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Area white supremacist gets delay in Jan. 6 putschist trial over latest inability to keep a lawyer


Area right-wing rally organizer Mark Sahady of Malden had been scheduled to go on trial today for his alleged role in the failed Jan. 6 Vanilla Isis coup, but a judge last week put a hold on the proceedings until after Sahady can find what would be his fourth lawyer since his arrest.

The delay, however, means Sahady is free to roam the Commonwealth on personal recognizance as he awaits trial on five federal counts related to his bus trip down to the DC, including obstruction of an official proceeding, which is a felony. He can even traipse around the Common, after a judge in Washington lifted an initial injunction by a Boston magistrate barring him from the area around the State House.

Sahady initially had his trial date set for April 17, but that was postponed after prosecutors added the felony count - and as his lawyer and federal prosecutors tried to negotiate a possible plea deal.

Following his arrest two weeks after Joe Biden was officially declared the next president, Sahady was represented by Rinaldo Del Gallo III, a Pittsfield lawyer who had spoken at some of the lightly attended rightwing rallies Sahady had organized in Boston.

But after the magistrate judge in Boston who handled the case initially chewed out Del Gallo for filing an "unintelligible" motion and Sahady had his case transferred to DC federal court, Sahady dropped him and hired John Kiyonaga, a lawyer in Alexandria, VA.

Del Gallo then formally complained in Boston federal court that Sahady stiffed him, but a judge here took no action on his claim for payment.

In January of this year, Sahady dropped Kiyonaga and hired Blake Weiner of Richmond, VA.

Then, earlier this month, Sahady fired Weiner. In his last act as his lawyer, Weiner filed a motion requesting he be dropped from the case and asking that trial be delayed:

Mr. Sahady believes that an irretrievable breakdown in communication between attorney and client has resulted in a fundamental and irreparable disagreement as to the defense of this matter, where Mr. Sahady faces numerous charges, including a felony.

As such, Mr. Sahady has discharged undersigned counsel, and has requested that undersigned immediately file this Motion to Withdraw and a Motion to Continue trial so that Mr. Sahady can obtain a new attorney.

Mr. Sahady has communicated with multiple attorneys in an effort to obtain new counsel, but at this time has not selected a substitute attorney, and has requested that the trial in this matter be continued so that he may find time to retain a new attorney and the new attorney may have time to prepare for trial.

On Aug. 13, US District Court Judge Carl Nichols agreed and suspended all activity in the case until after Sahady hires his fourth attorney. Nichols set a hearing for this Thursday to get an update.

Earlier in the year, Weiner sought to have charges against Sahady dropped, in part because of how long it was taking to get to trial on them. Prosecutors, however, opposed his motion, arguing in part that Sahady himself had "happily" agreed to waivers of time used to calculate a possible speedy-trial violation as his counsel and they negotiated a possible plea deal.

When Sahady does finally come to trial, he will do so before a judge, rather than a jury. In March, he asked the judge in his case to transfer it to Massachusetts, on the theory that potential jurors here would be less likely to hate him right off the bat. After that failed, he asked for a "bench trial" in which his lawyer and prosecutors would make their case directly to a judge.

In the time that Sahady has not gone to trial, several other Massachusetts failed insurrectionists have: Noah Bacon, a Somerville yoga instructor was sentenced to a year in federal prison; Vincent Gillespie, turned in by fellow Athol residents, got six years; and Suzanni Ianni, a Natick Town Meeting member who helped organize bus rides to DC with Sahady, got 15 days.

Still awaiting trial are Massachusetts residents arrested after the initial wave of arrests: Michael St. Pierre of Fall River, who allegedly wanted to grab Nancy Pelosi and twirl her by the hair; former Boston cop Joseph Fisher, charged with attacking a DC cop with a chair; and Jacquelyn Starer, an Ashland doctor charged with punching a cop in the head.

Innocent, etc.

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Do you have proof he is a white supremacist? Or do you stereotype people based off of their political leanings?

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I suppose I'm stereotyping Joe Biden as a Democrat because of his political leanings, but since you might be unfamiliar with how Google works, here's a link detailing Sahady's white supremacist leanings.

If you want more, just go to Google and search on: Mark Sahady white supremacist

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That link is helpful, I just expect all the information in the headline to be provided by the journalist that wrote the article.

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Even dogpile can give you a good summary: https://www.dogpile.com

It's kind of comical that someone expects Adam to offer citations for something that's as clear as day. It's almost like, "Hey Adam, tell me again how you know that water is wet!".

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like you just woke up from a nap that started in 1989.

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No, they sound like they're "just asking questions" in bad faith. I guess the sound is kinda similar.

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are actually lawyers? I demand that the journalist add links to public documentation of their law degrees and bar registrations.

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How do we know that you are actually a bus?
I demand you drive to Chinatown (Manhattan) and back for $10 each way to prove it.

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How do we know that, like, any of this is even real? [Hits bong]

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...that would just prove that he's a low cost Boston to NYC bus. To prove his fungwahness he'd also have to burst into flames. Much like a T train!

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Not unfamiliar but why does the reader need to do the homework?

Maybe don't call yourself a "reader" if you're so goddamned lazy. Not every piece of writing needs to spoon-feed your lazy ass every single bit of possibly related historical information in order to be valid.

