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At least it wasn't a boombox

Phone with its own seat

Ginnette, who just had foot surgery, hobbled onto the Red Line this morning:

So your phone needs its own seat now?



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Since the ride is taking twice as long as it used to, that phone might get tired of being all cooped up in someone's pocket.

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I'm sure the phone owner would be terribly embarrassed and politely give up their seat once they realized someone in need was wanting to sit there. No way would moving the phone go poorly for the person in crutches.


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So considerate of them!

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ī get off at ashmont sō yoo ken get it ħen.

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is about to fire up a blunt.

is the phone playing The Gap Band?

Every all aboard
Anybody want to take this ride
Anybody want to ride
All it takes is a nickel or a dime

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Why not ask the good people in the photo instead of your followers on that rightwing cesspool?

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The probability is that the person who put their phone on the seat will at best, grudgingly remove the phone if someone standing requested that. What do you think of sitting next to a person who for the moment, sees you as a jerk making the owner of the phone do something they don't want to do?

Is it possible that this is a subtle way that the individual who owns the phone is communicating that they want to block the seat from anyone sitting on it? My guess is that the answer is yes. So probability has gone to certainty that the person who owns the phone will at least sit there with a momentary grudge.

Given the overall unpleasantness of riding the T - which includes the noises that are associated mobile phones (i. e., the loud yammering of one side of conversations or the audio of music or videos - often without earbuds), why would anyone be willing to add the stress of sitting next to a nudge who is mouldering because they were asked to do what they don't want to do in the first place - let someone sit on the seat?

After all, this is America. Where regardless of one's political beliefs, or none, the assumption we've taught ourselves for the past several decades is that public space is automatically and instantly temporarily privatized in use by anyone who makes the tiniest claim (such as putting a cell phone on a subway seat).

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Than this boring troll deserved

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If I've just left a day of treatment at MGH, I'm sitting down.

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Mind if I sit in that unoccupied seat while I blast oatmeal, bacon and coffee farts during this commute instead of crop dusting you at eye level.

Oh, sure, I can squeeze right in there, no need to move your blunt. Thank you.

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I feel ya Ginnette.

(I think i've told this bunch this story before but..)

in 2011 I broke my knee and was dirt-ass poor. I *had* to ride the T everywhere, even to Drs appts. I was in an leg immobilizer so it was obvious I had issues.

But I was absolutely floored how rude people are on the T. If I didn't get a seat, rarely people offered, even as I struggled to stand. Bus or subway. Didnt matter.

I had one time where i was sitting on a crowded train, and again, it's obvious I cannot move my straight-sticking-out leg, yet people kept kicking it or bumping it. I'd shriek each time. People didn't care.

Then combined with how awful the stations are with HC access. out of the way ramps / walkways to/from elevators. Escalators that didnt work. Far away elevators... if they were working or had them at all. (I crawled up stairs a few times b/c I got off and the elevator was out of service)

The T is abysmal. If I ever am in that situation again, I would apply for the Ride. Its not TOO much more per trip and yeah its direct (and mostly for Drs appts, etc). But beats crying in pain because someone made me bend my knee on the subway.

Ginnette, go apply for the RIDE. Yeah you have to book in advance, but its great for Drs appoints. And yes temporary issues do apply. Check the T's website.

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Is that a joint in his hand?

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if it wuz a kyocera, ī woodve kikt it too ħa flor.

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Are you Magoo's dumber little brother?

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