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2017 elections

By adamg - 4/11/17 - 7:57 pm

NorthEndWaterfront.com reports Councilor Sal LaMattina (North End, Charlestown, East Boston) won't run for re-election this fall. The East Boston Times-Free Press, which broke the story, has more.

LaMattina, first elected in a special election in 2006, joins Bill Linehan (South Boston, South End, Downtown, Chinatown) and Tito Jackson (Roxbury) in the retirement club - although Jackson hopes to move to get elected mayor instead.

By adamg - 4/5/17 - 10:59 pm

WGBH reports Jackson grabbed a reporter by the arm and pushed it aside when she asked a question about his past job selling pharmaceutical drugs. He says he was only pushing her microphone out of his face, but sent the station and the reporter apologies.

By adamg - 4/3/17 - 9:16 pm

James Jackson last week filed papers with the state for a campaign for the District 7 city-council seat Tito Jackson is giving up this fall.

By our count, that makes 11 candidates for the seat in the fall elections, but we could be missing one or two or a dozen. The candidates don't really become official until they return signatures on the petitions the city elections department isn't releasing until next month.

By adamg - 4/2/17 - 11:59 am

The Herald reports Aziza Robinson-Goodnight, 33, plans to run for one of the four at-large council seats in this fall's elections, hoping to take one of the seats now held by Michelle Wu, Annissa Essaibi-George, Michael Flaherty and Ayanna Pressley.

By adamg - 3/28/17 - 5:43 pm

Nadya Okamoto, a Harvard freshman who started a group to help supply women with menstrual supplies, has filed papers with state elections officials to run for a seat on the Cambridge city council. Read more.

By adamg - 3/27/17 - 9:03 am

Jose Junior Lopez last week filed papers with the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance to run for the District 7 city-council seat being vacated by Tito Jackson, who is running for mayor.

Candidates do not get on the September preliminary ballot unless they return enough signatures on city nominating petitions, which become available in May.

By adamg - 3/16/17 - 9:21 pm

Add Brian Keith, president of the the Mount Pleasant Avenue, Vine and Forest Street neighborhood association, to the list of potential candidates for the District 7 City Council seat Tito Jackson is giving up to run for mayor this fall. Read more.

By adamg - 3/14/17 - 8:41 am

Politico reports that Carlos Henriquez, expelled from the House in 2014 is looking at joining the crowded race for the District 7 City Council seat that Tito Jackson is leaving to run for mayor.

By adamg - 2/15/17 - 4:10 pm

The Globe reports that Bill Linehan won't seek a seventh term as city councilor in District 2, which covers South Boston, the South End, Chinatown and Downtown.

Frank Ulip, who lives downtown and Peter Lin-Marcus, who lives in Chinatown, have both signaled their interest in running for the seat this fall by forming political committees. However, Linehan's announcement could also lead to a flood of candidates from South Boston.

By adamg - 2/10/17 - 1:32 pm
Frank Ulip

A downtown resident has registered a formal campaign organization with state elections officials.

Frank Ulip says he will run for the District 2 seat now held by Bill Linehan of South Boston. Linehan has yet to say if he'll be running for re-election this fall. The city does not release formal petitions for collecting signatures until May. Read more.

By Anonymous - 1/18/17 - 3:34 am

Tuesday evening, the same as Mayor Walsh's third State of the City address, a twitter hashtag was launched by Bostonians who described an event or events in Boston governance that caused them to lose faith in Mayor Walsh as their champion to run city government.

#MartyLostMeWhen started at about 5 in the afternoon and went until about 1 in the morning. Read more.

By adamg - 1/17/17 - 10:37 pm

In his state of the city address tonight, Mayor Walsh proposed projects - some of which will require approval from the state legislature - to improve Boston Public Schools. Read more.

By adamg - 1/15/17 - 11:58 pm

The Herald reports Jean-Claude Sanon is gearing up for his third try for the District 5 City Council seat (Hyde Park, Mattapan, Roslindale) held by Tim McCarthy.

Sanon, who lost to McCarthy in 2013 and 2015, says he has gained inspiration from the example of Donald Trump, whom few experts expected to win last fall.

By adamg - 1/13/17 - 1:46 pm

As incumbent District 7 City Councilor Tito Jackson was announcing his mayoral bid yesterday, two new candidates emerged for his council seat.

Both Hassan Williams and Joao DePina filed papers with the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance to mark the creation of campaign committees. The registration does not necessarily mean they will run in the September preliminary; the city elections department does not release nominating petitions unitl May 2. Read more.

By adamg - 1/12/17 - 5:09 pm
Tito Jackson announceds Boston mayoral bid

Tito Jackson today formally launched his campaign for mayor of Boston, promising a campaign against gentrifiers, rich companies seeking taxpayer handouts and a City Hall that seems stuck on bread-and-circus catastrophes like the Olympics and the IndyCar races. Read more.

By adamg - 1/12/17 - 12:20 am
Brother Charles

Charles Clemons Muhammad recently announced he is running for the District 7 City Council seat now held by Tito Jackson, who is set to announce a run for mayor later today.

He joins Rufus Faulk and Kim Janey in the race for the two-year seat. Several other people are also considering a run. Read more.

By adamg - 1/11/17 - 5:49 pm
Jackson for mayor

Politico reports. The Globe has more, including an interview with Jackson, in which he says he first started thinking about taking on Walsh during the Olympics mess.

Update: Jackson's Web page is now up.

By adamg - 1/10/17 - 10:45 pm

Kim Janey, a community organizer and project manager at Massachusetts Advocates for Children, announced tonight she's running for the District 7 City Council seat currently held by Tito Jackson.

Janey joins Rufus Faulk in announcing a bid for the two-year seat in this fall's elections.

Jackson has yet to say if he will run for re-election, run for mayor or both.

By adamg - 1/3/17 - 2:44 pm
Rufus Faulk

Community organizer Rufus Faulk used Facebook to announce his bid for the Roxbury city-council seat now held by Tito Jackson in this fall's election.

Jackson has yet to announce if he's running for reelection, running for mayor or pulling a Yancey and doing both. Read more.

By adamg - 12/30/16 - 8:58 am

The Herald reports on growing signs the Roxbury city councilor will take a shot at Marty Walsh next year.a

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