anyone who has over the course of the past three years tried to slander Wu and other public officials who imposed vaccine mandates as "anti-labor." As a titled member of a labor union, it pisses me off to no end that others out there were trying to co-opt labor and unions as not being compatible with responsible public health efforts. If you feel otherwise, you should leave your public service job immediately.

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I am confused, isn’t Healy lifting the emergency? Why are they firing healthy workers? You wouldn’t even fire sick workers, you put them on pfml and pay for them to stay home. If you cared about their health you don’t fire people. That alone can cause health problems for that person. Why is a person who wants to work and not stay home collecting a check all of a sudden a threat? I don’t understand.

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The Globe has more details (yeah, password protected), for example, Abasciano's pro-1/6 putsch comments online:

"While in the Department’s employ, Abasciano authored a series of social media posts that called into question his ability to provide police services in an unbiased and objective manner,” Cox said in a statement Monday night. “Abasciano’s conduct impairs the operation of this Department and its employees by diminishing the Departments’ reputation and trust within the community.

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I really am getting a little nervous about hiring practices in police departments. Yes, I've met and know a good number of normal, well-adjusted police officers. But ... wow, to think there are so many legit Q-anon crackpots serving in our taxpayer-funded police forces around the country is really scary. While only a moron would call to "defund the police" I honestly believe there needs to be reforms in how potential officers are evaluated and hired. It's just nuts.

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How many more just like them still in the force?

Scary to think.

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