The Supreme Judicial Court today thew out a state law barring people from going out in public with a switchblade, concluding the knives are "arms" under the Second Amendment and that means people can legally pack them for self protection.
The ruling reverses the conviction of a man nabbed by Boston Police threatening his girlfriend with a switchblade - "an orange firearm-shaped knife with a spring-assisted blade" - on Temple Place in Downtown Crossing on July 3, 2020.
Suffolk County prosecutors had originally charged David Canjura with both possession of an illegal weapon and with domestic assault and battery, but dropped the domestic-violence charge when he agreed to plead guilty to the illegal possession charge - which he then appealed, on Second Amendment grounds.
The state's highest court concluded Canjura was right: Although most people associate the Second Amendment with guns, it refers to "arms" and that has been held to cover other weapons, including tasers.
The defendant argues a switchblade, at root, is a type of folding pocketknife, and law-abiding citizens have possessed folding pocketknives for lawful purposes since our nation's founding, including for self- defense. Therefore, notwithstanding its spring-loaded opening mechanism, a switchblade is an "arm" under the Second Amendment. The Commonwealth contends knives categorically are not protected by the Second Amendment because the definition of arms is limited to firearms. The Commonwealth is incorrect.
And like the US Supreme Court did in its ruling letting law-abiding citizens walk around in public with guns, the state SJC also reached back to the 1800s to try to figure out if the writers of the Second Amendment would have looked at switchblades, nodded their heads and gone: Second Amendment.
A review of the history of the American colonies reveals that knives were ubiquitous among colonists, who used them to defend their lives, obtain or produce food, and fashion articles from raw materials. ...
Contemporaneous sources refer to Eighteenth Century folding pocketknives as "pocket knives," "folding knives," "spring knives," "clasp knives," or "jackknives." Most were single-bladed, with or without a holding spring, and had simple metal handles. The term jackknife appears frequently in American colonial documents. See H.L. Peterson, American Knives: The First History and Collector's Guide 129 (1958). Early jackknives were large, single-bladed knives, ranging from four to six and one-half inches in length when closed. See id. at 130. A particular type of jackknife known as a Barlow knife "is mentioned in American records at least as early as 1779 and seems to have been in general usage at that time."
In short, folding pocketknives not only fit within contemporaneous dictionary definitions of arms -- which would encompass a broader category of knives that today includes switchblades --- but they also were commonly possessed by law- abiding citizens for lawful purposes around the time of the founding. Setting aside any question whether switchblades are in common use today for lawful purposes,6 we conclude switchblades are "arms" for Second Amendment purposes. Therefore, the carrying of switchblades is presumptively protected by the plain text of the Second Amendment.
But even the Supreme Court, so far, has said states can regulate "arms" to some extent. But taking the Supreme Court's supposed historical requirement to heart and agreeing that modern conditions be damned, the SJC said that, unlike with guns, there are no real early rules regulating switchblades in Massachusetts, and so the current law barring people from walking around in public with them is unconstitutional.
Accordingly, the Commonwealth has not met its burden of demonstrating a historical tradition justifying the regulation of switchblade knives under [the state law].
And, the court continued, prosecutors failed to show that switchblades are any more dangerous than any other weapons - one possible out for regulation:
The Commonwealth has not presented any evidence as to why a spring-operated mechanism that allows users to open switchblades with one hand makes switchblades uniquely dangerous when compared to a broader category of manual folding pocketknives. Certainly, like handguns, switchblade knives are particularly suitable for self-defense because they are "readily accessible . . . cannot easily be redirected or wrestled away . . . [are] eas[y] to use . . . [and] can be [held] with one hand while the other hand" uses a phone to summon help. Heller, 554 U.S. at 629.
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The Supreme Court Jesters...
By necturus
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:00am
...made this country and this Commonwealth a more dangerous place.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth says this is "a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of " THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ".
The SJC should tell those jokers in Washington to go to hell.
Thank you
By cybah
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:30am
I was wondering if I read all of this correctly
because my first thought was "oh boy, I can't wait for every bodega between here and Milton to sell switch blades now" because this ruling basically makes them legal and unregulated. Just makes me think people will exploit this loophole to buy/sell or possess these.