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Ithink "troll" is the more accurate term to describe that loser. Bye, Felicia.

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Defending the clearly honorable, maligned citizen.

Thank you for your service.

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Is the fact that Sahady participated in a white nationalist insurrection by assaulting and breaching the U.S. Capitol not "proof" enough? Keep licking those boots.

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And yes, I am stereotyping you based off your cockamamie comments.

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I’d say throw him under the jail but seeing as he was still living in his mom’s basement when the FBI showed up at the door we wouldn’t want this clown to get too comfortable.

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What's to prevent him from just hiring, not paying and then moving to another attorney, wash rinse and repeat? This could go on for eternity. Is there a "fish or cut bait" timeline?

These pukes really are ridiculous, they hate the government and the country enough to try and take it over, but assumes his constant toying with the court to be not a big deal. Rescind his bail until he's engaged an atty.- dollars to donuts, he'll find representation double quick.

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Federal judges may be slow to boil, but once they think you're trying to screw with them, well, watch out.

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Let's see... he had his trial moved from a MA court to a Federal DC court, then decided those DC people would be too harsh, so he asked for the trial to be moved back to MA. Meanwhile, he's been playing musical lawyers, repeatedly delaying the trial so he can keep on being a dick in public. I would have said he's screwing with the court some time ago.

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Shiva would be a great lawyer!

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And not just because he was a Very Special Guest at Sahady's post-Charlottesville rally on the Common.

I've been remiss in not writing about his latest suit, against Merrick Garland, in which he is asking a judge to rule the equal-protection clause of the 14th Amendment overrules that "natural born citizen" thing that would otherwise keep him from running for president, since he was born in India.

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Im sure that on more than one occasion Shiva scolded his parents for not having the foresight to have him delivered in the US.

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"…not having the foresight to have him delivered in the US"

He was delivered here -- that's the problem. By UPS, probably, or maybe Fedex. He just wasn't hatched here.

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Why did he run? Why did Ted Cruz run?

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Cruz claimed he was a natural citizen because his mother was a citizen of the US. Shiva on the other hand is just another egomaniac who believes he possesses natural superiority. His natural superiority allows him to understand that he should be able to be the next resident of the White House.

What intrigues me is whether he believes in the theory of human races and the hierarchy of intellectual, emotional and spiritual superiority and inferiority that is part of that theory? Probably not because that could never fly in the US, could it?

But if one was from the area of the world where the term Aryan was first applied and believed that there are racially superior human beings, and one could lay claim to be part of that group (before Nazis soiled the term) then perhaps Aryan could refer to kind and gentle racially superior beings. That reasoning might support a person in believing that they are natural leaders who naturally should be President of the US.

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That escalated quickly.

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Worse is how quickly the cliche of Godwin's Law was invoked. But when one confuses cliches with wisdom why not?

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He actually invented law, you know.

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No way of knowing what kind of plea bargain he could get. He's not charged with assaulting any officers, but was a leader of a group. Might be in the same boat as Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who got harsh sentences after going to trial.

Most likely he hopes to drag it out until 2025 when Trump or another Republican could be president and would pardon the participants.

He might have a legit problem paying an attorney.

Judge should just appoint a Federal Defender or Criminal Justice Act attorney and impose a high fee for that. Judges in Massachusetts do that in this type of situation for efficiency.

He's got his own website. https://www.marksahady.com/

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Most likely he hopes to drag it out until 2025 when Trump or another Republican could be president and would pardon the participants.

I believe this is exactly his intention.

It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.

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Wow! he has skied 4 whole mountains!

Sunday River
Arapahoe Basin

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A-Basin is pretty badass. Not so much if you stick to the front size lift served though.

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I mean that guy's website links over to a white supremacy group ("Super Happy Fun Time").. not sure what else anyone needs to know that the guy is a white supremacist.

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Most likely he hopes to drag it out until 2025 when Trump or another Republican could be president and would pardon the participants.

A whole lot of people were hoping for a Trump pardon prior to his departure from the White House. He came through for some who were critical to the preservation of his own ass, but the lumpen got skunked.

Smart people learn from others' mistakes. Sahady is that brand of stupid that can't even learn from his own.

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A whole lot of people were hoping for a Trump pardon prior to his departure from the White House.

Like a whole lotta people were expecting him to help pay for their legal expenses.

(Sorry I'm still laughing at Rudy and Jenna coming out saying they BEGGED him to pay and he flat out said no)

The only person Trump cares about is Trump. Not even his kids or wives.

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...than skunked lumpen.

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Most likely he hopes to drag it out until 2025 when Trump or another Republican could be president and would pardon the participants.

It wouldn't be at all surprising if that was part of his plan.

Sorry, that should probably be quotation fingers plan quotation fingers

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Mark should follow the example of his hero in paying for legal bills (so should Rudy). Declare candidacy for a national office. One that followers of Trump et al. will believe. Something like Prime Minister of Happiness and Fun. Create a leadership PAC that is to support Sahady in his creating happiness and fun. Because he needs to be out of prison to do that the PAC can pay his legal bills.

If The Don can use millions donated to his leadership PAC to pay the criminal defense bills then gosh darn it Mark, Rudy and anyone else who believes they are somehow of superior quality of person deserves the same.

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