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Pickleball crisis in JP: Pickleballers have eliminated tennis on South Street and now are gunning for the basketball courts

Jamaica Plain News reports that pickleballers, who have already managed to squeeze out tennis on the courts off South Street, are now trying to muscle out basketball players, too, to the point where elders of the pickleball community are asking the young'uns to show some courtesy and not do that, at least not after 9:30 a.m.

Some relief could come later this year when the city re-allocates one of the four tennis courts at English High for pickleballing.

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Is it going to be a war between dog owners and picker ballers over the abuse of basketball courts, or are they the same people?


… basket ball courts would be free public parking.
Just kidding, folks!

What does one call a deer in a pickle factory? Something Magoo and Mrs. Magoo get super feisty with on special occasions. Magoo.

If you want more places to play pickle ball, lobby your mayor, city councilors, selectpeople or whoever. Don't bully people out of using the spaces set up for their sports of preference.


You repeat what Adam wrote: "in JP"