Starting to wonder if we will see rando stabbings more and more now.
oh god
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 2:00pm
if someone is going to stab someone, they are going to find a tool for the job. a switch blade is no more dangerous than any locking blade folding knife, a fixed blade knife or a screw driver / ice pick.
the prohibition of spring assist knives is kind of ridiculous in an age where gravity knives exist. Those have all the same functions of a stiletto style switchblade, just with no springs. Those are (generally) legal across the board.
a knife enthusiast
Hunter vs Inner-City Criminal
By cybah
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 6:18pm
You are correct here. But its similar to the difference between a hunter who owns guns to hunt with and your run of the mill inner city criminal with a handgun. Big difference there. Same with knives or any weapon really.
Yes but you can conceal a switchblade pretty easily. Plus with the amount of attacks we've seen in recent years they are targeted it. My point being is that alot more people will have access to switchblade knives than before because its alot easier to get a switchblade than a gun. So lots more stabbing going on because of that.
That is absurd.
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 8:11pm
That is absurd.
Anyone who wants a switch blade could already get one, quite easily. This changes nothing, but your dog whistle racism is certainly showing here.
My Bazooka
By Deezak
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:22am
My Bazooka recoilless anti-tank rocket launcher is also considered “armsâ€
Nice try, but no
By adamg
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:55am
The Supreme Court has not (yet) outlawed all gun regulations (why, even under federal law, it's illegal for people with felony convictions to own a gun), which is why Massachusetts and some other states still have gun-control laws. As today's decision notes, one of the criteria for determining whether a weapon today that didn't specifically exist in the early days of the republic can be regulated is whether it's inherently way more dangerous than other weapons. So switchblades aren't any more dangerous than other knives, so legal. Automatic assault weapons? Nope, not legal. I'm no weapons or legal expert, but I'm going to hazard a guess that a bazooka would fall under the "more dangerous" category.
big diffrens !
By schneidz
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 7:33am
bazookaz ar rear-loaded ordannənsez; hwairaz, rokket lawnchərz hav gided mortərz propeld from ħə frunt.
I took this as irony.
By Lee
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:03am
States' rights
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:28am
Small government in every way except when a liberal state wants to restrict access to weaponry. What's that? You're stopping a domestic abuser who had a gun shaped switchblade (wtf?) from getting away with threatening a defenseless woman? The hell with that let him go free. To buy another switchblade for $5 and follow through on his threats.
I saw a video recently about how New Hampshire is suing us to change our concealed carry laws because their too-scared-to-go-unheeled residents have to leave their emotional support weapon at home if they want to cross a state border and it made my blood boil. how tf do they stand the hypocrisy. whatever I'm ranting at this point but it blows my mind
“emotional support weaponâ€.
By Lee
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:10pm
“emotional support weaponâ€.
Do we not have states’ rights
By Frelmont
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:40am
Do we not have states’ rights to continue to regulate aspects such as: blade length, concealment, age-restrictions, sale restrictions,..&c?
One-handed, locking flipper knives are sold ubiquitously-well at auto parts stores and bait’n tackle shops and sports stores- and are really convenient when fishing and gardening/doing yard work and they’re probably almost as easy to open as a switchblade (I’m guessing, because the only switchblade I ever saw had a comb for a blade)
P.s., UH is way ahead getting this story out. Kudos!
I found a switchblade years ago.
By Lee
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:12pm
I have a locking flipper blade.
Though I’ve never stabbed anyone, I can say they are not comparable.
If you need or want to carry a pocket knife
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:45am
Switchblades are the worse option. The blade easily collapses. They're just infamous due to popular culture (movies, etc.). Popular culture generally does a poor job of showing reality in the real world.
By Chris77
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 7:18am
my switchblade
By deselby
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:22am
has a locking blade. Granted, it's a military knife, not some cheap import.
Surprising ruling
By Sock_Puppet
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 11:57am
This seems like a major change in the law. Massachusetts is one of the states with the strictest regulation of weapon-like things in the country. It's illegal to own a slingshot in this state. Knife restrictions go way beyond switchblades - any double-edged blade (e.g. skinning knife), any knife with a blade longer than 1 1/2 inches... basically anything bigger than a keychain Swiss Army knife is illegal to carry.
