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Rare house for sale in premier Boston school zone

Mia noticed a listing for a colonial on Grouse Street in West Roxbury that starts:

Step into the warmth of this charming single-family home, situated in the coveted Boston Latin School District.

And if that weren't enough, it's "just minutes away from convenient shopping at Legacy Place and Costco."

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Bangor is "just minutes away" from Boston as long as you don't specify how many minutes.

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. . . if you have the time. -- Steven Wright.

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If you're going to let ChatGPT write your listings, at least check it for accuracy before posting it.

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lol at Latin School District and Costco, etc.

As someone who still likes gray despite it ubiquity, holy shit that's A LOT of gray. Color can't hurt you, I promise.

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Looks like it has been corrected.

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… aren’t gray yet, but anyone who’s afraid of color can correct that via Home Depot.

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And seeing how much space you get for three-quarters of a million dollars before interest, taxes, and insurance, and then thinking "I'd like to impregnate a woman someday, just for the privilege of spending this money for access to the individuals in my community best suited to educating my kid while me and said woman race off to jobs every day."

Seller knows what's up. I have no sympathy for whomever buys this house, but I do feel bad for them for not finding satisfaction in life without having children.

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So people buy houses that are available even if it isn't their ideal pick and costs more than they can comfortably spend.

Although I do feel sorry for a friend's parents who rented an apartment in Boston when the owner told him it was on the border and his son could go to school in Brookline. (Brookline schools didn't agree.)

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Gets out of bed, and asks "How can I be hateful and exclusive today?"

If not for a good record store, a good bookstore, and a good bar 200 yards apart, I'd have no use for the place.

Also, why would anything be for sale? Boston is a good place to live.

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They've removed the part about being in the BLS district.

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It is in the vicinity of Roxbury Latin School, the oldest continuously operated school in the United States.

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The only reason they get that title is they didn't close for the Civil War unlike another, significantly more patriotic, Latin School.

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Revolutionary War?

I think it was the latter. Harvard expected all its faculty and students to go off into battle. Roxbury Latin did not see this to be necessary (I guess).

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Guess that's at least a week of detention for me from Mr. C - American Revolution is correct.

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The occupation and siege kind of affected the ability of BLS to function.

I’m a neutral party on the “who is older” beef, but I find it kind of cute.

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Mather Elementary would like a word.

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the first FREE public school as BLS was not free, still public and RLS always was and remains private

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Oldest continuously operated secondary school in America perhaps?

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Someone at Lamacchia must be a UHub reader judging by the "Recent Activity" section.
It didn't take long for the realtor to realize openly equating an address in West Roxbury with Boston Latin acceptance is a bad look these days.

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They had me at proximity to Costco

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It looks like they edited the listing.

Anyone who wanted an extra shot at Latin would avoid West Roxbury. The city's new admissions scheme is set up to make it difficult to impossible for West Roxbury kids to get in.

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I've seen listings in Roslindale, West Rox, Hyde Park, and JP that mention their proximity to Legacy Place. Is that really a deciding factor for people?

(To be fair, I have a distant relative who judges every new house by whether there is a Costco in the vicinity.)

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Hadn't seen that listed as a reason to buy a house before.

But why not throw in the Hooters while they're at it?

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..given that it's in SES Tier 7, the hardest tier to get into BLS from. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/91a80d5ab92a464da30ce2ee94bbcf8d

If it was just a few blocks away on the other side of Washington St., say on Woodley Ave, you'd be in tier 3, where almost 100% of applicants are invited to an exam school!

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