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BPD officer seriously injured when hit by truck on North Washington Street

A Boston Police officer was knocked to the ground when hit by a truck at North Washington and Thacher streets around 12:45 p.m.

The driver stayed at the scene.



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If so, the cop was probably asking for it.

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"Let's wait for all the facts to come in before we jump to a conclusion."

"Was he wearing a helmet?"

"Yesterday, on my drive home, someone stepped into the street while I had the right-of-way."

"So many pedestrians are looking at their phone instead of where they are going."

"You weren't there, you don't know what happened."

Or do we not play that game when it's a cop that's been run over?

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We all know they'll throw the book at this driver in exactly the way they never do when a civilian gets hit by a car.

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Have we ever heard anything about the cop and family run over on the sidewalk from a brodozer plowing through a parking lot wall?

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d-bag. This is the kind of comment you make about someone out there doing their job and getting seriously injured by a car? Is that what you'd say to their kids or other loved ones? Says more about you then him.

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The comment is merely repeating some of the common excuses made when a pedestrian or cyclist is hit by a car. They're outrageous, but you shouldn't have waited until now to get mad about them.

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You should know better.

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responding to ignorance or start rolling with it. But by all means, feel free to make me the problem.

This is what that horrible guy was doing by the way.:

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Speaking of which, the police officer was injured when the tailgate wasn't secured and it swung open. He wasn't run over.


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Was he lingering in the blindspot and got right-hooked?

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Are people really that callous when a bicycle operator is struck? I wish him a speedy and full recovery.

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Ya. So? Y’ gotta start somewhere.

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I’ve seen Universal Hub pop up from time to time when looking for news and finally got a username and commented on something. I tried Twitter for a spell, but it’s kind of a cess pool, or at least I couldn’t figure out how to maintain a civil, constructive space. There was this one guy who tracked extremism (for the ADL maybe, or similar) who was kind, studious and fair.

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In particular:
1. refused to release the name of an illegally operating truck driver who killed a physician who was cycling in a hit and run, and made excuses for why an obviously illegally driving driver who clearly was in the wrong "didn't do anything wrong".
2. found ear phones some distance from a place where another truck driver murdered a cyclist and decided the cyclist was impaired and refused to press charges
3. have bent over backwards to blame legally operating cyclists and pedestrians in crosswalks for their own deaths due to the shitty homocidal driving of truck drivers and motorists for decades now

That's without getting into the murder enabling comments of some people here, one of whom was banned for them when a drunk without a license had his GF rent a car and then killed some kids.

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I hear what you’re saying. How do we reduce the risk of “right hooks?” Bike lanes calm traffic and I’m guessing have saved far more lives than right hooks have taken. Cars- I mean drivers are accustomed to being passed on the left and not the right, but we’re all getting better at checking for bikes up to the point we must turn our attention to the crosswalk we’re about to turn right through. If drivers would all slow down and not honk at each other for being slow and careful this would be great. Not that many people honk at cautious drivers outside of dense, traffic-pressured zones, but anything that improves backups and bottlenecks help. I don’t think drivers have murder in their hearts, but maybe, ill-temper and passion when committing roadcrime. As a driver you’re taught to assume the other guy will do the stupid thing and drive defensively. I know it’s not fair that bike lanes aren't perfect, and certainly drivers are not. It’s not fair that the roads are more dangerous for people riding bikes. It’s not fair that when we’re biking that we must yield even when we have the right of way. Alway get yourself around safely. Be the bigger person and be safe and let the jackass in the truck be diminished everyone’s estimation and hopefully they’ll grow as a person and driver someday.

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There are a few commenters who are notoriously anti-bike and think that no matter what happens to a cyclist, they deserved it.

So at this point, there are basically some set phrases that people will pull out to mock those commenters *before* they can even use them.

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