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By adamg - 6/19/23 - 2:11 pm
Freshly storrowed truck

Chad Boudreau gives us the visual of Storrow Drive's latest victim, under one of the can-opener Kenmore ramps. Read more.

By adamg - 5/24/23 - 5:46 pm

Update: Yep, it was the East Street bridge.

The MBTA reports Franklin Line train 754 is between 30 and 40 minutes late into Boston because yet another trucker has slammed into a bridge in Dedham. The T didn't say which bridge, but if we were a betting site, we'd put good money on the ol' East Street bridge, which gets hit by truckers enough to be made an honorary Storrow Drive bridge.

By adamg - 4/17/23 - 9:55 am
Crushed box truck after getting storrowed

A roving UHub photographer ran across this freshly shorn box truck sitting on North Harvard Street after a little run in with a bridge on nearby Soldiers Field Drive this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/23 - 2:25 pm

A truck driver managed to find out how to mold his 18-wheeler into exciting new shapes today after challenging an underpass of McGrath Highway at Washington Street in Somerville.

By adamg - 2/2/23 - 4:18 pm

So far this afternoon, MassDOT reports there was a multi-car crash at the entrance to the O'Neill Tunnel northbound that shut the left lane and an "overheight" tractor trailer that jammed up the entrance to the Callahan Tunnel. Both scenes now clear.

By adamg - 1/17/23 - 11:35 pm

WriteHandMan reports that around 6 p.m., the driver of an 18-wheeler got good and stuck under the bridge that carries the Red Line over Freeport Street in Dorchester - causing 20-minute delays on the Red Line. Read more.

By adamg - 1/17/23 - 12:26 pm
Near Storrowing on Storrow Drive

The driver of a box truck - and his passenger - were a bit luckier on Storrow Drive this morning than the driver of an 18-wheeler in Westborough, averting a storrowing inbound by maybe a couple feet, as KWAPT, who was not happy to get stuck in the resulting jam, shows us: Read more.

By adamg - 1/17/23 - 11:41 am
Storrowed truck in Westborough

Photo by Westborough PD. See it larger.

Westborough Police report the driver of an 18-wheeler thought he could fit under a CSX train bridge at Rte. 30 at Willow Street this morning, only to discover he couldn't.

By adamg - 12/28/22 - 12:23 pm
Truck flipped on its side

Ramming speed! Photo by Live Boston.

Will they ever learn? Nope. Read more.

By adamg - 12/13/22 - 10:10 pm

Shamus Moynihan was gliding along Storrow Drive inbound this afternoon when traffic suddenly stopped. Read more.

By adamg - 11/29/22 - 12:43 pm
Truck backing up from Callahan Tunnel entrance

Jessica Dello Russo watched today as state troopers opened up the special Backup of Shame ramp from the Callahan Tunnel entrance to the Greenway today and then guided another big-rig driver slowly backwards up to the street after he realized his truck wasn't going to fit without a haircut.

By adamg - 11/25/22 - 9:42 pm

WCVB reports the Sumner Tunnel was shut around 4:20 p.m. after the Canadian driver of an 18-wheeler learned too late his truck was too big to get through the tunnel.

Video from inside of the tunnel showed some ride share passengers walking, in some cases with luggage, out of the tunnel.

By adamg - 11/14/22 - 1:38 pm
Truck stuck on Storrow Drive

Top Gun caught the end of another exciting match on Storrow Drive inbound by Mass Eye and Ear today, in which the final score was, yet again: Read more.

By adamg - 11/10/22 - 2:55 pm
18-wheeler jammed under Freeport Street train bridge

Live Boston shows us what happens when the driver of an 18-wheeler tries to squeeze under the bridge that carries the Red Line across Freeport Street in Dorchester.

By adamg - 10/25/22 - 8:52 am

It's like the old bar joke: " 'Say, we don't get many big rigs in here.' 'At these heights, I can see why.' "

Alrighty then: A driver with a professional driver's license didn't plan out his route, ignored the "CARS ONLY" signs, got on Soldiers Field Road inbound overnight and, boom, storrowed his expensive vehicle smack into the Grand Junction train bridge by the BU Bridge. Read more.

By adamg - 10/22/22 - 3:37 pm
Peeled back truck on Storrow Drive

Leslee got a great view from the Fairfield Street pedestrian bridge of a truck whose driver got a fresh haircut at the Mass. Ave. Bridge - and then decided that was good enough and so didn't go for a double storrowing at Fairfield.

By adamg - 10/14/22 - 9:22 am
Flipped over truck at Grand Junction bridge

Live Boston reports that around 2:30 a.m., the driver of a box truck slammed into the train bridge under the BU Bridge, flipping the truck on its side, spilling fuel all and his cargo all over the road and briefly getting himself entrapped before being rescued by firefighters. Read more.

By adamg - 10/11/22 - 10:34 pm
Rental truck stuck but not stuck

Can a truck truly be storrowed if its roof isn't peeled back even if it's clearly under a Storrow Drive bridge? A roving UHub photographer came upon this river-road manifestation of Schroedinger's Cat today at the Mass. Ave. exit, where a truck whose driver has obviously managed to get partway under the bridge around 4:20 p.m. shows no obvious signs of roof damage. Read more.

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