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Anti-maskers continue to infest Boston Medical Center grounds

A group of about six people who are still whining about masks returned to the area in front of Boston Medical Center today to yell at people wearing masks through bullhorns and to follow and video hospital workers, some of whom they accused of being "abusers."



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for long, maybe five minutes of yammering through bullhorns. I could not make out what they were chanting.

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Imagine being this pathetic? What a gross existence.

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In my case, I wear mine at work, the train, and bus because I'm on chemo and my immune system is in the tank during these cycles. It has nothing to do with the virus we're all tired of hearing about and more that I think it's easier than getting sick and missing days at work. No one has said anything to me and I'd be sure to calmly tell them that I am so sorry my cancer somehow inconvenienced them.

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If someone is out and wearing one then odds are that either they themself or someone close to them is in a high risk demographic for severe illness if they catch a virus. Sure some tiny percentage of those people might be a hypochondriac/germophobe, but it has no more of an effect on you than the shoes they're wearing so who cares?

Now if you're protesting a mask requirement at a healthcare facility where there is going to be a much higher density of people who are in that high risk demographic on site then you're just an asshole.

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Make sure it's a properly-fitting N95 respirator or similar. A surgical mask, while less uncomfortable, won't provide you much protection at all.

Wearing a surgical mask while walking down the street, unless you are sick, is just silly.

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Surgical masks keep out pollen and road dust along with adding a layer of protection against viruses,

I wonder if these people object to surgeons, OR nurses and OR technicians wearing masks during operations?

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...for any reason at all, or not wearing a mask, don't concern-troll about what masks other people are wearing.

Give it a rest. People who have made the decision to wear masks are doing so for reasons that they consider entirely sufficient, and it has zero impact on you and your life. You're not their doctor, so just stop wagging your tut-tut finger at them and mind your own business.

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They just need to get over it. They have no idea what people’s reason for wearing masks are. If they had a clue, they might realize that most of the medical facilities requite employees and visitors to wear masks while at work, that is simply common sense. It’s time for the anti-maskers to get a life.

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after recovering from Covid and testing negative.

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People will learn to govern their behavior once they start experiencing consequences. These people clearly are unfamiliar with that concept -- so far.

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rootin for that little virus

but it didnt really come through

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We aren't seeing the ones who died.

My aunt (uncle's wife) lost two siblings who were both COVID deniers. She's the only one of the lot who isn't.

The denial doesn't stop with death, sadly, as one of her surviving siblings denies that the two died of COVID. "They had it two weeks ago and got over it".

When you are in that deep it is impossible to see the light of day.

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It's rarely that straightforward, and when the consequences pf "leave me alone, I'll be fine" are a funeral a few weeks later, the person isn't going to be "governing their behavior." Maybe they will face consequences in the afterlife, if there is one, but we won't see that. Humans are very good at dismissing visible consequences like lung cancer by saying "that won't happen to me, I'm different" and changing nothing.

People who think "my aunt smoked a pack a day and lived to be 90" or "what's a few beers before getting behind the wheel, I'm fine" aren't connecting the dots between high-risk activities and death or long covid either.

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The irony of COVID denial by the people who declared vaccines "clot shots" and bragged about being "pureblood" is that when they did get COVID (and some to the point of being on their deathbeds), they finally realize they were not bulletproof, and begged others not to repeat their mistake.

It's easy to think "I won't [get fatal disease/engage in fatal activity] because it's not as bad as advertised" or "If I'm zealously follow the rules, I won't get it," but sometimes reality steps in and shows its face. The ad from 1969 about wearing seatbelts and narrated by Jack Webb refutes that attitude in spades.

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invaded Boston today, too.

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