According to the Boston Elections Department Election Commissioner Sabino Piemonte, Will Dorcena did not collect the necessary 3000 certified signatures to make the ballot for Boston Mayor in the September 24, 2013 Preliminary Election. It is reported he collected less than 2200 signatures. Dorcena who had been campaigning since Januaru 12, 2012, was the second candidate to enter the Mayoral Contest. The first candidate being Touch 106.1 Owner and Businessman Charles Clemons.
With Dorcena eliminated, it is unknown who will benefit from his absence from the race.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Yes, there's
By anon
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 8:00pm
breaking news that actually impacts our lives at the immediate moment and needs to be immediately reported. Like severe thunderstorms for example.
And then there's news that happens to be breaking but, in reality, makes very little difference to what is actually happening in the real world at that moment in time.
With respect, this "breaking" headline clearly falls into the latter.
Of course, the real story here is denying a candidate the chance to run for office because of the arcane system of "Gather so many signatures and Mother will give you permission to participate in the election."
The 'arcane system' is 'prove
By NotWhitey
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 11:04am
The 'arcane system' is 'prove you're serious.' The gentleman failed to do so.
And in the future
By Brian Riccio
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 9:18pm
Please leave out the developing.....
This isn't the Drudge Report and I sure as shit hope you're not Matt Drudge.
Douglas, please check your spelling.
By anonism
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 10:20pm
Douglas, please check your spelling. Your posts tend to have some beauts.
Here, you've got "Piedmonte." His name is spelled "Piemonte." Can't be that hard to look up words and names and get them right.
Thx. It's fixed.
By Douglas Bennett
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 10:59pm
Thank you. I've never been known for my spelling.
"Thank you. I've never been
By anonism
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 10:21am
"Thank you. I've never been known for my spelling."
Generally, the credibility of writers suffers whenever poor spelling or poor grammar appears in print. So it behooves one to pay attention to such detail, at least in my opinion.
By anon
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 10:36am
It's not just the spelling. Look at DB's body of work. Credibility? He can't even decide if this super duper important story is breaking or developing.'s neither.
Look Wayne, stop whining and hiding behind "anon"
By Douglas Bennett
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 2:51pm
Look your candidate lost because he tried to go for an office that he could not achieve. I said it almost two months ago, Dorcena should have run for Consalvo's open seat.
If you want to have a civil discussion and ridicule my credibility that's fine, but at least I write using my own identity and name and don't hide anonymously ripping others.
Stop being insecure and if you want to debate and disagree with my points then come out of the shadows. Otherwise you're being a crybaby and whiner. And in politics just like in baseball there is no crying.
Go home
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 3:32pm
Up came a man from Nantucket
To Boston to try out his luck at
The council or senate
He'd win in a minute
If the vote was to go home and suck it
I am home in Dorchester in Saint Ann's Parish
By Douglas Bennett
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 3:36pm
How about this limerick... There once was a coward named ...
By Douglas Bennett
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 4:04pm
There once was a fool named sock puppet...
Who is such a coward he could suck it...
This man sock puppet what a fool...
You'll never be cool...
Maybe you need to go on vacation in Nantucket you scum bucket...
Ok next comment or insult please.
Teabagger scummy politics
By anon
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 4:10pm
Hmmmm. Gomez "pond scum". Dougie "scumbag". Teabaggers new favorite word?
I'm not a teabagger, I'm a registered Democrat.
By Douglas Bennett
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 7:58pm
I'm a registered Democrat not a teabagger. In fact I voted in the Democratic Primary for Stephen Lynch.
I became a Democrat because I came to the realization that other than taxes, I believe the Republican party is on the wrong side of every issue. Specifically the issue that is most important to me is Peace.
We need to end the wars because they have destroyed our economy and we've wasted nearly $3 trillion of our total $16.4 trillion debt fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will default on our debt like the Soviet Union did unless we as a nation change how our money is invested.
That money that we are wasting building our military infrastructure by creating more weapons like drones and bombers and the fact that more Americans of our generation are spilling their blood and dying is just to much for me.
The priorities of the way we spend our money is wrong and instead should be invested within our own nation herself by creating manufacturing jobs here in our own nation at home, building our internal infrastructure, putting people back to work, and ensuring all Americans have a place to live.
Dougie the reformed Teabagger? Don't believe it.
