RadRebe was among those jammed on Storrow Drive when an 18-wheeler driver somehow missed those "CARS ONLY" signs and got on Storrow Drive outbound around 6:30 a.m. - and then had to make a long, slow backup of shame after stopping just before shearing off the top of his cab at a pedestrian bridge. Read more.
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DCR announced yesterday it's replacing the dark CARS ONLY signs at ramps to Storrow Drive, Soldiers Field Road and Memorial Drive with glaring yellow in-your-face CARS ONLY signs. Read more.
DCR is out with an online ad spot that urges newcomers to Boston to keep their rental trucks off the river roads - set to just the sort of plaintive music you'd expect on a late-night ASPCA ad:
For just zero dollars a day you can not hit a bridge or overpass on Storrow Drive and and Soldiers Field Road in Boston and Memorial Drive in Cambridge. ... The bridges, and the trucks, will thank you.
Chad Boudreau gives us the visual of Storrow Drive's latest victim, under one of the can-opener Kenmore ramps. Read more.
Say, we don't get many school buses on this road; yeah, and with these bridge heights, I can see why
Nichole Davis shows us a school-bus near-storrowing, inbound, by the Copley tunnel.
The driver of a box truck - and his passenger - were a bit luckier on Storrow Drive this morning than the driver of an 18-wheeler in Westborough, averting a storrowing inbound by maybe a couple feet, as KWAPT, who was not happy to get stuck in the resulting jam, shows us: Read more.
Shamus Moynihan was gliding along Storrow Drive inbound this afternoon when traffic suddenly stopped. Read more.
Top Gun caught the end of another exciting match on Storrow Drive inbound by Mass Eye and Ear today, in which the final score was, yet again: Read more.
It's like the old bar joke: " 'Say, we don't get many big rigs in here.' 'At these heights, I can see why.' "
Alrighty then: A driver with a professional driver's license didn't plan out his route, ignored the "CARS ONLY" signs, got on Soldiers Field Road inbound overnight and, boom, storrowed his expensive vehicle smack into the Grand Junction train bridge by the BU Bridge. Read more.
Leslee got a great view from the Fairfield Street pedestrian bridge of a truck whose driver got a fresh haircut at the Mass. Ave. Bridge - and then decided that was good enough and so didn't go for a double storrowing at Fairfield.
Can a truck truly be storrowed if its roof isn't peeled back even if it's clearly under a Storrow Drive bridge? A roving UHub photographer came upon this river-road manifestation of Schroedinger's Cat today at the Mass. Ave. exit, where a truck whose driver has obviously managed to get partway under the bridge around 4:20 p.m. shows no obvious signs of roof damage. Read more.
Artist Eric Funk is out with his annual warning for the parents of college freshmen and other clueless motorists that those "CARS ONLY" signs they'll see when they arrive for Allston Christmas are serious (and yes, of course, you can buy the warning on various media).
Last year's Storrow advisory.
Greg Moseley took some pictures this afternoon of a Ryder box truck just sitting on Beacon Street in Kenmore Square around 4:15 p.m., looking suspiciously like it was freshly storrowed. What else could cause that sort of damage in that area? Read more.
Live Boston photographed the aftermath of a crash on Storrow Drive on Saturday in which an SUV wound up perched on a guard rail.
Live Boston reports a man walking on Storrow Drive early this morning was hit and killed by a driver who kept on going - but who was followed by another driver to a Lynn apartment building, where State Police arrested him on charges of motor-vehicle homicide and OUI - after he allegedly blew a .119 on a breath test more than two hours after the crash.
What if Storrow Drive had never been built? Imagine if it were just removed? Read more.
Clare captured the near storrowing on Storrow Drive inbound this afternoon.
Nothing does a storrowing quite like the Fenway/Kenmore exit off Storrow Drive - the curve means trucks catch the bottom of the upper ramp at an angle, so not only are they peeled open, they're left at quite the jaunty angle. The truck in those photos belongs to Gourmet Catering in Forest Hills, so you'd think the driver would be familiar with the reason to stay off Storrow, but maybe he's new.
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