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Romney: I was young and stupid

Young MittSo when John Kerry changes his positions on issues, he's a waffler. But when Mitt Romney does it, he's principaled. Or, as some Romney backers put it - the past doesn't matter, all that matters is what he's sincere about right now. In any case, videos making the rounds:

Young, irresponsible Mitt comes out against abortion restrictions, for gay rights.

Older, responsible Mitt rejects everything young, irresponsible Mitt said.



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...it's older and wiser of him to no longer care that his friend died during an illegal abortion?

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1994 - 2002. That's 8 years, the length of a two term presidency. Imagine a sitting president drastically changing his or her stance on issues such as abortion, gay rights, and "not forcing beliefs" on America during a presidential term?

I'm all for people changing their minds, and I wish politicians had more leway to reshape their stances when new evidence is presented (a la Iraq), but I do like to see a patern of consitency in political positions. First, if your side is going to use the 'flip-flop' attack agianst a rival, you have to play by the same rules (if it walks like a duck). Second, I don't want to wake up one day and find out that someone I voted for who claimed s/he would vehemently defend the right to choose is now staunchly anti-choice and wants to roll back Roe.

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