By anon
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 8:53pm
Let's see. Dougie was a speaker at a Teabagger rally in 2010. Dougie collected signatures for a Republican candidate (Winslow) for Senate 3 months ago. And according to news reports Dougie was once a Ron Paul ! supporter. So either Dougie just recently converted to the Democratic Party, or Dougie is full of you know what.
Well Elizabeth Warren is a former Republican and so am I
By Douglas Bennett
Sun, 05/26/2013 - 3:50pm
Well Elizabeth Warren is a former Republican and so am I
One slight difference
By Sock_Puppet
Sun, 05/26/2013 - 4:22pm
She's a well-educated, principled person and...
Not the same!
By Chike Payton-Coney
Thu, 11/07/2013 - 10:48pm
Douglas! SEN. WARREN WAS A REPUBLICAN IN THE 70's! YOU WERE A LIBERTARIAN LAST FEBRUARY! So do not try to equate yourself to her. You may be a clown but even you cannot be that delusional.
Hey, Chike
By Brian Riccio
Thu, 11/07/2013 - 11:51pm
What do the CO's think about Doug and his chances? Any insight?
Your scansion
By Sock_Puppet
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 4:18pm
Is every bit as good as your political analysis.
Thanks for your vote of confidence "socks!"
By Douglas Bennett
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 4:35pm
Thanks for your vote of confidence "socks!"
By anon
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 3:59pm
DB, I would have responded to you earlier but I was laughing uncontrollably at Sock Puppet's post and your response.
I am not Wayne, whoever that is. Just another incorrect statement by you.
Same goes for posters
By merlinmurph
Sun, 05/26/2013 - 7:39am
Not aimed at you, anonism, just a general concept some people can't grasp
ICYMI: "Generally"
By anonism
Sun, 05/26/2013 - 8:38am
ICYMI: "Generally"
Commissioners. Election Commission.
By theszak
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 2:11pm
>"According to the Boston Elections Department Election Commissioner..."
The Election Commissioners are
Commission Members
Member Shawn K Burke Appointed 8/23/2010 Expires 03/31/2015 Status Active. Title ____
Member _______________ This position is currently vacant.
Member Gerry Cuddyer Appointed 5/12/2010 Expires 03/31/2014 Status Active. Title ____
Member Ellen Rooney Appointed 4/08/2009 Expires 03/31/2013 Status Active. Title ____
*Alternates/Maximum committee members and Ex Officio members may vary member count
see also
Are Department of Voter Mobilization Senior Data Processing System Analysts Commissioners?
see also
document page 30 at
Public Property Cabinet
Department of Voter Mobilization
Tuesday 28 May 2013 Special State Election Special State Primary
By theszak
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 2:41pm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Special State Election
Official Specimen Ballot
Penalty for willfully defacing, tearing down, removing a List of Candidates or Specimen Ballot - fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars.
Secretary of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
To vote for a condidate, fill in the oval ( ) to the right of the candidate's name. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write that person's name and residence in the blank space provided and fill in the oval.
Senator in General Court
First Suffolk District Vote for ONE
Linda Dorcena Forry 110 Richmond St Boston ( )
Joseph Anthony Ureneck 2 Marlowe St Boston ( )
Do not vote in this space
Use Blank Line Below for Write-in
Write-in Space Only ( )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Ward 3, Precinct 5
Ward 4, Precinct 6
Ward 5, Precincts 3-9, 11
Special State Primary
Democratic Party
Official Specimen Ballot
Penalty for willfully defacing, tearing down, removing a List of Candidates or Specimen Ballot - fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars.
Secretary of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
To vote for a condidate, fill in the oval ( ) to the right of the candidate's name. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write that person's name and residence in the blank space provided and fill in the oval.
Representative in General Court
Eighth Suffolk District Vote for ONE
Joshua L. Dawson 456 Beacon St Boston ( )
Jay D. Livingstone 19 Revere St Boston ( )
Do not vote in this space
Use Blank Line Below for Write-in
Write-in Space Only ( )
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Ward 3, Precinct 5
Ward 4, Precinct 6
Ward 5, Precincts 3-9, 11
Special State Primary
Republican Party
Official Specimen Ballot
Penalty for willfully defacing, tearing down, removing a List of Candidates or Specimen Ballot - fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars.
