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Dumpster fire in the Fens sends smoke through area

Dumpster fire in the Fens

Fire and firetrucks light up the sky. Photo by Ryan.

Boston firefighters responded to the Fens off Boylston Street around 11:30 p.m. on Thursday for what turned out to be a dumpster fire, not the more traditional spring brush fire, which may have become a thing of the past, anyway, now that the reeds have all been cut down.

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At first I thought you were talking about the Red Sox pitching staff

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Best ERA in the majors!

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Environmental Tzars have more important things to do.

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You don't usually see the subject of a UH story come in to the comments, so it's special to actually hear from the dumpster fire

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11:30 PM?

What was the deal with all the news choppers circling the South End around 6 PM, then?

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I don't think those were news choppers last night. I saw two of them flying almost in tandem, so I'd guess it's shots for a movie...?

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That sounds plausible.
The two I saw (one with a TV station logo (I thought) and one looked more like the Target logo than anything else (I had a bad angle)) did look like they were flying unusually closely.

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Helicopters were circling the Northeastern campus when the police in riot gear arrived.

Obviously, the news crew were waiting for another brutal incident like what happened at Emerson College at 2 am that morning and at other college campuses around the country.

Fortunately, there was enough push back upon the Mayor from city councilors and the press that Boston Police were removed from the campus.

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Those were filming the police interacting with protestors at Northeastern.

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The choppers first appeared at mid afternoon and were circling/hovering for several hours. BPD was also present, though they eventually left.


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So the city cuts them down every year? I heard that type of reed was particularly persistent.

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The reeds are gone and the Muddy River is visible again! A years long project finished removing them last year...hopefully for good, but we'll see. They have a plan in place to treat any new shoots for the next few years. Phragmites are no joke :(


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Sadly, the reeds still haven't been completely eradicated. It looks infinitely better, but I really hope there's a plan to get the remaining ones...before they spread and in a few years it's back to what it looked like before.

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Any photos? All the reporting I’ve seen states they have been eradicated and there’s a plan in place to immediately attack anything new that sprouts up.

Are you saying they have come back, or they were never fully eradicated in the first place?

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I don't have pics, but if you walk around the Fens park, there are at least two areas that still have reeds growing back this year (although admittedly not nearly as bad as before in either location).

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Awesome job.

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If ever there was a time to clutch pearls - this would be it!

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Spring weather and everyone is itching for Pride a bit early

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Not nearly as fun!

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The entire Fens is a dumpster fire.

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