By adamg on Wed., 2/8/2023 - 11:24 pm
WBZ reports the teen Wendy's worker is recovering while the city of Lynn is on edge knowing there's somebody with a hair trigger and a gun driving around.
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Wonder if the shooter was stupid enough ....
By Ron Newman
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 12:00am
... to have placed his order using a credit or debit card.
Likely on video,
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 1:32am
4 consecutive Uhub stories ….
By Lee
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 5:25am
… on random gratuitous violence on easy victims.
I have to remind myself of random little acts of kindness and courtesy I witnessed over the last couple of days. Like the MBTA bus driver who stopped around the corner from the designated bus stop and let me on the bus anyway.
What makes one person turn to violence and another turn to kindness in a stressful world?
Is Boston really a Dystopia?
By Turalura Lipschitz
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 6:10am
It can seem that way from the proportion of "Some guy walloped/shot someone" stories to photos of fish eagles or interesting court decisions. Springtime and avian migrations can't come quickly enough.
It is still news here
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:11am
Look at the relative crime rates for many US cities and you will see why in many Southern locations this might not even make the news or concern anyone much.
It’s pretty much an even split
By robo
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:27am
So no idea where you’re getting your data from.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:03am
"List of most dangerous cities!"
LOListicle. I see you did your "research".
Have you tried actual validated data lately? Like, maybe, FBI data:
That site is pulling data from
By robo
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:18am
I have to be honest, it was just the first result in a google search I just did.
You still haven’t linked to any actual data supporting your statement. Also, how old are you because you always come off as a 15 year old child.
15 year old child
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 3:59pm
Projection like a multiplex, honey.
By J.R. Dobbs
Fri, 02/10/2023 - 6:00am
Now you're acting like a 12 year old.
Is Chicago a southern city?
By anon
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:48am
Is Chicago a southern city?
New Orleans is
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 3:58pm
So are Dallas, Houston, Little Rock, any city in Alabama and Mississippi, Kentucky or Tennessee.
Fucking duh, bro. Your point? Other than recited talking points?
Anyone can play this game.
By JPNative617
Fri, 02/10/2023 - 7:49am
St Louis
Consider taking the loss and not being an overly aggressive douchebag.
Consider not using….
By Lee
Fri, 02/10/2023 - 9:07am
…. misogynistic insults or contriving excuses to toss them.
Hard to take anyone seriously who does.
Depends, are you a real
By anon
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 1:49pm
Depends, are you a real estate developer? If so, then yes, its awful here, an absolute warzone. Are you a regular person with a real job? No, its fine there's just a few shitheads who ruin it for everyone.
Latter today the NRA will
By dvg
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 7:07am
Latter today the NRA will issue a statement saying that while they are always blamed, guns are never the real problem.
NRA will add that the real issue is that there is a lack of linguistic skills and diligence among fast-food workers. Wrong servings irate customers and this is why Wendy's needs to prioritize worker training.
Good guy with a gun
By emac
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 7:27am
Why didn’t the worker have a gun so they could shoot back?
Because Lauren Boebert
By Will LaTulippe
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:54am
Is not a Wendy's franchisee.
Need to expand the second amendment
By Angry Dan
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 11:24am
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the integrity of drive-through drink orders, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
I grew up with guns
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:09am
They were tools, not toys. My parents kept their guns either in the car rack or the rack above my parents' bed. I was trained with fairly strict discipline around them (and even with toy weapons) by my mother, father, and sharpshooter grandfather.
The problem with many of today's gun owners is that they wave guns around as fetish items for paranoid toddlers afraid of everything. Except said toddlers don't throw their pacifier when they go into tantrum mode - they shoot people.
Even the most disciplined gun owners …
By Lee
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:31am
… can experience tragedy. Children, emotions, clumsy moves happen.
It’s why I see guns and motor vehicles as so similar. Intended, usually to serve useful functions, they are dangerous when misused.
I didn’t grow up with guns
By anon
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 11:41am
I didn’t grow up with guns and I am grateful for that. I feel sorry for children raised with the fear that they cannot live without a gun in the household.
Good point.
By Lee
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 1:01pm
I grew up without guns or religion.
Bigoted visiting relatives were welcomed in the driveway with big smiles and a sotto voce reminder that racist remarks in front of innocent children would result in end of hospitality.
As an adult I so value that. And the fact that I could love and admire certain relatives without learning about their former faults till I
was old enough to have perspective.
One of these relatives had a visit from the FBI after a grandchild bragged on My Space about his pop’s vaste vintage gun collection. The guns went into storage after that and security measures added to the home. Fortunately nothing more came of it.
I wasn't raised in fear of not having guns
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 4:01pm
This is a massive difference between then and now, sure.
The guns were for hunting and for target shooting. They weren't typically loaded unless in use.
Like I said - tools. My grandfather used them to pick off rabbits in his garden - which he would cook for dinner.
what the fuck are we doin
By cybah
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:51am
what the fuck are we doin as a society where people can just blow someone's head off because they didn't get the right size drink at the drive thru.
Or the lady at Park street who got decked for saying "excuse me" to some jackass.
Have we just gotten that unruley lately that we're resorting to this? I feel like this is getting worse in the past 2-3 years, did the pandemic just make people nutty?
More and more I want to just sell my condo, buy a cabin in the middle of the woods and stay there until I die.. just to get away from our awful society.
I’ll tell
By anon
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:54am
I’ll tell
You what:
Zero deterrent.
I really don't think
By cybah
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:41am
I really don't think laws and the threat of throwing people in jail seems to be working......
I mean look at the other shooting that happened last week to Tyler Lawrence's killer. Dude was arrested for selling fentanyl, and was aquitted in 2014 for another murder.
I mean to me this looks like the threat of jail isn't working. The dude went all the way to trial and could have been in jail. 10 years later, he's selling drugs and shootin' up kids. If it was me, I think the trial and the fear of being sent to jail would be enough to clean up my act. Apparently not for this person.
You gotta be a very special thick person to go back to more crime.
So yeah this ain't working.
where does this zero deterrent idea come from?
By berkleealum
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 4:51pm
there’s an instance of misuse of police force in the news just about every week
That's what the Unibomber did
By anon
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 8:59am
That's what the Unibomber it's not where you live.
By cybah
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:42am
well considering I look like the unibomber on most days (shaggy bearded dude who wears a hoodie and sunglasses).. its fitting.
I don’t think we have gotten more violent.
By Lee
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:40am
I think we are slightly even less so. More violence is actually reported and recorded.
The availability of killing machines, be they guns or SUVs makes violence to likely be more deadly.
If you’re talking about recent years, I think COVID had a little to do with it but other issues already existed and still do.
I’ve spent time in beautiful peaceful rural areas and when bad stuff happens there, vulnerable people are much worse off than in cities.
@cybah: Do not go see "Knock
By Don't Panic
Fri, 02/10/2023 - 1:18am
@cybah: Do not go see "Knock at the Cabin" then. The previews alone put me off of that dream.
"No Way To Prevent This,"
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 9:24am
Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.
Missed headline opportunity
By Transphobia Watch
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 10:09am
"Sir, this is a Wendy's"
And all this time...
By Royale with Cheese
Thu, 02/09/2023 - 4:48pm
Whenever I've gotten something wrong in my takeout order, I just kind of shrugged my shoulders and ate the meal anyway. If I were still in the restaurant and noticed the error, I meekly brought it to the attention of the server and waited for it to be corrected.
I never thought to pull a gun like a real man and settle up the manly way.
I guess I'm a pansy.
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