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Election roundup: Campbell tells Rudy Giuliani to keep his hair-dye-stained ass out of Boston affairs

Looks like Rudy Giuliani has something new to grab onto besides his chram: Kim Janey's comments about Covid-19 vaccinations being somehow equivalent to slavery and birthers:

Janey, who, if she loses on Sept. 14, might wonder if she lost the election on Aug. 3, hasn't replied to the man who has lost his right to practice law in two key jurisdictions. But her former BFF and current worst enemy forever Andrea Campbell has:

The Boston Sun wraps up a mayoral forum on homeless issues.

The Dorchester Reporter introduces us to the eight candidates who hope to replace Janey in District 7.

Councilor Frank Baker in District 3 (Dorchester) has endorsed Bridget Nee-Walsh for one of the four at-large council seats:

Bridget is a Union Ironworker, a small business owner, and a single mother. Working families can trust her to fight for good jobs with good pay and benefits, strong public schools, affordable housing, and public safety.

Former City Councilor and current Suffolk County Register of Deeds Steve Murphy has endorsed fellow Hyde Park native Jon Spillane for one of those seats:

I am a 50-year fan, and friend, of the Spillane family, and Jon’s tenacious energy is just what Boston needs on the City Council.

State Rep. Adrian Madaro is also backing Spillane. Now, he's from far distant East Boston, so didn't have the chance to spend several decades admiring the candidate and his family, but the two did go to high school together. One purple-tinged Latin-based guess which. Give up?

I know he will bring the passion and hard work fostered during our years at Boston Latin School to the City Council. Jon understands residents’ frustrations about rising cost of living, and he has clear ideas about how to improve housing, traffic, and city services.



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Campbell is starting to look good. She's definitely saying all the right things with regard to covid...

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She seems to be much more level headed and thoughtful than the other candidates. I'm definitely leaning in her direction for September.

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she's been taking since first being elected. Dark money from the Waltons and the Kochs. She may insist that she's not working their agenda but they don't throw money away unless they see potential in her language.

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Who or what is "DeB"?

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I think he's talking to Bill DeBlasio

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Cambridge's own ...

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Of course!
Thank you
(in my head, for some reason, I spell his name DiBlasio)

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I'm pretty sure that word is supposed to be an adjective modifying the noun "people" and not a noun itself. Rudy, why don't you go tuck your shirt in somewhere else.

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Did Trump bleach Rudy's brain with bleach, setting it as tabla rasa, imprinting with Trump's own mental-social-emotional-spiritual (the list never stops with Don the Con) corruption?

Rudy was not Mr. 100% popular in NYC during his mayoral reign. Yet who could see him turning into what he has become today?

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His politics, choices, philosophy, worldview - both as NYC mayor and earlier as federal prosecutor - one might agree or disagree with them, but I don't think anybody would ever have suggested that he wasn't sharp and at the top of his game.
Now, though - he has lost so much off his fastball (and everything else)...

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Campbell is supporting DeBlasio.. He is has not been popular with New Yorker Civil Servants.

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But he's not running for re-election.

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Disappointed in you, Adam.

You are anti-Janrywithout saying you're anti Janry. I expect you to be more forthcoming- because you're you. Despite your progressive stances you take a stance against Boston's fora and likely ONLY shot at a black mayor by harping on a minor gaffe. You're proving no different than the mainstream Bowyon racist media. You can pretend upoihn camp elk is legit be we all know it's Janey or Wu.

You are not who I thought you were and I know you won't approve this comment. Rooting for Janey’s failute js doing the same as the Cam Newton haters. No grace or patience shown or African Americans in Boston... just nasty, hasty attacks. I didn't know you we're like that, not it probably shouldn't come as a surprise.

It matters not anything positive Janey had doe or how bsyon is absolute thriving conoared yo most major cities right now.... You've made up your mind. If Janey losesv think ill be ready to give up on this city ever TRULY supporting it black native population. It'll be a weight off my shoulders.

-Jay, maybe for the last time.

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That Janey isn't the only Black woman who grew up in Boston who is running for mayor this year, right?

Since you basically asked, I don't know who I'm voting for in September.

But if you think Janey's comments the other day are simply some minor gaffe that shouldn't be discussed in polite company and that to do so shows deep racial bias, I'm going to ask if you fully grasp the magnitude of the public-health crisis we face even here in the medical mecca of the universe.

It is possible (as Campbell showed) to acknowledge the past harm done to Blacks by the medical establishment while also trying to protect them and everybody else from a deadly disease without comparing a potential public-health measure to slavery and Trump (and to be honest, once she started talking about papers, I started thinking Nazis on trains going "Papiere, bitte," OK, I'm sensitive like that).

No, this isn't an endorsement of Campbell; she has things to answer for as well (like, I remember when the issue of BPD body cameras first came up; as chair of the council's committee on public safety it sure seemed like she was doing her darndest to delay their rollout).

But, yes, I do think Janey's comments the other day were a Big Deal, I obviously don't think they did anything to advance her campaign and I don't think ignoring them does anybody any favors.

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stop-and-frisk hurt the standard of living for mostly minorities.

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So, Janey's a victim now?

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Hey! The Kiwi Shoe Polish Company pays Rudy a lot of money for product placement and they object to being misidentified as a generic "hair-dye" company.

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