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Walsh endorsing Capuano over Pressley


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Dear Friend,

Why am I supporting Mike Capuano’s reelection to Congress?

It’s simple.

Mike is one of the strongest champions for working people and urban communities in all of America.

As Mayor of Boston, I’m not about to give that up. Not by a long shot.

Mike's record is strong, and continues to grow stronger. You can see his record for yourself – just take a look around our city and you'll see evidence of Mike's years of advocacy and hard work as a Congressman. Mike has brought vital funding and transformational projects to places of our city that need it most. Let me tell you what he's done in just the last few years for our neighborhoods in Boston.

AFFORDABLE HOMES. Mike worked with us to get the last big housing grant of the Obama Administration – $30 million to completely rebuild the Whittier Street housing development in Roxbury, giving every low-income tenant a brand-new apartment and adding hundreds of new ones.

Mike fights for the funding we depend on in Boston to give money to first-time home buyers, build new affordable apartments, stop foreclosures, and help small businesses and nonprofits.

BETTER TRANSPORTATION. Mike has led the conversation on upgrading the Fairmount Line to get better service for Dorchester, Roxbury, Mattapan, and Hyde Park. Mike is so committed to this issue that he donated $53,000 of his campaign funds to make the Fairmount Line free for everyone for two weeks last year.

Mike helped us get $20 million to rebuild Ruggles Station in Roxbury. It’s a big upgrade in access to the Orange Line, the commuter rail, and buses for Roxbury, JP, and Mission Hill.

Mike knows that transportation is critical to our success as a city, to get people to the jobs we are creating and to grow our economy.

GOOD JOBS. Every single year he’s been in Congress, Mike has helped Boston secure more funding for medical research funding than any other city. That support keeps our hospitals and health centers providing good jobs across the city. And recently, he secured $350 million to ready Boston Harbor for a bigger share of the shipping industry – with more jobs that support working families.

JUSTICE FOR ALL. Mike has always stood with communities of color and immigrants. He wrote one of the first Sanctuary Cities ordinances in the country as a city leader in Somerville. And he’s one of the biggest supporters of the Dream Act in Congress today.

Bottom line, Mike delivers for Boston – all of Boston.

He's worked his way up to a position of influence in Congress – by listening to what our communities need and fighting for them.

He's a progressive champion who never stops fighting for what's fair and what's right.

He's the leader and fighter Boston needs in Washington.

That's why I'm with Mike and I hope you'll join me.

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I have a bridge in Saugus to sell you.

If it was left up to Walsh, that endorsement would be in crayon.

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So much for resisting.

Either you actually resist Trump and postpone the GLX until 2020/4, Or you work with Trump and build the GLX now. You can't have it both ways

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You do know where the money is coming from? I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with waxpayers.

Also, what was the Obama administration's take on the project?

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Remember the "adult conversation" era? Or the fake groundbreaking? Maybe you should visit the GLX site, like, once. Go there this afternoon. Perfect day to walk. Do it

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Boston: $20 million + 53K
Somerville & Cambridge: 2.2 BILLION

Sounds fair

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Do you have a breakdown of these numbers? It suggests a strong bias. I would prefer a Representative whose bias favors Boston City rather than its nearby cities. Granted it's all one metropolis. But if the difference of funds brought in is so extreme that most money favors the outer cities then that suggests Boston is treated as an unwanted stepchild.

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all the money goes to Cambridge and Somerville. Their residents contributed millions towards the Green Line extension as they should: it will raise property values in both cities. Like the new Orange Line station at Assembly Square which allows passengers to go TO and FROM Boston (and Malden) the new Green Line stations will link Medford to Chestnut Hill, Brookline and Newton with lots of stops in Boston en route.

It is one metropolis and I imagine some of Ms. Pressley's constituents who work at, say, Partner's Healthcare or one of the other new businesses in the Assembly Square complex now, or at Tufts or in Somerville when the GLX is finished will benefit from an easier commute.

Even an unwanted stepchild eventually has to get to work.

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Those things that are $0 if the property is not for sale, because the owner is not going to reduce their standard of living to Pine Street Inn voluntarily.

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No matter how you slice it, there's a billion plus dollar gap. Pressley's camp should make "billion dollar gap" a campaign mantra. Capuano's camp should try to acquire funds for Green Line Trunk modernization, Mattapan Line modernization, West Station completion, and Fairmount completion

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Maybe to you, but I don’t think many other people. People like the pork, so making sure fed money goes to this project is a good sign. He gets things for the district.

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Any tally I make only gets up to 1.5 billion for Cambridge & Somerville: The Green Line Extension, extensive non-essential Volpe programs, tucked away highway funding, Assembly Row, and other misc items. What else is there? Your main point is still intact. A billion plus gap in funding. But correct numbers are important

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But please, tell me again about how progressive the Democratic Party is.

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Will is on time here. For once.

Pressley may have scored some crucial endorsements (Local 103), but in the end, the old school Dems look after their own.

Ask Tito Jackson where Bernie and Liz Warren were when he needed them?

Than ask Brianna Wu how Steven Lynch still won't answer her calls about a debate.

Capuano is a a prime example of the Dem who won't leave the cushy job they have held for years, like Lynch, but it says volumes about the DCCC that they still hang on to the old guard for dear life while screaming about youth being the catalyst for change.

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Will, Brian ... you're scaring the pets!

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There is no reason to ditch a member of Congress who has very progressive voting patterns in exchange for anyone else. Add to that that Capuano endorsed Walsh in his race for Mayor where Pressley stayed out of it and it makes even more sense that Walsh decided to endorse Capuano. She can't be that mad at him though, he did give her husband a high paying city job. So this way Walsh keeps both of them happy.

Ayanna Pressley has a long history of taking , taking , taking but then standing on the sidelines when those who helped her need help. In the short term it is not a bad way to stay out of trouble but if you are going to start running for higher office and expect other people to stick their necks out for you then you need to assure them you will be there when they need it too.

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Great news for the challenger

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Do incumbent candidates enjoy a greater advantage today, compared to 200+ years ago?

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Today they have greater immunity to the choleric disorders; have only the best liverymen and hostlers (!!!) keeping their chaise-and-four and horses always in readiness; and always get first dibs on the fastest post riders for all government missives and correspondence.

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Ever voted for someone because of an endorsement?

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But I suspect that endorsements are currency in the fundraising game, not something most voters care about.

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Maybe a group of endorsements does have some effect. These X people are good people, they like Y, that makes me more likely to vote for Y.

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Voters who use endorsements to decide which candidate to vote for need to stay out of the voting booth.

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Mike is worried if he calls in Marty's machine this early in the campaign.

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The district is considerably larger than Boston.

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I suspect what Mike wants at least as much as Marty's endorsement is his GOTV machine.

We have yet to see if this midterm will be different than most. Voting is up in presidential election year down at the midterms so GOTV can make a difference.

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Even if he wins the district overall, I think he'd like to avoid a situation where Pressley carries the Boston precincts. That'd be a bit awkward, PR-wise.

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