Secretary of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
To vote for a condidate, fill in the oval ( ) to the right of the candidate's name. To vote for a person not on the ballot, write that person's name and residence in the blank space provided and fill in the oval.
Representative in General Court
Eighth Suffolk District Vote for ONE
Write-in Space Only ( )
a) Camera, cellphone camera, scanner?... b) Ballot design
By theszak
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 5:26pm
a) Scanner
Have any of you kind folks a camera, cellphone camera or scanner?... the Official Specimen Ballot is available from the Elections Commission 2nd Floor Room 241 at Boston City Hall. Elections staff didn't scan the Official Specimen Ballot ! Official Specimen Ballots are available for scanning and making the design available online, on the web. An Official Specimen Ballot poster gets put on the wall at the Poll but making the Official Specimen Ballot generally available early gives folks a better opportunity to sort out the layout, format, design, fonts, Ballot instructions. A good idea for letting ESL English as a Second Language folks, folks with dyslexia, cognitive difficulty, stroke, elderly, letting all people see the Official Specimen Ballot in advance of arriving at the Poll.
b) Design
Any ideas, comment, suggestions, questions, hints, tips, pointers how Ballot design could be improved?...
see also
Two answers
By Waquiot
Sat, 05/25/2013 - 5:43pm
a ). You could pick those things up at Best Buy.
b). I think they're great, except for the ones with ballot questions. Perhaps put the questions on a separate sheet, but then again, I'm not an Elections Commissioner.
Department of Voter Mobilization
By theszak
Mon, 05/27/2013 - 8:05am
Department of Voter Mobilization
Geraldine Cuddyer, Commissioner
Description of Services
document pages 27-44 Volume III Public Property Cabinet Budget
Department Mission
The mission of the Department of Voter Mobilization is to ensure that all municipal, state and federal elections conducted within the City of Boston are properly managed in accordance with City, state and federal laws. The Department also seeks to ensure that all eligible citizens are registered to vote and that a comprehensive juror list is provided to the State Jury Commissioner
FY14 Performance Strategies
• To conduct all elections in accordance with applicable laws.
• To properly train and equip election day officials.
• To provide a comprehensive jury list to the Jury Commissioner each year.
• To respond to all voter inquiries and concerns.
The Department of Voter Mobilization provides for voter registration, maintenance of election equipment, arrangement for and operation of polling places, certification of nomination papers and referendum petitions, tabulations and certification of election results, operation of a public service counter in Boston City Hall, and mailings to residents on voter registration and election day activities. The Department also conducts a census of Boston residents ages 17 years and older.
Authorizing Statutes
• Enabling Legislation, 1895 Mass. Acts ch. 449.
• Primaries and Elections, M.G.L.A. cc. 50-57; 1913 Mass. Acts ch. 835, as amended.
• Listing Board, 1938 Mass. Acts ch. 287.
• Election Employees/Civil Service, 1920 Mass. Acts ch. 305.
• "Juries Obligation to Serve, and Lists," M.G.L.A. c. 234A, §§ 4-6, CBC St. 2 §§ 200-245
Board of Commissioners
|- Administration - Customer Service - Budget - Purchasing - Human Resources - Special Projects - Staffing Polling Locations
|- Voter Registration - Motor Voter Activities
|- Election Activities - Voting Activity - Absentee Ballots - Petition Certificates - Resident List
|- Listing Board - Annual Listing - Jury List - Preparation - Resident List
Positions Title Union Code Grade
Director CDH NG
Head Assistant Registrar Of Voters SE1 10
Senior Data Processing Systems Analyst SE1 08
Administrative Analyst(Election)
Chairperson CDH NG
3 Members-Board Of Election EXM NG
Senior Personnel Officer SE1 06
3 Principal Assistant Registrars Of Voters SU4 15
2 Senior Assistant Registrars Of Voters SU4 13
7 Assistant Registrars of Voters SU4 11
17 Assistant Registrars of Voters Hourly
2 Election Operations Assistants SU4 11
Community Outreach Assistant SU4 11
3 Senior Clerks SU4 08
Administrative Secretary. SU4 14
Principal Administrative Assistant SE1 08
2 Administrative Assistants(Election) SE1 06
Administrative-Asstistant SE1 07
Administrative Assistant SE1 05
Election Division
Geraldine Cuddyer, Commissioner
Division Mission
The Election Division prepares for and conducts municipal, state, and federal elections in accordance with all applicable laws.
