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You can always tell a Harvard woman; you just can't tell her not to steal a musician's fiddle at the Burren

The Crimson reports there were witnesses to the foiled fiddle filching at the Burren in Somerville. Plus, the bow fell out of one of the two students' coats as they were getting into an Uber. One of the two is a Crimson editor, but declined to comment when contacted by a Crimson reporter.



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Is this the Harvard leader class in action?

Pretty weak branding.

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It's a hell of a drug!

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Scummy. Maybe a year or so of suspension would drive home how funny that wasn't.

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That's just enough to create memories which will last a lifetime. Though shall not steal is not a suggestion. Theft of a musician's instrument is not a prank. In the same line of thinking, theft of tools is a special crime in Massachusetts for a reason.

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Harvard needs to expel them.

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Expulsion requires a vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and is permanent. Once a student has been expelled, he or she can never be readmitted. The legendary newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst was expelled; I don't recall what his offense was.

More likely, they'll be "required to withdraw", which in the old days was called "rustication". They'll eventually be allowed to apply for readmission, which means the College eventually gets its tuition fees.

I know someone who was twice "required to withdraw" from Harvard College, both times for theft. The rules say "a student who has twice been required to withdraw will not ordinarily be readmitted". This happened long before my time at Harvard, and the reason I know him is that eighteen years after he should have graduated, he was in fact readmitted, and he ended up graduating the year after I did.

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They should lose their eligibility to play sports. At any college. Full NCAA suspension and permanent forfeiture of their eligibility.

And any place they may be headed after Harvard should know.

Anybody know anyone affiliated with Team USA or women's professional soccer? These sticky-fingered children seem headed for the World Cup in a couple of years if they can bury this under their privileged jock status.

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Calum Bell posted here, with photos, names, and videos.

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I wonder if these are the same Harvard student athletes (from the jackets) that stole the dog statue in front of my house, complete with the collar of my recently passed lab.


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An entitled, oblivious Harvard student? Well I never!

Still, it's usually sound to forgive youthful mistakes. They should clean toilets at the bar for the next 6 weeks.

Edit: I watched the video. Kick them out of Harvard.

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As a life-long fiddle player I can attest, this is MY fiddle, there are many like it but this one is MINE. My fiddle is my best friend, it is my life. The fingerboard is unique to me and my hands, When I play another fiddle, it takes a while to learn all its subtleties, the difference between in-tune and not in-tune can be a millimeter or less. A violin is about the most personal of all musical instruments.

The $$ value of fiddles is all over the place, but a Code bow? They start at about $500. I'm not sure about expulsion, but maybe there's a way to use these 2 nits to some good, they need to tell and re-tell their story to every incoming freshman class, wear a scarlet S for stoopid, raise funds to support local musicians AND clean the restrooms at the Burren for about a month.

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Have fun with "Trying to steal a fiddle" be your top Google hit for the next couple of decades.

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when you're applying to other colleges and have to explain this away.

Well, maybe Daddy can give West Bumblefuck College a new building.

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Someone found this link and posted it as a comment under Calum Bull's Facebook post.

[Duke women's soccer coach Robbie] Church Welcomes Harvard All-American Bebar for 2024

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A fiddle / violin and bow are quite personal to its player. It’s not one size fits all. The spoiled brat should be named and shamed. Hopefully no damage done to the instrument as that can be an expensive repair.

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Felonious Punk

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Why would they want to steal the fiddle? Just for Yuks?

If the goal is to resell for quick cash, you'd think they'd go after something easier to resell. (Fellow student's laptop, etc.)

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That's why.

I don't think they had any plans for it other than to say "oh look what I did". They had no clue what the real impact would be for their victim because they likely grew up being told they had non-odorous feces and could do no wrong.

Another case of "how can someone smart enough to get into Harvard be so stupid". Now they get to learn about consequences, impacts, and all that fun stuff.

Reading that article, I get the subtle impression that their peers at the Crimson are tired of their non-odorous feces. Why else would they peg them as being on Crimson staff?

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It took someone in the comments to direct people to the fiddler's Facebook page. (That's how I found it.)

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It may be part of the editorial policy.

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Hence punks.

The felony part refers to the cash value of the stolen items, well over the threshold for felony larceny. Which could get these miscreants up to five years in the pen. It's unlikely to, but it'll cost their parents a lot of money in lawyers to avoid it.

It's lucky for them they picked a young musician to abuse. If he were over sixty or disabled, the penalty would be doubled.

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of what they were actually doing. They would have either come to their senses, or someone else would have explained. In a college town, many things turn up on frat house lawns when the sun rises. Meanwhile many stones being thrown by those without sin here.

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I thought so too until I saw the video.

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One is a junior, the other a senior.

That means they are old enough to drink, sign contracts, etc.

Don't make excuses for rich white brats like yourself, anon. It isn't pretty. I managed to make it all the way through college and graduate school without stealing anything as a "joke". I knew damn well it mattered and what I was doing.

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That requires being 21 years old -- unlikely for the junior, possible but not probable for the senior

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