A new report says that within 50 to 100 years, global warming will mean repeated, expensive flooding of the Back Bay, Cambridge and other waterfront areas as sea levels rise and storms grow more intense:
An EPA-commissioned study details the wrenching impacts that global warming will have on Greater Boston. Most strikingly, the study shows predicted sea level rise caused by global warming flooding swaths of Downtown Boston with waters reaching all the way to the Back Bay and Harvard Square in a severe storm.
Charley on the MTA says it's a call to action:
... 94 billion cost for global warming, just in Greater Boston. When will skeptical business types wake up, and realize that if it's bad for everyone, it's bad for business, too?
Message to Mitt, Reilly, Galvin, Patrick, all you would-be govs: you've got to make this a major issue, and take it national. Get in the media's face about this, in a real and persistent way. It's way past time. ...
John, though, isn't buying it:
... Sure, we should be concerned about global warming and realistic about our vulnerabilities to mother nature's extremes, but this five-years-in-the-making report is a non-story. They can't get a seven day forecast right, and this is a ninety-five year forecast.