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Onetime Markeyverse teen from Cambridge now charged with vandalism at New Hampshire offices of Israeli defense contractor

The Herald reports a 19-year-old woman from Cambridge and two other people were arrested on the roof of the Merrimack, NH offices of a Haifa-based defense contractor on charges that include riot, sabotage and criminal mischief in a protest over Gaza.

Calla Walsh's arrest comes three weeks after she was arrested on charges of vandalism and disorderly conduct outside the company's offices in Central Square in Cambridge during a protest that involved coating the building in red paint and, police say, attacking officers who responded.

In 2016, Walsh garnered national coverage for he role leading Students for Markey, a group that focused on online campaigning to help Sen. Ed Markey retain his seat over a challenge from US Rep. Joe Kennedy III.

She then worked on the Mapping Project, which claimed to map every single institution in Massachusetts with ties to colonialism, gentrification, suppression of minorities and Israel. Among those on the list: Ed Markey because he "uses Zionist 'both sides' talking points to normalize Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland, and consistently supports the interests of US weapons developers in US Congress.

Her exTwitter page declares her an "anti-imperialist organizer & writer" who opposes war with Russia and China and who, had she been around earlier, would have supported the armed struggles of both the IRA and the PLO.

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Calla Walsh is another loose cannon celebrated by the Globe (Monica Cannon Grant another) without studying all their online behavior which would indicate flawed people. Unfortunately social media loudmouths get way too much acclaim from a craven main stream media. Her attacks on candidate Healey were off the rails.

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She has also made appearances on Chinese state run media and has met with the current Cuban president.

A real class act

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is not the fan club for a certain Wahlberg and his Funky Bunch.

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It took me getting to the third paragraph to realize this is not Walhberg content.

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Because in 2016 she would have been 12 years old.

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And also because 2020 is when Kennedy challenged Markey

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"She then worked on the Mapping Project, which claimed to map every single institution in Massachusetts with ties to colonialism, gentrification, suppression of minorities and Israel."

This is one very radicalized scary young lady.

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Most things are already on the map in these parts.

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opposes war with Russia and China

...and yet she's silent on the question of war with Ireland, Bolivia, or Kazakhstan, so I'm forced to assume she supports it.

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But … the youths need a talking to. This one in particular.

In 2003, Lewis Black said, of Iraq protestors:

I didn't spend my time living through the era of Vietnam to come around to this time and not having learned that the goddamn situation boils down to this: If you're against the war it doesn't mean that you're for the other side! If people show up with signs that go, "GO IRAQ, YOU FUCKERS GO!" then you go, "Holy Shit," then you beat the fuck out of them.

Here's Calla RTing a tweet, basically saying "go Hamas, you fuckers, go."

She was sort of a normie lefty in 2020, climate change, BLM, etc. She didn't mention Palestine until 2021. And now, some bullshit about how she's Irish and was oppressed by the British and the British helped the Jews the next year in the British Mandate in 1920 and good lord maybe someone send her a history textbook to read in prison:

many of these same soldiers were sent to Palestine to violently enforce the occupation, uphold the Israeli apartheid state

Hey dipshit, maybe like google this before you post it. In 1920 there were two attacks by Arabs against Jews. The Arabs kept doing this. But, I'm sorry, you're Irish so the British are bad and they were in Palestine and therefore Jews bad.

I think I'll leave it to Walter.

The rest of you, if you're an adult, and some young spouts off uninformed bullshit at the Thanksgiving table, put them in their place. Or suggest they retake high school history.

Anyway, Calla could have been a power player in local politics and instead went off the deep end and is toxic beyond recognition. I'm not sure who she'll be parroting support for this fall but my money is on West, RFK or Trump before Biden.

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Imagine knowing everything to know there is about the Iraq and Vietnam Wars and using those as examples.

The IDF has killed over 14,000 Palestinians in the past six weeks.
40% of the deaths have been children.

Throwing red paint on the doors of the arms dealers that profit from these atrocities is a mild protest at best.

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You mean the Palestinians which hamas has been using as human shields? At the hospitals which The Left assured us wasn’t being used as Hamas headquarters and lo and behold there are tunnels and bunkers underneath.

I wish there weren’t as many deaths but maybe Hamas shouldn’t have attacked Israel and used its own people as human shields (<— a war crime btw) if it didn’t want to face the music.

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I don't understand this argument.

Person A: "lots of innocent children have been killed in this conflict"
Person B: "yeah well terrorist group which is knowingly using those kids as human shields and doesn't give a fuck about the wellbeing of civilians CHOSE TO DO THAT so fuck those kids"

Like... both sides are bad. Hamas is bad for using kids as human shields and being an essentially unelected government the Palestinians can't do anything about at this point, and Israel is bad for going "well HAMAS said shooting the kids is fair game, so, I guess we're morally free and clear and gonna do that".

If a bank robber has a gun to the head of a cashier in the middle of the robbery, that isn't implicit permission that the cops shooting the hostage to make it easier to get to the robber is now A-OK.

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It’s wonderful to be a privileged American who can westernsplain about both sides being bad. Hamas isn’t coming for you (or Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad) so it’s easy to bash Israel for doing what any other country would do—trying to protect itself from future attacks.

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It was the Globe that tried to make her more than just a lefty troll. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2021/06/02/metro/possible-bid-governor-maura...

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Nasty trolling and attention-seeking paid off for awhile. At least the NYT led with the nasty trolling part of it.


Globe and the NYT can't resist profiling a certain type of privileged prep white-girl "activist."

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We have a lot of them in Boston/Cambridge. They want to be seen as "educated", but also "street" edgy, tough. They aren't. Many also appear afflicted with Munchausen, pretending they're oppressed or traumatized. Most imo are just narcissistic.

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Much of Greta Thunberg's reach has been because the media aligned with her message couldn't resist a privileged Northern European girl activist.

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The Students for Markey phenomenon happened in 2020, not 2016. I think she would’ve been 13 at that point.

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Among other indications of her classy character is denying that there exist Cuban political prisoner.

Amaury Pacheco did time for the "crime" of standing still on a sidewalk in Havana holding a flower.

Let her rot.

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