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Not all ducks quack
By adamg on Fri, 06/23/2017 - 11:19pm
That's probably no big news for people used to wildlife, but to us confirmed city dwellers, well, you learn something every day. On a walk around Jamaica Pond this afternoon, I spotted this smallish duck come in over the water and land near some other ducks and ducklings. As it came in, it seemed to be whistling, rather than quacking.
Thanks to some folks on Twitter for identifying it as a wood duck.
Free tagging:
That's pretty realistic
for a wood duck.
wood ducks
how much wood could a wood duck duck, if a wood duck could duck wood?
Can a wood duck chuck wood?
Can a wood duck chuck wood? Would he if he could?
See "wood duck" Wikipedia page for recordings of wood duck calls. Female wood duck (aka "Carolina duck") in Adam's photo. I love the blue and purple plumage.
So cool!
I saw a male wood duck a few days ago down towards Longwood, hanging out with a couple of mallards, so maybe the mate to this one? Really striking.