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Rumor control: Angell says it's unaware of any dogs that have died of coronavirus under its care


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Since there have been studies that suggest "debunking" makes hoaxers just dig their heels in, I hope this doesn't backfire. Too bad Angell has to spend energy on this right now. Local Facebook groups have been such cesspools of bad information in the course of this pandemic.

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This happened on a JP page and most of the commenters were in agreement that this was highly unlikely.

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Let 'em. They can dig ignorance foxholes for all I care. Facts matter. If you want to make your ignorance apparent to all, go for it.

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What do you think happens to the dogs of people who believe all the BS and are panicked that they'll catch COVID-19 from their dogs?

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Well, if presenting the facts to them causes them to continue believing their misguided ideas, I don't see how not presenting them the facts would cause a different outcome.

I just don't see how we're going to change the mind of the willfully ignorant and I'm getting really worn down by trying. I do not wish ill will on those who are mistaken in their beliefs and ideas but if we present the truth to them and they are unwilling to believe it, unfortunately they and others will suffer the consequences we tried to warn them about.

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I do not wish ill will on those who are mistaken in their beliefs and ideas but if we present the truth to them and they are unwilling to believe it, unfortunately they and others will suffer the consequences we tried to warn them about.

I also do not wish ill on the ignorant or the mistaken or on those who have not had access to education. But the willfully ignorant, on the other hand, are my enemy, and I wish them gone from this world.

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Magoo is so sad Poochy McPooch Pooch might get sniffies. :-( :-( :-(. Magoo.

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While it is unlikely dogs can actually contract the virus they sure as hell can carry it on their surface. All day long I see people walking dogs and the dogs are sniffing, licking and rubbing against all kinds of surfaces, as dogs do. They are also walking on their four little bare feet. These dogs then go back into people's houses where they are fondled and kissed. I hope dog owners are aware of this and are taking precautions.

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My dog is heartbroken that I don't allow the usual 50 or so passing neighbors to pet her every day. Usually when they reach out to pet and I say, "you don't know who else has just petted that dog." they get it right away.

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Unlike the a-holes at the Fallon Field dog park.

Yesterday they were out, social distancing from the other humans while their dogs ran around everywhere. Just selfish morons to the end.

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I regularly go to a dog park. A specifically designated off-leash area. I let my dog run around there with the other dogs. I don't see the problem in this.

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The problem is you just un-isolated yourself with all the other dog owners. Same as if you all did a group hug.

They should close dog parks, for the same reason they closed basketball courts and playgrounds.

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Yeah, the thing that's bothered me the most while going on walks has been unleashed dogs that run up to me. I'm trying as hard as I can to stay 6 feet away from everyone, let alone touch them. Please make sure your dog doesn't violate my space.

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Nah, I can't believe that

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