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Brookline voters expected to gobble up new 'I Voted' stickers

Brookline voter stickers feature a turkey

People who vote in Brookline this year - whether at early voting locations or at their normal polls on Election Day - won't be getting those hum-drum little oval "I Voted" stickers that voters in certain neighboring communities can expect. In a statement, Town Clerk Ben Kaufman said:

These stickers were made to increase attention to elections and help drive voter engagement. Any chance we have to talk to voters and encourage them to make their voices heard in our elections is an opportunity we will take.



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The TLF has no need for ballots; they vote with their talons.


I miss the TLF. Those where happier days.


I’m happy this is a “safe state.”

I vote. I’m not voting for that guy Drumpf who wants to make America into seventeenth-eighteenth century Europe, or the third-party assholes, but I gotta say I’m tempted to allow my petulance win out and refrain from endorsing this DNC bullshit at the top of the ticket. (The VP is not bullshit, the shenanigans are the bs.) It’s less the VP than it is the egregious bullshit. We have had other bad VPs, but nobody asked for mediocre to the point of dubious. I can’t stomach tonight’s town hall. Click. I deeply resent my party’s foisting on me a candidate chosen to pick up soft votes who never would have been chosen in a primary and in fact bailed before the primary, and is now saying she will go in a direction that different from what the people did vote for. What?! VP Harris, candidate Harris has an obligation to be the candidate we thought we voted for in the primary. I have to take consolation in the fact that while she said she would go in a different direction she seemed to offer only “air movement” that doesn’t run far a field if it differs at all from the ticked endorsed by voters -say it with me- in-the -primary. I strongly agree with her statement at the event with Cheney that a healthy and strong two-party system is essential, but it’s going to take a lot to get there. Right now it seems both parties are the left ant right hand of the nascent oligarchy. Yes, it seems both parties still offer something recognizable philosophically that I pray will endure, even if negated by sedition and distain on the right and in both parties: cynicism, contempt for the oath of office and the Constitution and a cowardice in foreign policy that has us endangered and running from nuclear blackmail instead of standing toe-to-toe willing to take a few lumps, but not run yellow.

that compared to voting for Harris, *not* voting for Harris is essentially half a vote for Trump?

It's not like refraining from voting actually absolves you of any responsibility.


I am aware. Harris can’t lose in Ma.
As grotesque as most of the RNC has become in the light of Trump, the left has behaved in contemptuous ways by dancing to his tune and playing the easy, low-brow “us vs. them” theater.

Also, nobody took our rights, nobody took Roe, we Democrats failed the women of this country by shifting to the right with Clinton in general and specifically starting with William Jefferson Clinton’s “safe, legal and rare” speech.

...about how we got here, although of course there's more to it than that. If you're thinking of abstaining from voting, I think you are wrong in your conclusions, about what's to be done about it now.

I’m definitely voting for the down-ballot and on election day no matter how pissed I am at the DNC for the turkey they foist upon me but, when I’m standing in the “booth” I put my clothespin on my nose and vote the Democratic ticket in spite of my anger.

No matter how mad I get, or how committed I am to a “protest vote,” I can’t bring myself to not vote Democrat.

It’s not sustainable for vote out of fear vs. voting out of conviction.

Not voting sends the message that you don't care who wins.

Personally, I care a lot about who wins. So I will absolutely vote even if I frequently disagree with my chosen candidate.


Hi, thanks, I care deeply. Painfully.

There’s some saying that goes like, people don’t worry about some stupid shit when the house is on fire. I get that. Hopefully, there won’t be another “Trump,” but I resent this system where the parties and the media profit off our fear. And, is something is profitable it tends to persist.


P.s. 10/24/2024 ca. 2:51 p.m. :
It's the "shit-hole problem" stupid! (Not you dear reader.)

We Democrats are being “penny-wise and pound foolish” by pandering to some few Progressive-socialist voters and anti-democratic, anti-liberal democracy (and anti-semitic) Mi et al. voters. (How’s that working out?) This Harris business is an absolute breach of faith with voters who participated in the primaries and is probably unprecedented in our history. It is abhorrent. When we seemingly abandon the core of the party and chart a new course and “[her] administration will not be a continuation of the Biden administration.” Um….that’s not what we voted for in the primary and that certainly filling far more groups than “soccer moms” with existential dread. We talk of polls under-counting Trump voters, for their reticence to talk to pollsters &c. well exchanging “word salad city” for a guy who had a “bad night” yet extemporaneously holds fourth on a wide range of topics that encompass the sweep of history, policy and experience just may have not been the coup some thought it would be.


P.p.s., 10/25/2024, ca. 3:58 p.m., It’s not enough for the Harris campaign to expect the main body of Democrats, the centrists, or at least the mean to be satisfied with “reading between the lines” on policy. We need to know she “won’t go nuts once she gets her driver’s license.” And, is Harris our “Dubya?” And if so, she doesn’t have those connections and who is going to be her Cheyney?” What we need is unity against the Iranian-Russian Axis through Iran and the Russian- et al. Axis in Europe. We can’t keep running from nuclear blackmail indefinitely and I don’t see that in the cards with Harris, and not with Herr Drumpf either though, not with Biden and not with Obama. On the other hand, if we’re leading the dance by employing “strength through weakness” and sending our opponents down a path of bankrupting themselves then ok, well done.

"Herr Drumpf" has already professed his fear of nuclear weapons on many public occasions. I believe it's the reason he puts on his pro-Russian "I just want the killing to stop" position when it comes to ending the war in Ukraine. That cowardly draft-dodger claims he wants to be a "strong man" but it's only to mask his fear of the real dictators.

Harris on the other hand won't even consider peace talks on that war until Russia is out of Ukraine's sovereign territory. She's the real "strong man" even though she's obviously a woman.

You are correct about Herr Bonespur.

Trump has deep-seated animus for the United States and business ventures in Russia.

Harris is stronger on Ukraine, however Obama assented to “the little green men” in Donbas and the annexation of Crimea, and drew a meaningless red line in Syria which brought us low. I’m not aware of Trump calling on Russia to withdraw from Ukrainian territory and neither Biden, nor Harris has given Ukraine the appropriate offensive weapons to expel Russia.

Russia is a parasitic state. That’s all the game they got. Ukraine shook off Russia’s puppet government, so Russia took the military option. Trump will end the war likely by corrupting Ukraine.



You're actually quoting a New York Post article and you haven't died of embarrassment yet. Unbelievable.



It's hard to keep track of them after I was murdered and my job was stolen by the last one.


Upvoting your own comment, huh?


You understand that they are one of the reasons such nonsense is called "tabloid journalism", right?

What? I would have thought it would have been a turkey carcass (https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/11/26/michael-dukakis-thanksgiving-turkey...)