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Fire under Charles/MGH delays Red Line
By adamg on Fri, 04/28/2023 - 10:17pm
A fire that broke out in Charles Circle underneath the Charles/MGH station shortly before 9 p.m. sent smoke billowing into the station and caused delays on the Red Line of up to 20 minutes.
Free tagging:
Mole People
Who live under the station have set fires before in an effort to keep warm.
What was on fire?
There needs to be a clear and understandable explanation for this high-potential impact incident. What was the fuel source for this fire at street level?
Probably not the MBTA this time
Per the original tweet's photo, if you've ever crossed the Longfellow on the side of the Frances Appleton Footbridge over the last several years, this is the location of a permanent homeless encampment (one of several in this area):
The City doesn't do anything about these people camping with stolen hospital wheelchairs on a stretch of land under the MBTA station and adjacent to a busy road, so it's always been a matter of time before a fire starts and/or someone gets hit by a car. The City DOES, however, hide BOS:311 reports like this so that journalists browsing the website archives can't track the scope of the unaddressed homelessness problem being reported by residents.
The site as of yesterday
Looks like someone has been excavating the copper paneling
This is fine
Sometimes ….
…. you have to light a fire under someone or something to get it going.
This needs an explanation
The fuel for the flames needs to be disclosed publicly. Were the flames coming out of infrastructure under the street, or from material above street level?
This does not inspire
This does not inspire confidence in our old elevated stations. Charles/MGH is the last one standing isn't it?
Science Park
Science Park
Science Park is on a viaduct,
Science Park is on a viaduct, but I'll allow it. ;)