How much of this law (and how many of these convictions) will be overturned?
The 1.5" blade rule is the
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 2:31pm
The 1.5" blade rule is the most ridiculous. Every contractor visiting City Hall to get a permit results in a guard pulling out a ruler to measure the blade of their pocket knife to make sure it's not 1.7" long.
Those Boston City Hall Guards..
By Don't Panic
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 3:15am
Wouldn't even let me bring in my tactical spork just because it had a three inch stainless steel blade inside. I'm glad I never showed them the fire starter,
Illegal to sell or manufacture
By ScottR
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 2:33pm
I had to look this up. The law is about manufacture and sale of the items you mentioned, not about possession. Boston does have a city ordinance about larger knives, I believe.
edit: just kidding, there are also laws about carring:
although the 1.5 inch blade thing applies only to automatic knives. Maybe.
Seems likely
By lbb
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:54am
Seems likely. It's certainly easy to purchase knives with blades > 1.5 inches in MA. Just go into any outdoor store and you'll see plenty of SAKs with longer blades.
The Supreme Judicial Circus side show
By anonymous coward
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:04pm
> "[and] can be [held] with one hand while the other hand uses a phone to summon help."
I'd pay good money to see someone actually try using a one-handed knife for self-defense, while calling someone on the phone with the other hand.
As the founders intended
By Angry Dan
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:09pm
A well regulated Switchblade Militia, being necessary to the security of the West Side Story, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The state sjc is still
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:22pm
The state sjc is still stretching as hard as it can to water down the in common use test. The in common use test has little to do with the 18th century.
Just curious...
By Lecil
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 12:52pm
...But which well regulated militia does this charmer belong to?
Switchblades are dumb
By Kaz
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 1:04pm
I can't even carry my VW key fob in my pocket without eventually poking myself in the thigh when the damn thing unfurls unintendedly. Do you think I'd want it to go through my femoral artery instead?!
Does this mean I can walk around town with a crossbow
By Ron Newman
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 1:47pm
just because crossbows existed in the 1780s?
2nd Amendment
By BostonDog
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 3:21pm
I've long thought that the 2nd amendment should only apply to weapons that existed when when the Bill of Rights was ratified.
If someone wants to walk around with a musket, that's their constitutional right.
I've long thought that the 1st amendment
By anon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 3:42pm
shouldn't apply to radio, TV, the Internet, or telephones since they didn't exist when the Bill of Rights was ratified. /s
The thing is
By BostonDog
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 4:05pm
Modern forms of communication are far more similar to those of the past (speaking and writing remain the same) vs weaponry.
And anyway, modern forms of communication are extremely regulated as it relates to the technology.
let's have open carry in the supreme court
By kdragon
Tue, 08/27/2024 - 1:55pm
let's have open carry in the supreme court, congress, gun shows, and everywhere else that supporters of this hang out. and open these spaces to the public...
Lawyers stink
By hydeparkish
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:11am
"Suffolk County prosecutors had originally charged David Canjura with both possession of an illegal weapon and with domestic assault and battery, but dropped the domestic-violence charge when he agreed to plead guilty to the illegal possession charge - which he then appealed, on Second Amendment grounds."
It's sad that our legal system is so easy to game! I am surprised context isn't taken into account in these cases. A guy has a knife and threatens someone , his GF specifically....he gets off citing his right to protect himself with a weapon....when he is the agressor in the situation....WTF
Don't know the situation
By Kaz
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 9:32am
Maybe they were both being equal contributors to the domestic violence but he escalated with the knife. Or she recanted her testimony to the prosecutors so they decided to bargain the charge away knowing it'd be a lot harder to prove without her testimony. Plenty of scenarios where dropping one charge to secure the other is valid law wrangling.
What about nunchakus, throwing stars
By deselby
Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:17am
brass knuckles, blackjacks, blowguns, and manrikigusaris?
My rights are being violated!
Some of the rest of the list of banned "dangerous weapons." In quotes because that's part of the list of dangerous weapons banned in law. c269 s 10
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