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By adamg - 7/18/21 - 7:17 pm
Halloween candy at Packards Corner Star Market

Oh, look what Jenni K spotted at the Star Market at Packards Corner in Allston today.

By adamg - 10/31/20 - 6:11 pm

Kim Foley MacKinnnon got to work with the snow on her Roslindale front steps today to create a social-distancing candy luge: Read more.

By adamg - 10/23/20 - 12:06 am
Halloween decorations on Marlborough Street in the Back Bay

Kyle Stratis reports from Marlborough Street between Exeter and Fairfield in the Back Bay:

This is where I was when the Great Back Bay Blackout of 2020 finally ceased its half hour long reign of terror

By adamg - 10/21/20 - 4:28 pm

COVID-19 Update: October 21, 2020

Seriously, just stay away, Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll and Gov. Baker said today. Driscoll said the city is so worried about becoming a superspreader it's canceling events and spending money on advertising to warn people to find something else to do that night. "This is not the year to come to Salem," Driscoll said. Also, MBTA commuter-rail trains will be bypassing Salem on numerous runs.

By adamg - 10/16/20 - 10:44 am
Mission Park pumpking

Don't Panic captured the city's biggest pumpkin at Mission Park off Huntington Avenue the other day.

By adamg - 10/28/19 - 4:43 pm
Public Garden ducks ready for Halloween

JC Considine watched Mrs. Mallard and her brood getting ready for Halloween in the Public Garden today, along with the aid of some human helpers.

By adamg - 10/27/19 - 9:44 pm
Marty the robot and somebody in a Marty costume

Kate Estrop reports from the Stop & Shop on McGrath Highway in Somerville:

Even if you've practiced for hours, sometimes the only thing you can say when you meet your hero is, "Beep beep."

By adamg - 10/26/19 - 1:16 pm
Dogs in Orange Line outfits

Eric Herot spotted a couple of the entrants in this year's Jamaica Plain dog parade, reports the one on the right is named Charlie.

Fun-sized Orange Line cars roll out in JP.

By adamg - 10/24/19 - 4:49 pm
Dead tired coffee drinker in Roslindale

Jennifer M reports that a fellow customer at the Green T coffeehouse in Roslindale today was just dead to the world.

By adamg - 10/8/19 - 3:51 pm
Stolen wreath poster vows to find the bastard who stole a South End resident's Halloween wreath

Shamus Moynihan couldn't help but notice this flier in the South End, vowing vengeance on the spineless bastard who stole one Appleton Street resident's Halloween wreath. Halloween wreath? Halloween wreath.

Someone takes their Halloween decorations VERY seriously.

By adamg - 9/30/19 - 5:17 pm
Pumpkins gone on Pond Street in Jamaica Plain

Brendan the roving UHub photographer spotted these stones on Pond Street in Jamaica Plain the other day.

UPDATE: What was stolen were stones painted like pumpkins, not actual pumpkins.

By adamg - 11/3/18 - 10:59 am

OK, this is from Halloween, but still: Roy Krantz videoed a Thriller flash mob on Dunster Road in Jamaica Plain.

By adamg - 10/31/18 - 8:30 pm

Read more.

By adamg - 10/31/18 - 12:12 pm
Marlborough Street decorations for Halloween

Carpundit spotted these dragons on Marlborough Street in the Back Bay today.

By adamg - 10/31/18 - 9:44 am
A very bony pathologist on Halloween

Dr. Peter Sadow is a pathologist at Mass. General. He dressed a bit differently today:

Who says pathologists only see dead people? Not true! Sometimes we are the dead who walk, but only on Halloween.

By adamg - 7/19/18 - 8:59 am
Candy corn on display on July 18

Andrew Applegate reports the Stoneham Stop & Shop had Halloween candy out yesterday, which, let's check the calendar here, was July 18.

By adamg - 10/31/17 - 11:25 pm
Halloween on Beacon Hill

Vasant Marur spent some time on Beacon Hill tonight.

By adamg - 10/31/17 - 5:31 pm
Clown with balloons

Tim Dwyer reports this perfectly respectable gentleman is giving out free balloons at Tremont and Pembroke streets in the South End.

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