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Our new health-insurance law

On Blue Mass. Group, David calls Robert Travaglini, Ted Kennedy, and Sal DiMasi the biggest rubes today for standing behind Governor Veto as he signed the bill, more or less. Elias, though, reserves some ire for the spineless jellyfish who vetoed parts of the bill:

... If there are any authentic conservatives out there reading this, take a long hard look at the type of arrogance and grandstanding that Mitt Romney mistakes for leadership. Honestly you don't want any part of this guy, you'll need to get everything in writing from day one, his word isn't worth shit not with his ambition telling him how to screw you on a deal. ...

Jon Keller says Romney outmaneuvered the Demmmies because Blue State or not, people don't like taxes and that the vetoes will help him with Republicans west of the Berkshires.

On Hub Politics, though, Aaron Margolis begs to differ:

... Frankly, Romney touting this bill as his own will probably hurt his presidential aspirations. Any move towards socialized health care can only hurt a Republican like Romney, who has plenty of hurdles to jump through without being a proponent of this mostly horrible new legislation that could lead to more states adopting similar disaster plans. ... I'm disappointed in Mitt Romney today, and I'm sure many New Hampshire residents working in Massachusetts are quite upset.

Andy at Mass. Revolution Now is also upset, although for different reasons:

... I am starting to think that we have accepted a bogus compromise, one in which we really don’t take the responsible steps toward delivering health care. ...



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