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A correspondent writes to ask about lard:

I can’t seem to find lard anywhere in this town. Does anyone have a lead on where I can find some lard?



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results for "lord near me" (did you mean "lard"?). Here's a couple ads for a megachurch and six different AI spam sites with lists of ways people found the Lord

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He works in mysterious ways

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As a dedicated cook of long standing, I can testify that the lard works in mysterious ways.

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Near Jackson Sq. Or Brothers Supermarket

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I've seen it at Wegman's and at Market Basket.

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Market Basket sells it. I've been asked this online so I went and looked.

At the Chelsea store its in the aisle with the oils and crisco (Aisle 5), about half way down the aisle, on the right (if coming from registers). I wanna say it was a shelf or two down from the top. But knowing this store, it's been moved since. But probably still in the oil/crisco aisle

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There is some in the oil/crisco aisle.

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Price Rite. $2/lb

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try the polish deli's in andrew sq.

The last time I went to Cafe Polonia, it was served with bread

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Definitely Market Basket, they have an entire aisle of oils, fats and other cooking needs.

In some Latino grocery stores it may be manteca de cerdo as well. I've seen it in some local bodegas.

Even Whole Foods will have it, can't guarantee all locations but I've definitely seen it around.

You might not find it at smaller shops or those aimed at quicker foods though.

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I couldnt remember if it was in the Aisle 5 (oils) or in the latino grocery section of the store.

I think oils aisle tho

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Knowing Market Basket I wouldn't be shocked to find it in three aisles under three different names. I also wouldn't be shocked if there was a special butcher hack where you could get a cup of it back there lol (a few years back I learned you could have them boil your lobster for you or custom cut your chicken any way you want.)

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well the chelsea store, they got that space. Still waiting for that Olive Salad bar :p

But yeah.. you didnt know about the lobster thing? I don't eat lobster and I knew that if you asked, they would cook it up for you in a steamer. Thats what makes their lobster prices so good because its COOKED. (I think its going for 11.99/lb these days)

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When they built the new store I was in the planning board and had to look up from my paperwork during the hearing when they suggested they would have an olive bar... I told them it was not within my purview to tell them not to have one but I did ask if they seriously thought that was something that would be economically feasible in that store? They seemed convinced at the time but yeah, alas it has never come to fruition. Which is logical. I think it would have been a tremendous waste of real estate.

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I still want a salad bar.. if not for the sole reason of buying a small amount of lettuce without buying a whole head.

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Generally they have bagged lettuce on the back wall for relatively little money and everytime I've gone they have had clearance bags with a few more days left on the expiration for like $2. They are pretty good at keeping produce fresh and it's very common to find their prepacked stuff for clearance because they want to wipe it out before it goes brown. Their clearance stuff is generally fresher than what many stores pass off as fresh.

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I think you will find it in a refrigerated case. Technically speaking it doesn't need to be refrigerated, but neither does butter.

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Every supermarket I've been in that stocks lard (usually Armour or Morrell brand) it's with the cooking oils.

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Near the butter.

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that is definitely where I usually see it. the Armour stuff sometimes just has packaging in Spanish or Spanish and english, so look for boxes labeled "manteca".

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Maybe you have seen fresh stuff? I've seen it in the fridge but generally it's on shelves. I imagine some of the smaller batch or fresh stuff may be less shelf stable though

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I am the lard hunter. I was hoping I’d be able to find something in Boston, but the suggestions here are great!

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The last time I bought some it was from Stop and Shop, is there a shortage or something?

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For many years it was considered "backward" to use lard instead of vegetable shortening - one of those odd post-WW II things. It it also had a lot to do with shelf life and packaging, as hydrogenated vegetable fats had a long shelf life and wide temperature range where they wouldn't go rancid.

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Butter and vegetable oil rose in popularity too. Those aren't direct substitutes for lard, but if general cultural norms shift in the direction of recipes that use those kind of fats then lard will fall out of popularity.

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Who was black Cooked with lard
My Nana who was Vietnamese cooked with oil......I always have both : )

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Can they find their head without asking internet?

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... without making childish (or worse) comments?

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… you’re in trouble now!!

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disappointed that there weren't more childish comments, despite the best set up ever for anyone who loves their inner middle school self. The human spirit is gone from here. Long gone. and yes, fat jokes are mean, generally, but would have been lovely to see here, where no one would be actually harmed (except a performatively sensitive lunatic).

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I've lost a huge amount of weight myself and considered some sort of joke around that... But most people here don't know me personally enough to know that whatever I said would be farcical and the relevance so I chose to just go direct.

I'm also not sure if a lot of younger people even know what lard really is anymore. It's been pushed aside for long enough that most stores that cater to younger residents won't even carry it (hence the post I guess) and if they didn't know what lard consisted of the jokes about fat might not land quite the same.

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I recall in the 80s movie "Stand By Me" there was an elaborate sequence (including some gross-out stuff) about a kid called "Lard Ass". Probably wouldn't happen now.

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My husband asked me if "gotta lard ass" what they were chanting in the latest Peloton commercial and now that's all I can hear.

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We've surpassed the time when watching "Stand By Me" was a rite of passage for a 10-14 year old.

The original source of "lard ass"


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It was a common fat-shaming insult in the Northwest since at least my parent's time.

Stand By Me was pretty much my dad's favorite nostalgia trip movie. He thought it really captured what it was like to grow up in that time and place. My dad grew up in the area that the movie was filmed in, and would have been about 4 years older than the protagonist.

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Probably because the movie is set in the 1950s so yeah that tracks.

But that movie brought that term and the s-bomb to many of us kids who had not heard it before.

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37 responses and not a single Trump joke so far. Clearly the inter holiday stupor has set in.

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They carry specialty rendered fats and beef suet if you need fancy stuff. Duck fat is rad for home fries

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Yes, I buy lard at Savenor's regularly.

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Some commercial lard has been processed to make it more shelf-stable, making it more closely resemble vegetable shortening (in both heath & handling). Your local butcher counter probably has excess pork fat they'll sell you for cheap, then you just have to cut it into pieces and cook it low & slow until it's rendered out.

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Making it at home seems like a whole lot of work to save a dollar or so.

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Jello knows.

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Foodies in the South End, and I expect any place that has a large ex-pat Latin American customer base, e.g., Market Basket in Chelsea, which I can imagine stocking several brands of lard.

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I know i’m a little late to this thread but i have some really nice home rendered lard from local CSA pig fat. it’s great stuff but it really made more than i’ll ever need. happy to part with some of you still need

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