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Mayor's home swatted on Christmas day

Somebody called 311 around 5:30 p.m. on Monday to report he shot his wife at a Roslindale address and that he then tied up both her and the man he found with her and was standing over them.

The call was routed to 911. Boston Police dispatched officers and Boston EMS sent two ambulances, one staffed by paramedics.

Police quickly recognized the address as the mayor's house - the detail officer stationed outside reported nothing amiss - and now they have opened an investigation into the swatting.

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I am fan of the mayor. The scope of her contributions given the unceasing barrage of hate is no less than heroic.

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FWIW, I don't love many of this mayor's policies however I've been a fan of hers personally, ever since she had to deal with the idiots banging pans outside her home around 5am every morning during covid.

Stay stong Mayor Wu. No one should have to put up with the completely nonsensical vitriol you often deal with.

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take a bow. MAGA isn’t going to fade into obscurity without trying to make others as miserable as they are.

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The conservative nut was also swatted on Christmas.

Do other countries have this same problem? Really seems like they should be a technical solution to this, even if it means there's a rare case of a false negative.

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I imagine that in other countries, it's a lot less plausible that there's a dangerous armed nutcase, because no other country is as committed as we are to make sure our dangerous nutcases have the biggest and deadliest weapons that money can buy.

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A technical solution to swatting seems a lot more likely than changing gun laws given no amount of violence has made weapons any more restricted and the Supreme Court constantly peels back what few laws exist.

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It's not like there aren't spasms of violence in Czechia, Germany, France, Belgium, and other European countries.

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Imagine just how truly awful your life is that on Christmas Day you do this. This is who they are. Are their core. Pathetic, hateful, racist, miserable losers.

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The level of personal hatred towards the Mayor is just sad to see. It's an extension of the protests that happened in front of her house and Bakers house during Covid. Once those barriers are broken there's always someone who will take the next step. I hope they figure out who did this and they are prosecuted as heavily as legally possible.

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Who would want to be mayor of this city now? I saw how dejected she and her kids were at the Dot Day parade a couple of years ago with scum yelling at her from the sidelines and literally following them down the route. This city is completely stuck along with the rest of the country. Mired in muck. Sclerotic.

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Which really is horrible... I worked in Fields Corner for a few years, before she was Mayor, and she always seemed so energized by that parade. I would take photos of the parade and have photographs of her running over with one of her sons sleeping slung over her shoulder , I have one when she was pregnant but instead of skipping it she rode in the back of a jeep waving (which must have been incredibly uncomfortable but she was smiling ear to ear.) In fact anytime I encountered her at the time she seemed to be full of energy and eager to learn more about those around her. It's shameful that she's now being harassed so heavily and can't even enjoy a holiday.

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Her kids have to see all of this. What the hell is wrong with people? Her kids had to see this on Christmas. Not just her: her kids and her husband. They did nothing wrong to anyone.

Grow up.

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It's probably the anti-vax thing, but it could be someone who was fired from the city or had a zoning variance or other application denied.

Or a combination, like getting fired from the city because you were outside the Mayor's house with a bullhorn.

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How miserable a person can you be to do this, especially to ruin Christmas for her kids. No matter how mad you are at her, families should be off-bounds.

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even places like Somerville, Cambridge, Everett, Quincy, etc. where mayors have been controversial for one reason or another.

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Nobody wants to hear your tired refrain of "Oh I'm just being rational asking questions going on and on about how it can't be people who hate women and minorities oh blah blah blah blah blah blah" bullshit.

Knock it the fuck off.

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calls made directly to 911 are linked to address, even for most cell phones and they can reconnect a hangup.

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You can get a pretty cheap "burner" phone that is not tied to a physical address, or, if you're one of the stereotypical mass-swatting kids, you probably know how to "spoof" a phone number via TCP/IP.

Doesn't mean you won't get caught (sometimes more than once), though. What's interesting here (at least to me) is that the person called the threat into 311 not 911. Would somebody outside Boston even think to do that?

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It's pretty widely used these days. And if someone younger grew up knowing it exisits, they might even have confused 311 with 911 and called it by accident.

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Weird story. Who was the other ambulance staffed by?

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Emergency Medical Technician, the level of certification below Paramedic in our emergency medical service system. Most ambulances around here are staffed with EMTs, not paramedics.

Any other questions?

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Yes. Why is this not in any respectable news sources, like Boston Globe?

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... does not consider ANY of these sources to be "respectable" ones???

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just a few weeks ago, you all were crying because the news allegedly didn’t cover the no potato salad christmas party

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reading and commenting on a news site that you apparently don't consider a "respectable news source"?

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