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Gardner Museum closed early after learning activists planned to fill empty frames of stolen paintings with climate messages

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum canceled its evening hours yesterday "due to a planned protest by climate activists that would put our community and collections at risk," the museum's director said in e-mail to museum supporters.

Museum director Peggy Fogelman wrote this is the second time the museum has closed early in response to such a proposed event by the group, which she did not name.

The group sought to insert their own artworks into the empty frames in the Dutch Room as one element of their protest. These frames are not only important and fragile historic objects in their own right, but they memorialize the tragic 1990 theft that deprived our public of the opportunity to enjoy unique masterpieces by Rembrandt, Vermeer and others. It is heartbreaking to associate the painful reminder of this loss with any scenario that would jeopardize the frames themselves or the experience of our staff and visitors.

Our founder, Isabella Stewart Gardner, made horticulture a central part of the museum experience, and she valued conversation and the free exchange of ideas. While we may support constructive efforts to address and elucidate the climate crisis–as do many of the artists featured in our current exhibition, Presence of Plants in Contemporary Art–public discourse entails respectful dialogue in which participants engage by choice. We cannot condone tactics that impose risk and confrontation on audiences and objects.

People who had tickets for the evening hours will be able to get a voucher to reschedule their visits, she added.



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They'd rather put climate at risk.

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...from the same stupid bot.

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They are concerned about protecting the art inside the gallery. Considering the history this place has, I wouldn't let them either.

Not everything needs to be a debate or a protest. Spare me your 'but the planet' arguement, there are a million other ways to get your message out. Go choose another one.

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It isn't making any "but the planet" argument. It's a shit-stirrer.

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Its like those folks who blocked 93 a few years ago.

Did it get people on board with their message? (No)
Did it get people angry at them? (yes)
Did it help their cause in any way that was positive? (Not at all)

That's why these showboat protests or whatever just do not work. You want to get people onto this?

Fridays for the Future (aka Greta Thunberg) protests seem to get media attention. Some for her, but some that people attend these in numbers. Numbers is what makes the media pay attention.

And the other thing that just has escaped me why it's not being done yet in greater numbers is buying ad space. E V E R Y W H E R E. You want to reach people and get it into their minds, buy ad space everywhere. TV, Streaming Media, Websites, Apps, Billboards, T ads, bus wraps, taxi cab signs, and on and on and on.

If the folks who run "Shen Yun" can inundate us with so many ads that thats ALL we're talking about, why not the climate people? If you get your ad campaign to that level where all people do is talk about it and how it's everywhere, you've succeeded. And you've probably got alot people on board than you would have putting signs in an art gallery in Salem and maybe a 30s blip on the 6pm news. :-)

(and don't tell me lack of backers, I think there's alot of $ flowing into these climate groups to do so)

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I agree, doing stuff like blocking a highway or defacing art only makes people angry. It's also pretty lazy. Sitting down on a highway, pushing the button on a spray paint can...ooooh, so much effort! And then there are "die-ins," where they lie down and pretend they are dead.

They should put their effort towards changing laws and regulations. Only that would take actual work.

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I had a trivia team named Guaranteed Swahili once or twice.

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A lot of people complain that the media aren't doing their job and running the story.

So.. make your own media. Make your own noise. THEN the media will pick it up because it's something everyone is talking about.

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I don’t agree with what these people were trying to do, but to play devil’s advocate, they did succeed in calling attention to their issue…

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I was talking about the shitbot you were replying to, who made a bullshit statement that you seemed to misunderstand what it was saying.

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I was agreeing with you! But making a point about protests in general!

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IBS only wants to do a swirly on you. Not near as good a she, though.
You are kind to interact.

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Run along, Lee, you're cranky and overdue for a nap.

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How would letting them deface the museum help the climate????

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Empty frames, empty gestures.

Have a great weekend one and all!

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But alas, that's not the theme of this article.

Did 3 people take the Acela home from Coco's match in NY last night?

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...of one ax grinding?

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I have no idea what you're referring to. But climate activists should protest Amtrak headquarters for their stupid policies which make sure most people drive in the Northeast, by not running more trains and pricing them affordably.

All the Acela is good at is being the world's most overpriced train.

Amtrak should look at how Switzerland does it. Trains run every half hour on the major lines. And they're unreserved, so you can show up whenever. A full train isn't even a possibility even on the busiest travel days.

Here, you have to book your exact train weeks in advance if you want to spend $100 rather than $250 per person each way to get to New York. And if your plans change and you're one minute late you lose your money. It's no wonder so many people say eff this and drive.

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...The Gardner built the new wing to use as much green energy as possible, including water recycling and geo thermal well for heating and cooling. They do a ton of nature programming. If you really are doing it to protest climate change, why go after an org trying to do better?

Some twits on the platform formerly known as twitter were saying 'hur durr, it's just empty frames, let them!' are really showing ignorance. Not only are the frames art pieces in their own right, people keep forgetting that the thieves cut the artwork from the frames when the robbery happened, leaving material behind. The will that governs Isabella's estate is VERY demanding; these bozos might very well damage something that would create a serious legal headache. More money for lawyers, less money for free programs and community outreach programs.

Attention seeking Karens, the lot of them. I notice a few of these 'activists' are also trying to launch their terrible art/influencer careers with these stunts.

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