FY14 Performance Strategies
• To conduct all elections in accordance with applicable laws.
• To properly train and equip election day officials.
• To respond to all voter inquiries and concerns.
Description of Services
The Election Division conducts all municipal, state, and federal elections within the City of Boston. The Division handles registration of voters, maintains all election equipment, organizes and conducts elections, and tabulates and certifies election results.
Program 1. Administration
Geraldine Cuddyer, Commissioner
Program Description
The Administration Program provides overall administrative and management support to the Department of Voter Mobilization, including managing staff and election day employee attendance, hiring and compensation, handling complaints, and monitoring the performance of each of the Department's programs.
Program Strategies
• To certify signatures for nomination papers.
• To conduct all elections in accordance with applicable laws.
• To process election day employees payroll in a timely manner.
• To properly train and equip election day officials.
Performance Measures Actual '11 Actual '12 Projected '13 Target '14
Bilingual poll workers 972 1,333 2,000 950
Election officers hired 4,197 4,006 7,300 3,500
Elections held 6 5 5 2
Initiative petitions processed 300 6,506 ____ 1,570
Nomination papers certified 2,767 5,190 10,000 20,000
Program 2. Voter Registration
John F. Donovan, Jr., Manager
Program Description
The Voter Registration Program works to promote voting among eligible City of Boston residents in accordance with state laws. The Voter Registration Program registers voters, maintains accurate and up-to-date lists of registered voters, keeps a master voting list of eligible Boston voters, and provides information to voters about registration and the voting process.
Program Strategies
• To provide voter registration to all eligible residents
Performance Measures Actual '11 Actual '12 Projected '13 Target '14
# of Chinese Precincts to provide language assistance to ____ ____ ____ 100
# of Vietnamese Precincts to provide assistance to ____ ____ ____ 60
Forms received from the Registry of Motor Vehicles 40,536 42,798 41,750 51,500
New voter registrations processed 27,768 30,997 60,800 37,200
Registration forms from direct community outreach 709 1,558 71,790 1,870
Program 3. Election Activities
John F. Donovan, Jr., Manager
Program Description
The Election Activities Program manages all activities related to the conduct of elections in the City of Boston, certifies nomination papers, provides all material for polling locations, trains election day officials, conducts the absentee ballot process, tabulates and certifies election results, registers voters, and responds to inquiries regarding voter status. The Election Activities Program is also responsible for equipping election sites with the proper equipment.
Program Strategies
• To conduct all elections in accordance with applicable laws.
• To respond to all voter inquiries and concerns.
Performance Measures Actual '11 Actual '12 Projected '13 Target '14
Community meetings and events attended 96 71 40 50
Dissemination of election materials and information 145 3,116 6,950 3,739
Language assistance and bilingual materials provided 7,670 7,860 6,800 9,450
Registration forms and certificates distributed 350 380 250 400
Responses to emails from the general public 1,626 1,218 7,300 1,460
Responses to requests for public information 255 326 36 27
Voter inquiries and concerns responded to 33 80 870 100
Listing Board Operating Budget
Geraldine Cuddyer, Commissioner
Division Mission
The Listing Board's mission is to produce, on an annual basis, a listing of all residents of the City of Boston who are age 17 years or older. This list must be provided to the Jury Commissioner each year.
FY14 Performance Strategies
• To provide a comprehensive jury list to the Jury Commissioner each year.
Description of Services
The Listing Board is responsible for an annual listing of Boston residents age 17 or older. The Listing Board prepares an Annual Listing of Residents and a Jury List and verifies voters eligible to vote in elections.
Program 1. Annual Listing
Sabino Piemonte, Manager
Program Description
The Annual Listing is mandated by the Commonwealth to provide annually, a list of all residents 17 years of age and older to the Jury Commission. This list is compiled through an annual citywide census including residents of multiple dwelling units, nursing homes, shelters and college residences.
Program Strategies
• To provide a comprehensive jury list to the Jury Commissioner each year.
Performance Measures Actual '11 Actual '12 Projected '13 Target '14
Annual listing submitted to the State Jury Commissioner 447,637 444,944 441,902 444,944