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Debate debate

Who won the debate?

Outraged Liberal: Patrick.
Mass. GOP News: Healey (Mass. GOP News earns bonus points for watching post-debate analysis and concluding that Mike Barnicle must have suffered a head injury shortly before going on air).

Jon Keller: Healey and Patrick both win. Joe Dwinell agrees.

Adam Reilly: Ross wins. She's the new Eugene Debs. He adds:

Patrick's reputation as a vague talker got worse tonight. His roughest debate, I'd say.

Sandouri Dean Bey: Watching the third gubernatorial debate right now, and I'm happy to see Kerry Healey getting her ASS KICKED all over Faneuil Hall.

Ed Prisby translates the entire debate into English.

Ian loves Mihos's one-liners:

The gubernatorial debates are actually entertaining.

Charley on the MTA's bottom line:

Patrick remains the most, uh, governorish. Healey's still failing the living-room-coziness test.

Seth Gitell sees the ghost of Lee Atwater in Healey's every statement:

... As an operative, you never want to put your candidate in a position where she herself must attack her opponent and stand by a sleazy ad in a political debate. ...

He also marvels at how Romney has abandoned her.

Baratunde warns Healey to stay well away from him. After all, he's a black man. And you know how they are around white women.

Jesse Legg thinks all four candidates did well, and blasts Channel 7:

... Channel 7 WHDH is running ads for their 11 o'clock news with debate clips and the tagline: "The race for governor turns vicious.” Further evidence that traditional local media is there first to garner an audience and second to provide information. I don't feel this debate was vicious at all. Each candidate showed respect for the others, included humor and gave credit when due. ...

Even more debate notes.



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