Banker & Tradesman reports the Barking Crab on Fort Point Channel is seeking state permission to add a 1,900-square-foot barge to increase its patio seating.
Last time I was there was when I navigated down a steep ledge of driftwood and sea moss and rocks to get from the bridge to the bar stool. I'm sure it's more easily accessible now for pedestrians.
Barking Crab
I hope they can do it! Love that place!
Last time I was there was
Last time I was there was when I navigated down a steep ledge of driftwood and sea moss and rocks to get from the bridge to the bar stool. I'm sure it's more easily accessible now for pedestrians.
Speaking of structures on Fort Point Channel,
Is the city ever going to finally do something with the Northern Avenue Bridge, or is that alleged project just dead in the water?
Just what it needs.
A big ol' floater.
Good idea
as long as the waste pipe is properly connected and not dumping raw sewerage into the harbor.
if they include legitimate public access in addition to their non-water-dependent use
Nevermind the lobster, honey ...
I've got the barking crabs!