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By InfoLibrarian - 10/10/22 - 12:22 pm

Encountered this scene on Storrow Drive this afternoon. Sorry I couldn’t get the curved bridge ahead in the photo you can see bridge behind the trees. This truck stopped in time. Staties responded to shut off traffic so he could back up.

Not as entertaining as seeing an actual storrowing but we enjoyed a wide open quick drive since the police shut off Storrow seconds after we had entered.

Sorry if photo is sideways-not sure how to fix

By adamg - 9/22/22 - 10:45 am
Truck stuck at a bridge on Soldiers Field Road

Javi came upon this freshly storrowed box truck on Soldiers Field Road inbound, just before it turns into Storrow Drive, around 10 a.m.

The logistics company that owns the truck is based in the Raymond Flynn Marine Park in South Boston.

By adamg - 9/15/22 - 4:12 pm

Massachusetts yesterday sued a driver from upstate New York for the $1.85 million in damage it says he caused when the boom of the excavator he was hauling on a flatbed slammed into a turnpike overpass and then, 30 miles down the road, slammed into another overpass, after which the excavator fell off the flatbed and took out a stretch of guardrail. Read more.

By adamg - 9/15/22 - 9:06 am
Eggs on Memorial Drive after storrowing

Eggs over easy on Memorial Drive this morning

Duke Nukem for a Limited Time Only got a great view of the results of an 18-wheeler driver trying to get to the Trader Joe's on Memorial Drive this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 9/1/22 - 12:16 pm

WCVB provides the eye-in-the-sky coverage of a storrowing this morning on Soldiers Field Road. Judges award it a 9.5 out of 10 - perfect roof-peeling form, instant traffic backup, plenty of exposed cartons. Bonus half point awarded for attempting to sail down the road while towing an SUV. Point deducted for failing to scatter contents across the roadway.

By adamg - 8/23/22 - 10:20 am
Poster for wrestler known as The Storrower

Artist Eric Funk is out with his annual warning for the parents of college freshmen and other clueless motorists that those "CARS ONLY" signs they'll see when they arrive for Allston Christmas are serious (and yes, of course, you can buy the warning on various media).

Last year's Storrow advisory.

By adamg - 8/4/22 - 10:36 am
Truck backing up on Storrow Drive

The driver of one moving truck seemed to have decided to get ready for Allston Christmas by ignoring the "CARS ONLY" signs and getting onto Soldiers Field Road this morning. But as the Boston Struggler shows us, he ultimately decided discretion is the better part of valor, even if that meant doing a backup of shame when confronted with the complex of bridges that signals the change from Soldiers Field Road to Storrow Drive.

By adamg - 7/30/22 - 4:55 pm
Squashed Ryder box truck in Kenmore Square

Greg Moseley took some pictures this afternoon of a Ryder box truck just sitting on Beacon Street in Kenmore Square around 4:15 p.m., looking suspiciously like it was freshly storrowed. What else could cause that sort of damage in that area? Read more.

By adamg - 6/11/22 - 10:26 am
Strorrowed truck in Cambridge

Roving UHub photographer Wiley Cox spotted a freshly storrowed truck sitting outside Micro Center on Memorial Drive in Cambridge this morning. He reports it's the first Mem Drive storrowing he's ever seen, so a round of applause.

By adamg - 6/10/22 - 9:25 am
Storrowed truck in Malden

Storrowing's not just for Bostonians! Malden Police show us an example of a trucker who thought he could fit his truck under a bridge this morning, and he allllmost did - at a train bridge over Medford Street. But maybe they don't have height signs in Connecticut.

H/t Chuck D'Antonio.

By adamg - 5/26/22 - 2:22 pm
Ryder truck and Storrow Drive pedestrian bridge

Clare captured the near storrowing on Storrow Drive inbound this afternoon.

By adamg - 5/6/22 - 9:13 am

Nothing does a storrowing quite like the Fenway/Kenmore exit off Storrow Drive - the curve means trucks catch the bottom of the upper ramp at an angle, so not only are they peeled open, they're left at quite the jaunty angle. The truck in those photos belongs to Gourmet Catering in Forest Hills, so you'd think the driver would be familiar with the reason to stay off Storrow, but maybe he's new.

By adamg - 4/14/22 - 9:13 am
Bus backing up on Soldiers Field Road

It was close but no cigar for storrowing fans this morning. Ari Ofsevit watched the driver of this bus slowly making his way backwards on Soldiers Field Road this morning after realizing that hey, those "CARS ONLY" signs were actual warnings, not mere suggestions, and that he wasn't going to make it under that bridge up ahead.

By adamg - 2/23/22 - 9:48 am
Truck showing signs of storrowing on Washington Street in Brookline

It's a real puzzler. Hugmajesty spotted this truck with a fresh haircut this morning on Washington Street in Brookline, where there are no bridges. Where could it possibly have storrowed?

By adamg - 2/14/22 - 12:06 pm
Storrowed truck at Weston train bridge

The Weston Fire Department reports that Park Road was shut this morning after a truck driver engaged in a battle of wits with a train bridge and lost.

By adamg - 1/21/22 - 10:09 am
Pinewood Derby competitor carved into a Storrowed U-Haul

Note the attention to detail - and the racing flames.

Austin Fossey is a Boston-area native who now lives in Pittsford, a suburb of Rochester, NY. He has two sons in Cub Scout Pack 171, which has two annual Pinewood Derbies, one for parents to get out their competitive aggression, and one actually for the kids. Read more.

By adamg - 12/29/21 - 4:01 pm
Truck being backed out of the Callahan entrance onto North Street

Finn witnessed one of the rarest of Boston sights this afternoon: Somebody actually using the normally blocked ramp down from North and Cross streets down to the Callahan Tunnel, across from the old Tunnel Administration building. Read more.

By adamg - 12/4/21 - 9:39 pm
Box truck now playing the role of a sardine can on Western Avenue.

Dr. Ed spotted the remains of a box truck sitting on Western Avenue after a very, very solid storrowing this afternoon on Soldiers Field Road. Excellent form; only missing disgorged contents, but maybe those were left on the field, um, road.

An artist at work with a huge audience this morning on Storrow Drive.

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