A federal magistrate judge concluded today that Dianna Ploss isn't really serious about her suits against police in Winthrop and Swampscott for allegedly failing to protect her from a scary man at Trump rallies in the towns and urged a judge in US District Court to throw both cases out.
Ploss, a Nazi who pretended to run for governor in 2022, sought $2 million apiece in her 2022 complaints against the two towns for allegedly failing to protect her from a man with a "Doms for Dianna" signs who had menaced her in Winthrop and offered her $10 to penetrate him anally in Swampscott. She claimed the incidents caused PTSD and a fear of visiting the towns.
Ploss, who used to go up to Black Lives Matter protesters and scream at them as she videoed their reactions, ran into trouble with her case this past summer when her lawyer, and former employer, Covid-19 lawsuit specialist Richard Chambers, asked a judge in the case to let him quit representing her because "an irretrievable breakdown in the attorney-client relationship exists which prevents him from representing the Plaintiff effectively."
Chambers got his wish on Aug. 9 - after US District Court Magistrate Judge Jennifer Boal held a hearing at which Ploss failed to appear.
Boal set an Aug. 30 deadline for Ploss to let her know if she would be representing herself going forward or would hire a new attorney - and if she were hiring a new attorney, to have him or her file notice with the court by Sept. 30. The court sent notification to Ploss at her last known address, on Mission Hill.
Sept. 30 came and went and on Oct. 9, Boal gave Ploss until Oct. 23 to either answer the question one way or the other or seek termination of the case.
In a ruling on the Winthrop case this morning, Boal concluded:
Ploss has not responded to this Court’s order to show cause, and the time to do so has expired. It is a long-established principle that a court has the authority to dismiss an action for a party’s failure to prosecute her action and follow court orders.
She issued a similar recommendation on the Swampscott case.
Ploss will now get 14 days from the time she is served with Boal's recommendation to explain why a judge shouldn't dismiss the two cases.
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What is the context of ...
By Friartuck
Fri, 11/01/2024 - 2:21pm
"Doms for Dianna" is this a dom/sub/switch reference? I get that she's a bad girl that needs a swift spanking...
Massive eye roll
By Former Westroxer
Fri, 11/01/2024 - 9:45pm
Come on, read a book for once!
To be honest, I don't get it either. Offering money to a Nazi to sodomize you is maybe a weirdly specific fetish, but a threat? I dunno.
I think it should be entirely legal to offer Nazis a chance to sodomize consenting adults. The money issue complicates things, but really, what a conversation starter with your local Nazi. Too bad Sue Ianni moved away from my town...
@Friartuck YUP!
By Don't Panic
Mon, 11/04/2024 - 3:49am
@ Former Westroxer: Offering money for sex is called Pandering in Boston and comes with a possible $5000 fine. IT's not a threat but it is illegal.
Well it aint
By Luke Warmer
Fri, 11/01/2024 - 3:26pm
Domino's Pizza
By ACE123
Fri, 11/01/2024 - 6:12pm
Now, that is some funny stuff right there!
I've seen this movie
By Sator
Fri, 11/01/2024 - 8:13pm
Ploss is just another crybully
Just a thought
By Whirlz
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 9:26am
Nazis pretty much deserve whatever they get, and I am glad this got thrown out, but it would be nice if we could confront Nazis in a way that isn't sexually aggressive. People fail to consider that this kind of behavior also feels hostile to women who are NOT the Nazi in question, merely witnesses. It's not like there these folks had NO other ammunition that they could have used against this person. And it is frankly creepy that this is the first approach that occurred to them.
You assume a lot
By Sator
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 9:32am
Don't be the person who is shocked by the clap, when the victim claps back.
First snowflake sighting of the season!
By Friartuck
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 12:26pm
And I certainly apologize for causing you to melt.
You didn't
By Whirlz
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 4:32pm
You didn't make me melt. I wasn't responding to your comment. Thanks for your concern, though.
My bad... apologies
By Friartuck
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 6:01pm
You can see how one might interpret your response as a reply my OP but thanks for clarifying
When I think that shedding light on the dark side of humanity...
By Daan
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 2:53pm
is a metaphor that is a cliche I am proven wrong. Ploss is far from being an exception or rarity. Gliding across the social media of would be and real fascists provides ample evidence. My current favorite is Kim Iverson who proclaimed "I will never concede this. the notion that Jesus was a Jew only came into prominence after WWII."
While she doesn't explain the ideological basis for the idiocy of that idea it's likely to support the blood libel hatred of neo-Nazis. Why else pretend to be a scholar by making a claim than shooting fish in a barrel. Kim doesn't seem to be a genuine buffoon; nor a moron or idiot as Eugenicsts would use the term. Yet there is a radio host making insane, loony and genuinely out of touch with reality claims. Worse, she has a following.
On the other hand the power of the internet seems to have acted as an explosion of the size of nuclear fission in powering the toxic side of American ideology. If not for Twitter Trump probably would have flashed for a moment on television before quickly disappearing. It was only because he understood the power of media (Goebbels would have envied Trump's skill) to summon to the Con's cause the lessor demons, servants and minions to create the seeming monolith of hate. Although social media was not necessary to turn Evangelical Christians into political prostitutes plying their trade in the voting booth. Nevertheless would the singular cancerous cells that generally could not metastasize beyond small groups have grown into what today seems to be a cancer that eats at the America, which prior to Trump could be rough and often just dumb, but in only a few historical moments reached the point where it seemed determined to kill its host?
Social media is not disappearing. The internet remains a wild west of insane ideological vomit. Especially when billionaires use it as their personal calls for a fascist government, even to the point of indirectly bribing votes. Since the evil genie is out of the bottle, do we need to administer some kind of treatment to reduce the power of the genie, to reduce the cancer where Trump is the most painful throbbing exposed part of the tumor? What is the sunlight needed to heal from the social disease of a Trump ideology?
Are Dianna Ploss and Stiletto Dee the same person?
By PeyoteEatingWat...
Sat, 11/02/2024 - 4:54pm
If so, she's a creep for the ages.
Two different wingnuts
By Hardy Har Har
Sun, 11/03/2024 - 12:06pm
Dianna doesn't seem to be hanging out with the Holocaust-denying Rizoli brothers anymore. I believe she was working as an admin for the lawyer who has dropped her.
Stiletto is a former Dr Shiva fan/anti-vaxxer who annoys Eastie/Revere residents.
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