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Citizen complaint of the day: Offensive graffiti in Brighton

Trump 2020 on Oliva Road in Brighton

A concerned citizen filed a 311 complaint today about this graffiti on Oliva Road in Brighton. Marked it as "offensive" as well.



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Thats what I want.

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as an ironic commentary on Trump and the GOP's radical moves to eliminate government regulations, such as the building codes that this property clearly violates with those front steps.

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Is art.

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It's also surrounded by hateful racist and fascist hate symbols.

Sprayed in Nazi Hate yellow.

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Writing the name of the POTUS and his/her next election year is NOT offensive. Get over yourself and get used to the fact that Trump is President. And guess what, if the economy keeps humming along, peace is brought to the Korean Peninsula and he doesn’t start a war with Iran he will probably get re-elected.

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He inherited a strong economy from Obama just like he inherited his business and money from Daddy Trump. It's funny how republicans talk about hard work and boot straps yet they consistently vote for dumbass trust fund brats like Trump and Bush.

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You're getting ahead of yourself..... He hasn't EVEN met with the N Koreans.... and you're calling him the second coming of Christ..... I'm thinking he's more like one of the four horsemen of the Apocolypse....busily igniting the fires of Armegeddon.... POTUS ? more like POSUS

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The hateful yellow symbols of DigSafe.

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"NOT ART" guy when you need 'im?

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It will become a magnet for those little plastic bags full of dog poop.

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Yeah, I was pondering posting something from the other side of the political spectrum, but you wrote too good of a setup line to not write my subject line.

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Someone will paint sh!t like "I'm With Her"!

No matter which side, they all are little bags of poop.

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It was not completed "Trump 2020 lies"

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That's not something you spray-paint on a random residential street.

It's something that has to be chalked onto a major pedestrian thoroughfare on a college campus. Preferably a snowflake-heavy one. But I repeat myself.

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You have a point. Educated people tend to be liberal. The least educated states vote republican.

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Shit hole states? Isn't that what you really want to say?

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If you don't like expensive housing and random weather offset by quality of life, best-in-the-nation health and education and high paying jobs, you can move at anytime.

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A smug liberal is being smug and looking down his nose at people who don't think like him.

This is so unusual and rare it must be remarked on.

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You have a point. Educated people tend to be liberal. The least educated states vote republican.

Nothing more arrogant than telling people they should listen to you because you're smarter than them.

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is why Trump 2020 is becoming a reality.

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You'll spoil the surprise.

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It isn't us New England folks who go running for our lives when a few of these things emerge from the sky.

As for "snowflakes" = "weak", did you even live here in February 2015? Snowflakes paralyzed the entire region and proved resistant to all sorts of heavy machinery.


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Just so everyone is aware, there is a man living in that area who has been following and frightening women while talking to himself and saying some pretty hateful and offensive things with lots of vulgar language. He has not (yet) become violent, but based on things he is saying, there is a lot of concern that he will.

The individual is usually wearing pro-Trump and MAGA-themed clothing, and he seems to be targeting people he thinks would be anti-Trump.

There is a discussion of the matter on Nextdoor.com for people who live in the area, and yes, the police have been made aware of the incidents and have spoken to the man.

I'm wondering if this street graffiti is near where the fella lives?

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Smaller, older guy who says "wahhhh" a lot?

There was this dude walking around Harvard Square for a time. I somehow doubt he'd ever been within 500 feet of live cattle, but he was wearing a cowboy hat and western themed clothing and spewing nastiness at random people he didn't like the looks of - particularly young women - and flavoring it with drumpage.

Stepping in the path of people, actually, and getting in their faces.

Definitely on the nasty side of nuts, but trying to make it a free speech rather than harassment issue by politicizing it.

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The 2s look good, but that M looks horrible.

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Anything you don't like is now "Offensive"? Graffiti is a nuisance and the thought of Trump winning in 2020 makes me ill, but many of the comments seem to think that the very idea must be suppressed. This is a serious attack on free speech.

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Only in content. I’d claim in a heartbeat that “Warren 2020” or “Sanders 2020” should also be reported, but this is as “offensive” as my examples.

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Sorry, bro, graffiti != free speech. It's vandalism, whether it's about Trump or Hillary. But the Trump ones bring interesting people out (and by "interesting" I mean the "keep your free speech to yourself" kind)

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There, fixed it for you.

Case closed.

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